Indeks autorów | | Wyszukiwarka | | Mapa serwisu |
cena 24,95 zł. | Wet Wet Wet Picture
Lista utworów: |
cena 109,95 zł. | Broadway Songs Broadway Songs
Publikacja zawiera 8 utworów ze znanych musicali: Can You Feel the Love Tonight, A Change in Me, I Can Hear the Bells, Memory, On My Own, Someone like You, There Are Worse Things I Could Do, Without You. Dodatkowo do publikacji dołączona jest płyta CD, na której znajdują się dwa rodzaje ścieżek dźwiękowych: z wersją demonstracyjną oraz z samym tylko akompaniamentem. Publikacja z płytą CD może być traktowana jak rodzaj karaoke. Lista utworów: |
cena 108,95 zł. | Matchbox 20 Matchbox 20 - Yourself Or Someone Like You Matchbox 20 - Yourself Or Someone Like You
Zbiór zawiera wszystkie utwory, które znalazły się na wydanej w 1996 r. debiutanckiej płycie Yourself Or Someone Like You amerykańskiej grupy Matchbox 20. Wśród zawartych tu kompozycji, inspirowanych grunge'm, znajdziemy utwory 3 am, Push i Real Angry. Wszystkie zostały opracowane w łatwym układzie na wokal z towarzyszeniem fortepianu, gitary lub keyboardu oraz zaopatrzone w teksty piosenek. Dodatkowym atutem tego wydania jest 8-stronicowy wybór kolorowych zdjęć zespołu. Lista utworów: |
cena 128,95 zł. | Matchbox 20 Yourself Or Someone Like You Yourself Or Someone Like You
Publikacja zawiera 12 utworów zespołu "Matchbox 20", 3 am, Argue, Back, 2 Good, Busted, Damn, Girl Like That, Hang, Kody, Long Day, Push, Real World. Lista utworów: |
cena 159,95 zł. | Essential Songs - Broadway Essential Songs - Broadway
Książka zawiera ponad 90 utworów w opracowaniu na głos z fortepianem. Znajdziemy tu Cabaret • Don't Cry for Me, Argentina • Edelweiss • Hello, Dolly! • I'll Be Seeing You • Memory • The Music of the Night • Oklahoma • Seasons of Love • Summer Nights • There's No Business Like Show Business • oraz wiele innych. Lista utworów: |
cena 95,95 zł. | Love Songs Of The '90s Love Songs Of The '90s
Zbiór zawiera 30 niezapomnianych, romantycznych ballad z lat 90-tych, opracowanych na wokal z fortepianem, gitarą lub keyboardem. Wśród nich znajdziemy przeboje takie jak Every Heartbeat czy Forever In Love, które umilą zarówno chwile spędzone we dwoje jak i większe spotkania towarzyskie. Lista utworów: |
cena 110,95 zł. | Bocelli Andrea Andrea Bocelli - Cieli Di Toscana Andrea Bocelli - Cieli Di Toscana
W publikacji "Cieli Di Toscana" znajdziesz wszystkie utwory z płyty wydanej pod tym samym tytułem, zdjęcia oraz specjalną sekcję tylko ze słowami. Utowry opracowane są na głos z fortepianem. Lista utworów: |
cena 128,95 zł. | Brown Jason Robert The Jason Robert Brown Collection Kolekcja utworów Jasona Roberta Browna The Jason Robert Brown Collection
Obszerna kolekcja zawierająca 24 najlepsze utwory pianisty, piosenkarza i kompozytora - Jasona Roberta Browna. Znajdziesz tu utwory pochodzące z 6 krążków takich, jak: "Songs for a New World", "Parade", "The Last Five Years", "Urban Cowboy", "Songs of Jason Robert Brown" (z płyty Lauren Kennedy), oraz "Wearing Someone Else's Clothes". Lista utworów: |
cena 95,95 zł. | Songs Of The '90s for Horn Hity z lat 90'tych na róg Songs Of The '90s for Horn
Ponad siedemdziesiąt hitów z lat 90'tych w aranżacji na róg. W publikacji można znaleźć takie przeboje jak Hero, Iris, Torn czy More Than Words. Lista utworów: |
cena 290,95 zł. | Walters Richard Singer's Musical Theatre Anthology - Volume 3 Antologia utworów musicalowych, z. 3 Singer's Musical Theatre Anthology - Volume 3
Kontynuacja popularnej serii opracowań utworów musicalowych na głos wokalny solowy - mezzosopran - z towarzyszeniem fortepianu, zebranych i wydanych przez Richarda Waltersa. Publikacja doskonale nadaje się zarówno dla wokalistów klasycznych, jak i rozrywkowych oraz aktorów. Znajdziesz tu ponad 40 utworów. Do publikacji dołączone są także dwie płyty CD z nagranymi akompaniamentami fortepianowymi. Lista utworów: |
cena 120,95 zł. | Różni The Best Of Bridget Jones Soundtracks Najlepsze utwory z filmu Bridget Jones The Best Of Bridget Jones Soundtracks
