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The Thrill Is Gone

Dostępne opracowania:

fortepian solo (dodatkowo zawiera teksty, akordy) (1)
fortepian solo (i wokal) lub keyboard lub gitara zawiera dodatkowo linię melodyczną, teksty, akordy, diagramy chwytów gitarowych (1)
gitara (Recorded Version), zawiera tabulaturę (1)
gitara (zawiera zapis tradycyjny oraz tabulaturę, akordy) (2)
gitara (zawiera zapis tradycyjny oraz tabulaturę, akordy, teksty) (1)
gitara basowa i CD (1)
gitara i CD (1)
gitara i CD (zawiera zapis tradycyjny oraz tabulaturę) (1)
gitara i CD (zawiera zapis tradycyjny oraz tabulaturę, dodatkowo linię melodyczną, akordy, teksty) (1)
gitara solo (1)
linia melodyczna (klucz wiolinowy) + akordy (1)
linia melodyczna (klucz wiolinowy) + akordy + teksty + diagramy chwytów gitarowych (1)

The Thrill Is Gone znajdziesz w 14 publikacjach wymienionych poniżej:

Okładka: King B.B., B.B. King Anthology

cena 134,95 zł.


King B.B.
B.B. King Anthology

Ilość stron:216
Format: 228.6 x 304.8
Opracowanie na:gitara (Recorded Version), zawiera tabulaturę
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Stopień trudności:4 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

Zajrzyj do środka. Oto kilka stron z publikacji:

Kliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyć

Kod produktu:NPL049386

The All Music Guide praises B.B. King in no uncertain terms as 'the single most important electric guitarist of the last half century.' This outstanding new book in our Guitar Recorded Versions series provides note-for-note transcriptions with tab for 35 hits from this living legend from 1950 to 2000, including: Ask Me No Questions • B.B. Blues • Bad Luck Soul • Chains and Things • Five Long Years • I Want You So Bad • King of Guitar • Lucille • Paying the Cost to Be the Boss • Riding with the King • Sweet Sixteen • The Thrill Is Gone • Watch Yourself • and more.

Lista utworów:
A New Way Of Driving (B.B. King)
Ask Me No Questions (B.B. King)
B.B. Blues (B.B. King)
B.B.'s Boogie (B.B. King)
Bad Luck Soul (B.B. King)
Beautician Blues (B.B. King)
Chains And Things (B.B. King)
Cryin' Won't Help You (B.B. King)
Don't Answer The Door (B.B. King)
Everything I Do Is Wrong (B.B. King)
Five Long Years (B.B. King, Eric Clapton)
Fools Get Wise (B.B. King)
Get Off My Back Woman (B.B. King)
I Want You So Bad (B.B. King)
It's My Own Fault Darlin' (B.B. King)
Just Like A Woman (B.B. King, Bob Dylan)
King Of Guitar (B.B. King)
King's Special (B.B. King)
Lucille (B.B. King, Kenny Rogers, Little Richard)
Miss Martha King (B.B. King)
Paying The Cost To Be The Boss (B.B. King)
Please Accept My Love (B.B. King)
Recession Blues (B.B. King)
Riding With The King (B.B. King)
Rock Me Baby (B.B. King, Johnny Winter)
She's Dynamite (B.B. King)
So Excited (B.B. King)
Sweet Little Angel (B.B. King)
Sweet Sixteen (B.B. King, Destiny's Child)
The Thrill Is Gone (B.B. King)
Three O'Clock Blues (B.B. King)
Watch Yourself (B.B. King)
When Your Baby Packs Up And Goes (B.B. King)
You Done Lost Your Good Thing Now (B.B. King)
You Upset Me Baby (B.B. King)

Okładka: King B.B., B.B. King - The Definitive Collection

cena 167,95 zł.


King B.B.
B.B. King - The Definitive Collection

Ilość stron:44
Format: 228.6 x 304.8
Opracowanie na:gitara i CD (zawiera zapis tradycyjny oraz tabulaturę)
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa
Kod produktu:NPL052097

Learn the trademark styles and techniques of the most celebrated guitarist in blues! This book/CD pack by Wolf Marshall is a breakdown of B.B. King's guitar style, sound and techniques, with a brief history and lessons for each piece. Covers 16 signature blues tunes, including: Beautician Blues • Five Long Years • Just Like a Woman • Riding with the King • Rock Me Baby • Sweet Sixteen • Three O'Clock Blues • The Thrill Is Gone • Why I Sing the Blues • You Upset Me Baby • and more!

Lista utworów:
Beautician Blues (B.B. King)
Cryin' Won't Help You (B.B. King)
Don't Answer The Door (B.B. King)
Five Long Years (B.B. King, Eric Clapton)
Just Like A Woman (B.B. King, Bob Dylan)
Paying The Cost To Be The Boss (B.B. King)
Please Love Me (B.B. King)
Riding With The King (B.B. King)
Rock Me Baby (B.B. King, Johnny Winter)
Sweet Little Angel (B.B. King)
Sweet Sixteen (B.B. King, Destiny's Child)
The Thrill Is Gone (B.B. King)
Three O'Clock Blues (B.B. King)
Why I Sing The Blues (B.B. King)
You Done Lost Your Good Thing Now (B.B. King)
You Upset Me Baby (B.B. King)

Okładka: , Blues Standards

cena 70,95 zł.


Blues Standards

polski Standardy blues'owe
angielski Blues Standards

Ilość stron:80
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:fortepian solo (dodatkowo zawiera teksty, akordy)
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Fortepian (1) lub Głos wokalny lub Keyboard
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:tytułów utworów: angielska
słów utworów: angielska
UWAGA: korzystanie z publikacji nie wymaga znajomości języka obcego, ponieważ publikacja nie zawiera opisów
Stopień trudności:3 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

Zajrzyj do środka. Oto kilka stron z publikacji:

Kliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyć

Kod produktu:NPL060884

Publikacja zawiera 18 standardów blues'owych, m.in.: Born Under a Bad Sign, Further On Up the Road, It Hurts Me Too, Route 66, Sweet Home Chicago, The Thrill Is Gone.

18 bluesy classics, including: Born Under a Bad Sign • Further On Up the Road • It Hurts Me Too • Route 66 • Sweet Home Chicago • The Thrill Is Gone • and more.

Lista utworów:
(They Call It) Stormy Monday (Stormy Monday Blues) (T-Bone Walker)
Born Under A Bad Sign (Albert King)
Caldonia (What Makes Your Big Head So Hard?) (Woody Herman & His Orchestra)
Everyday I Have The Blues (B.B. King)
Further On Up The Road (Eric Clapton)
How Long, How Long Blues (Leroy Carr)
I'm Your Hoochie Coochie Man (Jimi Hendrix, Muddy Waters, Willie Dixon)
It Hurts Me Too (Elmore James, Elvis Presley, Eric Clapton)
My Babe (Little Walter)
Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out (Eric Clapton)
Please Accept My Love (B.B. King)
Rock Me Baby (B.B. King, Johnny Winter)
Route 66 (Manhattan Transfer)
See See Rider (Ma Rainey)
Sweet Home Chicago (Robert Johnson, The Blues Brothers)
Texas Flood (Stevie Ray Vaughan)
The Thrill Is Gone (B.B. King)
Three O'Clock Blues (B.B. King)

Okładka: King B.B., B.B. King - Isong Cd-rom

cena 183,95 zł.


King B.B.
B.B. King - Isong Cd-rom

polski B.B. King - Piosenki na płycie CD-rom
angielski B.B. King - Isong Cd-rom

Ilość stron:4
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:gitara i CD
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Gitara (1)
akompaniament na płycie CD (1)
Rodzaj produktu:płyta CD - program komputerowy
Wersja językowa:opisów: angielska
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa
AutorzyWykonawca: King B.B.

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Kod produktu:NPL061775

Niniejsza pozycja zawiera płytę CD-rom, na której znajduje się program komputerowy do odtwarzania utworów, oraz sześć popularnych utworów gitarzysty i wokalisty bluesowego - B. B. Kinga. Dzięki programowi możesz nauczyć się grać piosenki B. B. Kinga nawet bez znajomości nut. Na płycie krok po kroku wyjaśniony jest przebieg gry utworu. Zapis obejmuje także tabulaturę. Utwory możesz odsłuchać w wersji demonstracyjnej, jak również dostosować tempo do ćwiczeń bez zmiany wysokości dźwięków.

Minimalne wymagania systemu:
procesor Pentium, 4MB RAM, 1MB Video RAM, 8 x CD-ROM, karta muzyczna kompatybilna z Sound Blaster, QuickTime 3.0 lub nowszy.

Power Macintosh, 4MB RAM, 1MB Video RAM, 6 x CD-ROM, QuickTime 2.5 lub nowszy.

iSong is the only teaching tool that actually syncs to the original recordings of legendary musicians and today's top stars! Each iSong pack includes arrrangements ranging from very simple to note-accurate transcriptions, a performance video, and a virtual fretboard or keyboard, all in one wholly interactive environment. No matter what your skill level, or whether or not you read music, iSong is a great way for you to learn songs you've always wanted to play! Each iSong CD-ROM features six innovative teaching tools in a state-of-the-art interactive environment: Animated score and TAB, Synced instructor video, iLevel arrangements widely ranging in difficulty, Virtual 'live' fretboard or keyboard, Tempo control, Looping with exact cueing. This package includes: The Thrill Is Gone • 3 O'Clock Blues • Bad Luck • Sweet Little Angel • Please Love Me • Five Long Years.

Lista utworów:
Bad Luck Soul (B.B. King)
Five Long Years (B.B. King, Eric Clapton)
Please Love Me (B.B. King)
Sweet Little Angel (B.B. King)
The Thrill Is Gone (B.B. King)
Three O'Clock Blues (B.B. King)

Okładka: King B.B., B.B. King

cena 183,95 zł.


King B.B.
B.B. King

angielski B.B. King

Format:127 x 127
Opracowanie na:gitara solo
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Gitara (1)
Rodzaj produktu:płyta CD - program komputerowy
Wersja językowa:angielska
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa
AutorzyWykonawca: King B.B.
Kod produktu:NPL061843
Produkty podobne:

Płyta CD-ROM zawiera program iSong pozwalający na szybką naukę utworów nawet bez znajomości nut. Płyta zawiera sześć popularnych utworów legendarnego gitarzysty blues'owego - B. B. Kinga - które można odtwarzać w wersjach demonstracyjnych, zmieniać ich prędkość dostosowując do ćwiczeń, oraz odsłuchiwać wraz ze śledzeniem materiału nutowego. Program pokazuje także na gryfie gitary jak kolejno naciskać progi aby zagrać dany utwór. Całość w angielskiej wersji językowej.

iSong is the only teaching tool that actually syncs to the original recordings of legendary musicians and today's top stars! Each iSong pack includes arrrangements ranging from very simple to note-accurate transcriptions, a performance video, and a virtual fretboard or keyboard, all in one wholly interactive environment. No matter what your skill level, or whether or not you read music, iSong is a great way for you to learn songs you've always wanted to play! Each iSong CD-ROM features six innovative teaching tools in a state-of-the-art interactive environment: Animated score and TAB, Synced instructor video, iLevel arrangements widely ranging in difficulty, Virtual live fretboard or keyboard, Tempo control, Looping with exact cueing. This package includes: The Thrill Is Gone • 3 O'Clock Blues • Bad Luck • Sweet Little Angel • Please Love Me • Five Long Years.