Kolekcja najlepszych piosenek z obu części filmu opowiadającego o perypetiach miłosnych Bridget Jones - trzydziestoletniej kobiety z kilkukilogramową nadwagą, o silnych skłonnościach do nadużywania alkoholu, palenia papierosów oraz podrywania mężczyzn. Znajdziesz tu utwory takich wykonawców, jak m. in. Robbie Williams, Jamelia, Annie Lenox, czy Gabrielle. Całość w opracowaniu na głos wokalny z akompaniamentem (fortepian / keyboard / gitara). As seems customary these days, the two blockbusting Bridget Jones movies are packed with contemporary hits and classic songs, not only setting the context of the film, but guarenteeing a tingle up the spine at those extra special moments. Recall your favourite scenes and poignant tugs at the heart-strings with this collection of the best songs from Bridget Jones's Diary and Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason. All songs are arranged for Piano, Voice and Guitar. Lista utworów: |
cena 128,95 zł. | Różni Smash! Summer 2002 Smash! Lato 2002 Smash! Summer 2002
Kolekcja z serii 'Smash!', tym razem zawiera aż 30 przebojów lata 2002 roku, w opracowaniu na głos wokalny z fortepianem (lub gitarą lub keyboardem). Znajdziesz tu takie utwory, jak: "Don't Let Me Get Me", "How You Remind Me", "We Are All Made of Stars", "No More Drama", Light My Fire" i wiele innych. Przy tytule każdej piosenki podano krótką ciekawostkę dotyczącą artysty lub utworu. A collection of 30 mega pop hits arranged for piano, vocal and guitar. Suitable for intermediate standard pianists. Includes 'We Are All Made Of Stars', 'Don't Let Me Get Me', 'How You Remind Me' and 'No More Drama'. Lista utworów: |
cena 103,95 zł. | Różni Broadway Songs for Easy Piano Piosenki Broadway'u na łatwy fortepian Broadway Songs for Easy Piano
Kolekcja ponad 70 piosenek z 53 różnych musicali sceny Broadway'u w łatwej aranżacji na fortepian solo. Wśród tytułów znajdziesz m. in.: "Kansas City" (z musicalu "Smokey Joe's Cafe"), "Oklahoma" (z musicalu "Oklahoma"), "Ol' Man River" (z musicalu "Show Boat"), "People Will Say We're In Love" (z musicalu "Oklahoma"), "Someone Like You" (z musicalu "Jekyll & Hyde) i wiele innych. Budget Books is a sensational value-for-money series and this volume presents Broadway Songs- a fantastic collection of the finest music from shows and musicals. Lista utworów: |
cena 88,95 zł. | Adele Play-along for saxophone. Adele Play-along for saxophone. Adele
Publikacja zawiera 10 utworów Adele w opracowaniu na saksofon. Do publikacja dołączona jest płyta CD zawierająca ścieżki z pełnym wykonaniem oraz tylko z akompaniamentem. Step into the spotlight and play along with ten of the best hits from Adele. This pack includes a book with Alto Saxophone arrangements and a CD of "soundalike" backing tracks. Lista utworów: |
cena 103,95 zł. | Adele Adele. Songs for solo singers Adele. Songs for solo singers
Publikacja zawiera 6 gorących hitów Adele w opracowaniu na pianino, głos i gitarę. Do publikacji dołączona jest płyta CD zawierająca pełny akompaniament. Whether you just want to do your Adele impression in front of the bathroom mirror or practise for an audition, this is the songbook for you! Six great Adele hits in sheet music form complete with lyrics, Piano accompanime Lista utworów: |
cena 46,95 zł. | Newkey-Burden Chas Adele. Dziewczyna, która rozkochała w sobie świat Adele. Dziewczyna, która rozkochała w sobie świat
Taka płyta jak "21" Adele zdarza się raz na kilkanaście lat. Jej piosenka Someone Like You po prawie szesnastu latach zastąpiła Angels Robbiego Williamsa w roli standardu najczęściej wybieranego przez Brytyjczyków zarówno na śluby, jak i pogrzeby - kto wie, czy to nie ważniejsze od wszystkich statuetek i nagród. Wszyscy kochają Adele. Ja też. Poznajcie ją lepiej - w tej książce jest wszystko. Spis treści: |
cena 94,95 zł. | Hussey Christopher Playalong 20/20 Flute: 20 Easy Pop Hits (Book/Audio Download)
With the Playalong 20/20 Flute sheet music songbook, you get an incomparable collection of 20 of the best pop songs topping the charts of today, as well as demonstrations and backing tracks for each song for you to download. All 20 tunes are fantastically arranged in melody line format for the Flute. Featuring some of the best pop hits from the current charts, this pop sheet music selection makes these catchy and upbeat songs accessible for the Flute. Including tunes like 22 by Taylor Swift, Right Place Right Time by Olly Murs and One Direction's What Makes You Beautiful , this book proves that the Flute is not just for classical music, but can also be a brilliant way to get a unique sound out of popular music. The Playalong 20/20 Flute book will help flautists of all ages and abilities play some truly perfect pop songs. Not only are there many uptempo and fun pop songs included in this collection, but you'll also get the slower ballads whose melodies will will sound just as beautiful on the