Lista utworów:
Bad Luck Soul (B.B. King)
Five Long Years (B.B. King, Eric Clapton)
Please Love Me (B.B. King)
Sweet Little Angel (B.B. King)
The Thrill Is Gone (B.B. King)
Three O'Clock Blues (B.B. King)

Okładka: King B.B., A Step-by-Step Breakdown of the Styles, Sounds, and Techniques of the King of the Blues

cena 146,95 zł.


King B.B.
A Step-by-Step Breakdown of the Styles, Sounds, and Techniques of the King of the Blues

angielski A Step-by-Step Breakdown of the Styles, Sounds, and Techniques of the King of the Blues

Format:127 x 177.8
Rodzaj produktu:płyta DVD - film instruktażowy
Wersja językowa:angielska
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa
Kod produktu:NPL061857

Learn the trademark styles and techniques of the most celebrated guitarist in the blues with this information-packed DVD. Providing over an hour-and-a-half of in-depth analysis, Andy Aledort takes you step-by-step through eight classic songs: Cryin' Won't Help You • Five Long Years • Just Like a Woman • Rock Me Baby • Sweet Little Angel • The Thrill Is Gone • You Done Lost Your Good Thing Now • and You Upset Me Baby. 1 hour, 36 minutes.

Lista utworów:
Cryin' Won't Help You
Five Long Years (B.B. King, Eric Clapton)
Just Like A Woman (B.B. King, Bob Dylan)
Rock Me Baby (B.B. King, Johnny Winter)
Sweet Little Angel (B.B. King)
The Thrill Is Gone (B.B. King)
You Done Lost Your Good Thing Now (B.B. King)
You Upset Me Baby (B.B. King)

Okładka: , Strictly The Blues

cena 95,95 zł.


Strictly The Blues

polski Ściśle Blues
angielski Strictly The Blues

Ilość stron:232
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:gitara (zawiera zapis tradycyjny oraz tabulaturę, akordy)
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Gitara (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:tytułów utworów: angielska
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

Zajrzyj do środka. Oto kilka stron z publikacji:

Kliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyć

Kod produktu:NPL065677

Kolekcja 32 najpopulrniejszych utworów bluesowych na gitarę w zapisie tradycyjnym i tabulaturowym. Znajdziesz tu takie utwory, jak: "Ain't No Sunshine", "Baby, Let's Play House", "Darlin' You Know I Love You", "Five Long Years", "The Hucklebuck", "I'm Your Hoochie Coochie Man", "It Hurts Me Too", "Kind Hearted Woman Blues", "Mustang Sally", "My Babe", "Rock Me Baby", "Rollin' and Tumblin'", "The Seventh Son" i wiele innych.

32 blues classics authentically transcribed note-for-note for guitar: Ain't No Sunshine • Baby, Let's Play House • Darlin' You Know I Love You • Five Long Years • The Hucklebuck • I'm Your Hoochie Coochie Man • It Hurts Me Too • Kind Hearted Woman Blues • Mustang Sally • My Babe • Rock Me Baby • Rollin' and Tumblin' • The Seventh Son • (They Call It) Stormy Monday • The Thrill Is Gone • Tuff Enuff • and many more.

Lista utworów:
(They Call It) Stormy Monday (Stormy Monday Blues) (T-Bone Walker)
Ain't No Sunshine (Bill Withers)
Baby, Let's Play House (Elvis Presley)
Can't Stop Loving (Elmore James)
Darlin' You Know I Love You (B.B. King)
Evil (Is Going On) (Eric Clapton)
Five Long Years (B.B. King, Eric Clapton)
I Got A Break Baby (T-Bone Walker)
I'm A King Bee (James H. Moore)
I'm Your Hoochie Coochie Man (Jimi Hendrix, Muddy Waters, Willie Dixon)
It Hurts Me Too (Elmore James, Elvis Presley, Eric Clapton)
Kind Hearted Woman Blues (Eric Clapton, Robert Johnson)
Master Charge (Albert Collins)
Mustang Sally (Buddy Guy, Wilson Pickett)
My Babe (Little Walter)
My Feeling For The Blues (Curtis Ousley, Freddie King)
Night Life (B.B. King, Foreigner, Ray Price, Willie Nelson and Danny Davis)
Play It Cool (Freddie King)
Rock Me Baby (B.B. King, Johnny Winter)
Rollin' And Tumblin' (Eric Clapton, Muddy Waters)
Shake Your Hips (The Rolling Stones)
Standing At The Crossroads (Elmore James)
Strike Like Lightning (Lonnie Mack)
Sweet Little Angel (B.B. King)
The Hucklebuck (Andy Gibson)
The Seventh Son (Willie Dixon)
The Thrill Is Gone (B.B. King)
Three Hours Past Midnight (Johnny Watson, Saul Bihari)
Three O'Clock Blues (B.B. King)
Tramp (Otis Redding)
Tuff Enuff (The Fabulous Thunderbirds)
Wham (Lonnie Mack)

Okładka: , Blues - Vol. 9

cena 94,95 zł.


Blues - Vol. 9

polski Blues, z. 9 - 8 utworów z tabulaturą, linią melodyczna i akompaniamentem na płycie CD
angielski Blues, Vol. 9 - Play 8 Songs with Tab and Sound - alike CD Tracks

Ilość stron:56
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:gitara basowa i CD
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Gitara basowa (1)
Instrument melodyczny (klucz wiolinowy) (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane + płyta CD
Wersja językowa:tytułów utworów: angielska
słów utworów: angielska
Stopień trudności:3 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

Zajrzyj do środka. Oto kilka stron z publikacji:

Kliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyć

Kod produktu:NPL065684

Zbiór standardów bluesowych w zapisie dla gitary basowej w kluczu basowym wraz z tabulaturą, co ułatwia naukę osobą nie potrafiącym biegle czytać z nut. Do publikacji dołączona jest płyta CD wraz z akompaniamentem, płyta przygotowana jest w ten sposób, że głos solowy nagrany jest na prawym kanale audio a akompaniament na lewym. Możemy odsłuchać jej jako wykonania wzorcowego, lub wyciszając prawy kanał audio samodzielnie zagrać głos solowy z akompaniamentem.

The Bass Play-Along Series will help you play your favorite songs quickly and easily! Just follow the tab, listen to the CD to hear how the bass should sound, and then play along using the separate backing tracks. The melody and lyrics are also included in the book in case you want to sing, or to simply help you follow along. The audio CD is playable on any CD player. For PC and Mac computer users, the CD is enhanced so you can adjust the recording to any tempo without changing pitch! Songs: All Your Love (I Miss Loving) • Born Under a Bad Sign • I'm Tore Down • I'm Your Hoochie Coochie Man • Killing Floor • Pride and Joy • Sweet Home Chicago • The Thrill Is Gone.

Lista utworów:
All Your Love (I Miss Loving) (Eric Clapton, Otis Rush)
Born Under A Bad Sign (Albert King)
I'm Tore Down (Eric Clapton, Freddie King)
I'm Your Hoochie Coochie Man (Jimi Hendrix, Muddy Waters, Willie Dixon)
Killing Floor (Albert King, Howlin' Wolf, Jimi Hendrix, Michael Bloomfield)
Pride And Joy (Marvin Gaye, Stevie Ray Vaughan)
Sweet Home Chicago (Robert Johnson, The Blues Brothers)
The Thrill Is Gone (B.B. King)

Okładka: , 101 Songs For Easy Guitar, Book 4

cena 159,95 zł.


101 Songs For Easy Guitar, Book 4

polski 101 piosenek w łatwym układzie na gitarę, z. 4
angielski 101 Songs For Easy Guitar, Book 4

Ilość stron:256
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:linia melodyczna (klucz wiolinowy) + akordy + teksty + diagramy chwytów gitarowych
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Gitara (1) lub Keyboard lub Głos wokalny
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:tytułów utworów: angielska
słów utworów: angielska
Stopień trudności:2 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

Zajrzyj do środka. Oto kilka stron z publikacji:

Kliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyć

Kod produktu:NPL066460
Produkty podobne: - 101 Songs For Easy Guitar, Book 2
- 101 Songs For Easy Guitar, Book 3

Czwarta część obszernej kolekcji utworów muzyki rozrywkowej opracowanych w formie śpiewnika. Znajdziesz tu przeboje takich wykonawców, jak: Iron Maiden, Rod Stewart, Elton John, The Eagles, Doobie Brothers, Steve Miller, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles i wielu innych.

Music from The Who, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Cat Stevens, Leo Sayer and many more.

Lista utworów:
59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy)
After The Thrill Is Gone
Against The Wind
Angels On The Balcony
Back In Black
Baker Street
Black Magic Woman
Blondes Have More Fun
Can't Smile Without You
Casey Jones [Newton, Eddie]
Cats In The Cradle
China Grove
Chuck E's In Love
Dark Star
Daytime Friends
Did She Mention My Name
Do The Dark
Escape (The Pina Colada Song)
Feels Like A Number
Fifty Ways To Leave Your Lover
For What It's Worth
For You Blue
Forty Nine Bye Byes
Good Time Bad Time
Green Onions
Have A Drink On Me
Heart Of Stone
Here Comes The Sun
Hey Hey, My My
Hollywood Nights
Honey Honey
I Saw Her Standing There
I'm Free
Iron Maiden
It Takes A Lot To Laugh, Train To Cry
It's All Over Now
Killing Of Georgie (Part 1+2)
Knowing Me Knowing You
Lady Jane
Let's Twist Again
Lido Shuffle
Like A Rolling Stone
Lonely Heart
Longer Boats
Masters Of War
Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard
Monday Morning
Mother And Child Reunion
Movin Out
Mrs Robinson
My Generation
My Little Town
My Sweet Lord
Needle And The Damage Done
New York State Of Mind
No Expectations
Peace Train
Playing In The Band
Positively 4th Street
Profession Of Violence
Ramblin Man
Ring My Bell
Rock 'N' Roll Ain't Noise Pollution
Rocket Man
Second Hand News
She Believes In Me
Sittin' On A Fence
Slip Slidin' Away
Stairway To Heaven
Still Crazy After All These Years
Suite: Judy Blue Eyes
Take A Chance On Me
Takin It To The Streets
That's The Way (I Like It)
The Entertainer
The Letter
There But For Fortune
Time Passages
Tobacco Road
Tryin' To Get The Feeling Again
Wasted Time
What A Fool Believes
When The Ship Comes In
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald
You Make Me Feel Like Dancing
You Shook Me All Night Long
You're In My Heart

Okładka: King B.B., Play Guitar With... B.B. King

cena 120,95 zł.


King B.B.
Play Guitar With... B.B. King

polski Graj na gitarze z... B.B. Kingiem
angielski Play Guitar With... B.B. King

Ilość stron:40
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:gitara i CD (zawiera zapis tradycyjny oraz tabulaturę, dodatkowo linię melodyczną, akordy, teksty)
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Gitara (1) lub Głos wokalny
akompaniament na płycie CD (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane + płyta CD
Wersja językowa:opisów: angielska
tytułów utworów: angielska
słów utworów: angielska
Stopień trudności:4 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa
AutorzyAutor aranżacji/opracowania: Dick Arthur
Nagranie: Persson Jonas

Zajrzyj do środka. Oto kilka stron z publikacji:

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Kod produktu:NPL066510

Sześć hitów mistrza gitary bluesowej B.B Kinga w aranżacji na gitarę w zapisie nutowym i tabulaturowym, z akompaniamentem i wersjami demonstracyjnymi na dołączonej płycie CD. B.B. King to bluesman występujący od 60 lat. Podczas swojej nowszej działalności występował i nagrywał z takimi muzykami, jak U2 czy Eric Clapton. Wystąpił też w filmie "Blues Brothers 2000".

Six of his greatest hits' backing tracks specially recorded on this CD plus matching music book which features both standard and guitar tab notation of each song, plus chord symbols and complete lyrics for vocalists. Specially performed soundalike instrumental tracks simulate the original recordings. Includes 'Every Day I Have The Blues', 'The Thrill Is Gone' and 'Woke Up This Morning'.

Lista utworów:
Everyday I Have The Blues (B.B. King)
Lucille (B.B. King)
Please Love Me (B.B. King)
Rock Me Baby (B.B. King)
The Thrill Is Gone (B.B. King)
Woke Up This Morning (B.B. King)

Okładka: , The Big Book Of Soul

cena 159,95 zł.


The Big Book Of Soul

polski Wielka księga utworów Soul
angielski The Big Book Of Soul

Ilość stron:232
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:fortepian solo (i wokal) lub keyboard lub gitara zawiera dodatkowo linię melodyczną, teksty, akordy, diagramy chwytów gitarowych
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Fortepian (1) lub Głos wokalny lub Gitara lub Keyboard
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:tytułów utworów: angielska
słów utworów: angielska
UWAGA: korzystanie z publikacji nie wymaga znajomości języka obcego, ponieważ publikacja nie zawiera opisów
Stopień trudności:4 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

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Kod produktu:NPL078031

Wielka księga przebojów soul w tradycyjnym opracowaniu PVG (Piano / Vocal / Guitar). Znajdziesz tu utwory takich wykonawców, jak: Albert King, Carla Thomas, Otis Redding, Doris Troy, Aaron Neville, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles i wielu innych.

58 classic soul hits arranged for piano, vocal and guitar. Includes songs by Otis Redding, Sam Cooke, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, Al Green and many more.

Lista utworów:
(Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay (Redding, Otis)
634-5789 (Pickett, Wilson)
A Rose Is Still A Rose (Franklin, Aretha)
Amen (Redding, Otis)
Born Under A Bad Sign (King, Albert)
Chains Of Love (Bland, Bobby)
Do The Funky Chicken (Thomas, Rufus)
Do Your Thing (Hayes, Isaac)
Everyday People (Family Stone, The)
Gee Whiz (Thomas, Carla)
Green Onions (Booker T. And The Mg's)
Hallelujah I Love Him (Her) So (Charles, Ray)
Hard To Handle (Redding, Otis)
Hold On I'm Comin' (Sam And Dave)
I Can't Stop Loving You (Charles, Ray)
I Got You (I Feel Good) (Brown, James)
I Thank You (Sam And Dave)
If Loving You Is Wrong I Don't Want To Be Right (Ingram, Luther)
I'll Be Your Shelter (In Time Of Storm) (Ingram, Luther)
I'll Come Running Back To You (Cooke, Sam)
I'll Play The Blues For You (King, Albert)
I'll Take You There (Staple Singers, The)
I'm Still In Love With You (Green, Al)
In The Midnight Hour (Pickett, Wilson)
I've Been Loving You Too Long (Redding, Otis)
Just One Look (Troy, Doris)
Knock On Wood (Floyd, Eddie)
Land Of A Thousand Dances (Pickett, Wilson)
Little Red Rooster (Cooke, Sam)
Lonely Teardrops (Wilson, Jackie)
Mr. Pitiful (Redding, Otis)
Pain In My Heart (Redding, Otis)
Pick Up The Pieces (Average White Band)
Please Accept My Love (King, B.B.)
Respect (Franklin, Aretha)
Respect Yourself (Staple Singers, The)
See Saw (Franklin, Aretha)
Send Me Some Lovin' (Cooke, Sam)
Son Of Shaft (Bar-kays)
Soul Finger (Bar-kays)
Soul Limbo (Booker T. And The Mgs)
Soul Man (Sam And Dave)
Stand By Me (King, Ben E)
Take Me To The River (Green, Al)
Tell It Like It Is (Neville, Aaron)
The Happy Song (Redding, Otis)
The Thrill Is Gone (King, B. B.)
Theme (Shaft) (Hayes, Isaac)
Time Is Tight (Booker T. And The Mgs)
Tired Of Being Alone (Green, Al)
Touch A Hand, Make A Friend (Staple Singers, The)
Unchain My Heart (Charles, Ray)
Walkin' The Dog (Thomas, Rufus)
What'd I Say (Charles, Ray)
Wrap It Up (Sam And Dave)
You Don't Know Like I Know (Sam And Dave)
You Don't Know Me (Charles, Ray)
If You're Ready (Come Go With Me) (Straple Singers, The)

Okładka: , The Real Book C Volume II - mały format

cena 120,95 zł.


The Real Book C Volume II - mały format

angielski The Real Book C Volume II

Ilość stron:448
Format:150 x 180
Opracowanie na:linia melodyczna (klucz wiolinowy) + akordy
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Keyboard (1) lub Flet lub Obój lub Skrzypce lub Gitara lub Harfa lub Ksylofon lub Dzwonki (campanelli)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:wstępu: angielska
tytułów utworów: angielska
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

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Kod produktu:NPL081251

Nowa szósta edycja prezentująca melodie kompozytorów od ostatnich 60 lat. Publikacja jest kieszonkową wersją europejskiej edycji. Znajduje się w niej 400 piosenek jasno i starannie opracowanych.

A new pocket-sized edition of this popular title.

The Real Book is extremely accurate, neat and is designed above all, for practical use.

This new second edition contains tunes that are re-arranged and re-transcribed so that you may study and play these works accurately.

Lista utworów:
Teen Town
Teenie's Blues
Telephone Song
Tempus Fugit
Tenor Madness
The Best Things In Life Are Free
The Birth Of The Blues
The blessing
The Breeze And I
The Core
The Creole Love Call
The Drive
The Folks Who Live On The Hill
The Frim Fram Sauce
The Gift! (Recado Bossa Nova)
The Glory Of Love
The Hucklebuck
The Jody Grind
The Lady Is A Tramp
The Last Time I Saw Paris
The Nearness Of You
The Odd Couple
The Red One
The Sweetest Sounds
The Thrill Is Gone
The Thumper
The Touch Of Your Lips
The Whopper
Theme From Mr. Broadway
There Are Such Things
There's A Small Hotel
These Foolish Things (Remind Me Of You)
Things To Come
This Masquerade
Three Base Hit
Till There Was You
Tomorrow's Destiny
Too Young
Trane's Blues
Two Cigarettes In The Dark
Two Degrees East, Three Degrees West
Until I Met You
Walkin' Shoes
Warm Valley
Watch What Happens
Webb City
What A Diff'’rence A Day Made
What A Wonderful World
What's New?
Where Or When
Whisper Not
Who Can I Turn To (When Nobody Needs Me)
Why Do I Love You?
Will You Still Be Mine
With A Song In My Heart
Without A Song
Yardbird Suite
You Are Beautiful
You Can Depend On Me
You're My Everything
You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You
(I'm Afraid) The Masquerade Is Over
(Love Is) The Tender Trap
52nd Street Theme
A Ballad
A Blossom Fell
A Cottage For Sale
A Flower Is A Lovesome Thing
A Lovely Way To Spend An Evening
A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square
A Portrait Of Jenny
A Taste Of Honey
A Walkin' Thing
A Weaver Of Dreams
A Wonderful Day Like Today
Adam's Apple
Alfie's Theme
All Alone (Left Alone)
All My Tomorrows
Along Came Betty
Alto Itis
April Skies
Aquellos Ojos Verdes (Green Eyes)
Ask Me Now
At The Mambo Inn
Baby, It's Cold Outside
Bags And Trane
Bags' Groove
Baia (Bahla)
Bali Ha’i
Ba-Lue Bolivar Ba-Ldes-Arb (Bolivar Blues)
Big P
Billie's Blues (I Love My Man)
Bill's Hit Tune
Bird Feathers
Bitches Brew
Blackberry Winter
Blue ‘N Boogie
Blue Serge
Blue Seven
Blue Silver
Blues By Five
Blues For Wood
Blues In The Closet
Bohemia After Dark
Born To Be Blue
Bossa Antigua
Bouncing With Bud
Bright Boy
Brilliant Corners
Buster Rides Again
Bye Bye Blackbird
Caldonia (What Makes Your Big Head So Hard?)
Chasin' The Trane
Cold Duck Time
Comin' Home Baby
Cool Blues
Cousin Mary
Crazy She Calls Me
Criss Cross
Dance Of The Infidels
Day By Day
Day Dream
'Deed I Do
Dewey Square
Do I Love You Because You're Beautiful?
Don't Ever Go Away (For Causa De Voce)
Don't Explain
Don't Worry 'Bout Me
Early Morning Mood
East To Wes
Emancipation Blues
Eye Of The Hurricane
Farmer's Trust
Feels So Good
Fields Of Gold
Filthy Mcnasty
Five Brothers
Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words)
Flying Home
Fox Hunt
Freight Trane
Full Moon And Empty Arms
Georgia On My Mind
Gettin’ It Togetha
Girl Talk
Glad To Be Unhappy
Gregory Is Here
H & H
Happy Little Sunbeam
Hard Hearted Hannah (The Vamp Op Savannah)
Harlem Nocturne
Head And Shoulders
Hi Beck
High Fly
Hit That Mess
Holy Land
Honeysuckle Rose
Horace Scope
How Are Things In Glocca Morra
I Believe In You
I Can't Believe That You're In Love With Me
I Didn't Know What Time It Was
I Get Along Without You Very Well (Except Sometimes)
I Gotta Right To Sing The Blues
I Have Dreamed
I Hear A Rhapsody
I Left My Heart In San Francisco
I Like The Likes Of You
I Remember Bird
I Remember You
I Will Wait For You
I Wish I Didn't Love You So
I Wish I Were In Love Again
I Wish You Love
Ice Cream Konitz
Idol Gossip
If I Loved You
If I Should Lose You
If I Were A Bell
I'll Know
I'm A Fool To Want You
I'm Just A Lucky So And So
I'm Sitting On Top Of The World
In A Little Spanish Town ('twas On A Night Like This)
In Case You Haven't Heard
In Pursuit Op The 27th Man
In Walked Bud
Indiana (Back Home Again In Indiana)
Infant Eyes
Island Birdie
It All Depends On You
It Could Happen To You
It Might As Well Be Spring
It Never Entered My Mind
It's A Good Day
It's A Most Unusual Day
It's Impossible (Somos Novios)
It's Only A Paper Moon
It's So Peaceful In The Country
I've Found A New Baby
I've Told Ev'ry Little Star
Jitterbug Waltz
Jumpin' With Symphony Sid
June Is Bustin' Out All Over
Just A Few
Just The Two Of Us
Kary's Trance
Kathina Ballerina
Kickin' The Gong Around
Kids Are Pretty People
Killer Joe
Lady Day
Last Night When We Were Young
Learnin' The Blues
Lennie's Pennies
Let There Be Love
Let's Cool One
Let's Get Lost
Like Sonny (Simple Like)
Like Young
Line Games
Linger Awhile
Little Chicago Fire
Little Rootie Tootie
Little Shoes
Little Sunflower
Lone Jack
Lonely Dreams
Look For The Silver Lining
Look To The Rainbow
Lost In The Stars
Love Is Just Around The Corner
Love Vibrations
Love, Look Away
Lover Man (Oh, Where Can You Be?)
Lover, Come Back To Me
Mean To Me
Menina Flor
Midnight Sun
Miles Ahead
Minor Mishap
Minor Mood
Monk's Mood
Monk's Shop
Moon Rays
Moon River
Moose The Mooche
More Than You Know
Morning Dance
Moten Swing
Mr. Magic
My Attorney Bernie
My Blue Heaven
My Heart Stood Still
My Little Suede Shoes
My Old Flame
My Silent Love
Night Song
No Moe
No Splice
North Atlantic Run
Now See How You Are
Off Minor
Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin'
Old Devil Moon
One By One
One Foot In The Gutter
One Morning In May
Out Back Of The Barn
Oye Como Va
Parisian Thoroughfare
Peel Me A Grape
Pennies Prom Heaven
People Will Say We're In Love
Petite Fleur (Little Flower)
Petits Machins
Phase Dance
Picadillo (A La Puente)
Poinciana (Song Of The Tree)
Polka Dots And Moonbeams
Poor Butterfly
Prisoner Of Love
Pursuance (Partih)
Question & Answer
Raw Kan Kan
Re: Person I Knew
Right As Rain
Room 608
Rose Room
Round Trip
Sack Of Woe
Salt Peanuts
Say It (Over And Over Again)
Serenade To A Soul Sister
Silver's Serenade
Sing, You Sinners
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
Smoke Rings
So Danqo Samba (Jazz 'N' Samba)
Softly As In A Morning Sunrise
Some Other Blues
Somebody Loves You
Something Wonderful
Song For Bilbao
Song For Strayhorn
Songbird (Thank You For Your Lovely Song)
Soul Eyes
Speak Like A Child
Spring Will Be A Little Late This Year
Squeeze Me
St. Thomas
Stormy Weather (Keeps Rainin' All The Time)
Straight Life
Strayhorn 2
Strode Rode
Struttin' With Some Barbecue
Subconscious Lee
Suddenly It's Spring
Summer In Central Park
Sweet And Lovely
Syeeda's Song Flute
'tain't What You Do (It's The Way That Cha Do It)
Take Ten

Okładka: , Eagles - Guitar Chord Songbook

cena 91,95 zł.


Eagles - Guitar Chord Songbook

angielski Eagles - Guitar Chord Songbook

Ilość stron:112
Format: 152.4 x 228.6
Opracowanie na:gitara (zawiera zapis tradycyjny oraz tabulaturę, akordy, teksty)
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Gitara (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:tytułów utworów: angielska
słów utworów: angielska
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa
AutorzyWykonawca: Eagles

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Kod produktu:NPL083922

Eagles – amerykańska grupa grająca głównie country i hard rock, uformowana z początkiem lat 70. w Kalifornii. Publikacja składa się z 40 utworów. Znajdziemy tu m.in: Desperado, Get Over It, The Long Run, Love Will Keep Us Alive, Witchy Woman, You Are Not Alone, Victim of Love, Take It Easy, How Long i wiele innych.

Take It Easy with 40 familiar songs from the Eagles in arrangements featuring complete lyrics, chord symbols, and guitar chord diagrams. Songs include: Already Gone Best of My Love Desperado Get over It Hotel California I Can't Tell You Why Life in the Fast Lane One of These Nights Peaceful Easy Feeling Take It to the Limit Witchy Woman You Belong to the City and more.

Lista utworów:
After The Thrill Is Gone (The Eagles)
All Night Long (Billy Squier, Eagles)
Already Gone (Kelly Clarkson, The Eagles)
Best Of My Love (The Eagles, The Emotions)
Busy Being Fabulous (Eagles)
Desperado (Alice Cooper, The Eagles)
Doolin-Dalton (Eagles)
Get Over It (Eagles)
Heartache Tonight (Eagles)
Hole In The World (Eagles)
Hotel California (Eagles)
How Long (ACE, Dire Straits, Eagles, Hinder, Lionel Richie)
I Can't Tell You Why (Eagles)
In The City (Joe Walsh)
James Dean (Eagles)
Learn To Be Still (Eagles)
Life In The Fast Lane (The Eagles)
Life's Been Good (Joe Walsh)
Love Will Keep Us Alive (Eagles)
Lyin' Eyes (Eagles)
New Kid In Town (Eagles)
Ol' 55 (Tom Waits)
On The Border (Eagles, Ernie Watts)
One Of These Nights (Eagles)
Outlaw Man (Eagles)
Peaceful Easy Feeling (Eagles)
Seven Bridges Road (Eagles)
Take It Easy (Eagles)
Take It To The Limit (Eagles)
Tequila Sunrise (Eagles)
The Last Resort (Eagles, T. Graham Brown)
The Long Run (The Eagles)
The Sad Cafe (Lorrie Morgan, The Eagles)
Those Shoes (The Eagles)
Try And Love Again (Eagles)
Victim Of Love (Eagles)
Wasted Time (Eagles, Lionel Richie)
Witchy Woman (The Eagles)
You Are Not Alone (Eagles, Michael Jackson)
You Belong To The City (Eagles)

Okładka: Sandercoe Justin, Justinguitar.com Blues Lead Guitar Solos

cena 131,95 zł.


Sandercoe Justin
Justinguitar.com Blues Lead Guitar Solos

angielski Justinguitar.com Blues Lead Guitar Solos

Ilość stron:160
Format:225 x 305
Opracowanie na:gitara (zawiera zapis tradycyjny oraz tabulaturę, akordy)
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Gitara (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:opisów: angielska
tytułów utworów: angielska
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa
AutorzyAutor aranżacji/opracowania: Sandercoe Justin

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Kod produktu:NPL084149

With this fantastically detailed and comprehensive book, the inimitable Justinguitar.com guides your through 18 of the greatest Blues Lead Guitar Solos , featuring Guitar Tab and standard notation, as well as explaining how to get the correct sound and feel of each song. In his unique style, Justin Sandercoe  presents something more than a mere Tab book. Blues Lead Guitar Solos  is a complete guide to learning some of the greatest blues solos ever set to record. Such legendary Guitar solos like Hendrix's All Along The Watchtower and Hey Joe , Cream's Crossroads , T-Bone Walker's I Got A Break Baby  and so many more are all transcribed with detailed playing notes, helping you to nail each and every note exactly how you hear it! Featuring the biggest names in the history of blues, this songbook is both a wonderful introduction to blues lead playing, and an invaluable guide to learning to play such wonderfully expressive solos by Guitar gods like Stevie Ray Vaughan, B.B. King, Howlin' Wolf and Robben Ford.  What sets  Justinguitar 's books apart from others is his commitment to teaching you in great detail and with exceptional clarity. Beginning with a lengthy introduction with some general hints and advice, Sandercoe then goes on to break each solo into manageable sections with detailed instructions, giving you all the possible help in playing every lick. Not only do you get the notes themselves, Blues Lead Guitar Solos  also provides an introduction to each song, a brief harmonic analysis, a guide to amplifier settings so you can get the perfect sound, as well as a guide to incorporating licks from these solos into your own playing. All of this is aimed towards helping you become a better player, rather than merely imitating other guitarists. Also featuring a scales guide at the end of the book, you'll be creating your own solos in no time! Perfect for beginners to the blues, or experienced guitarists who want to learn more about this brilliant genre, the Justinguitar.com Blues Lead Guitar Solos  songbook delves deeply into each solo, guiding you through each and every note.

Lista utworów:
All Along The Watchtower [Hendrix, Jimi]
Call It Stormy Monday (But Tuesday Is Just As Bad) [The Allman Brothers Band]
Crossroads [Cream]
Going Down Slow [Witherspoon, Jimmy & Robben Ford]
Guitar Man [King, Albert]
Hey Joe [Hendrix, Jimi]
Hide Away [King, Freddie]
I Got A Break Baby [Walker, T-Bone]
Mama, Talk To Your Daughter [Ford, Robben]
Mary Had A Little Lamb [Vaughan, Stevie Ray]
Need Your Love So Bad [Fleetwood Mac]
Sen-Sa-Shun [King, Freddie]
Shake For Me [Howlin' Wolf]
Sweet Little Angel [King, B.B.]
T-Bone Shuffle [Walker, T-Bone]
The Thrill Is Gone [King, B.B.]
Tin Pan Alley [Vaughan, Stevie Ray]
Whipping Post [The Allman Brothers Band]


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