Flute. Tunes like Frozen's Let It Go, Adele's wonderful Someone Like You, Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus as well as John Legend's huge heartfelt song All Of Me . Whether you're a pop-loving flautist or you're just looking to reinvigorate and freshen up your repertoire, Playalong 20/20 Flute sheet music is the collection for you. Not only do you get these 20 pieces of pop Flute sheet music, you'll also receive an enclosed download card, giving you instant online access to demonstration and backing tracks of every single song. Using the demonstration tracks, with Flute played by Howard McGill, you can hear exactly how songs like Jar Of Hearts and Make You Feel My Love should sound. Then, using the backing tracks, you can take the lead role, playing such gloriously poppy melodies over professionally-recorded backing tracks, ensuring that, during any performance or practice, you sound great. Also included is a really useful Flute fingering chart, ensuring you never miss a note for any of these brilliant songs. If you're looking to reinvigorate your repertoire with some pure pop perfection, why not check out the Playalong 20/20 Flute songbook, and start learning these fantastically fun tunes for the Flute. Use the accompanying download card to hear help you learn each song, then put on your very own performance with the backing tracks. Lista utworów: |
cena 94,95 zł. | Hussey Christopher Playalong 20/20 Clarinet: 20 Easy Pop Hits Playalong 20/20 Clarinet: 20 Easy Pop Hits
Kolekcja 20 najpopularniejszych hitów muzyki popowej, w opracowaniu na klarnet. Do publikacji dołączona jest karta dostępu umożliwiająca pobranie materiałów. With the Playalong 20/20 Clarinet sheet music songbook, you get an incomparable collection of 20 of the best pop songs topping the charts of today, as well as demonstrations and backing tracks for each song for you to download. All 20 tunes are fantastically arranged in melody line format for the Clarinet. Featuring some of the best pop hits from the current charts, this pop sheet music selection makes these catchy and upbeat songs accessible for the Clarinet. Including tunes like 22 by Taylor Swift, Right Place Right Time by Olly Murs and One Direction's What Makes You Beautiful , this book proves that the Clarinet is not just for classical music, but can also be a brilliant way to get a unique sound out of popular music. The Playalong 20/20 Clarinet book will help clarinettists of all ages and abilities play some truly perfect pop songs. Not only are there many uptempo and fun pop songs included in this collection, but you'll also get the slower ballads whose melodies will will sound just as beautiful on the Clarinet. Tunes like Frozen's Let It Go, Adele's wonderful Someone Like You, Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus as well as John Legend's huge heartfelt song All Of Me . Whether you're a pop-loving clarinettist or you're just looking to reinvigorate and freshen up your repertoire, Playalong 20/20 Clarinet sheet music is the collection for you. Not only do you get these 20 pieces of pop Clarinet sheet music, you'll also receive an enclosed download card, giving you instant online access to demonstration and backing tracks of every single song. Using the demonstration tracks, with Clarinet played by Howard McGill, you can hear exactly how songs like Jar Of Hearts and Make You Feel My Love should sound. Then, using the backing tracks, you can take the lead role, playing such gloriously poppy melodies over professionally-recorded backing tracks, ensuring that, during any performance or practice, you sound great. Also included is a really useful Clarinet fingering chart, ensuring you never miss a note for any of these brilliant songs. If you're looking to reinvigorate your repertoire with some pure pop perfection, why not check out the Playalong 20/20 Clarinet songbook, and start learning these fantastically fun tunes for the Clarinet. Use the accompanying download card to hear help you learn each song, then put on your very own performance with the backing tracks. Lista utworów: |
cena 97,95 zł. | The Little Black Songbook: Great Acoustic Songs
The Little Black Songbook of Great Acoustic Songs boasts over 80 crowd-pleasing hits from the past and present masters of the unplugged tune. Presented in chord songbook format, this collection features Guitar chords and complete lyrics, as well as useful chord boxes for each song. Despite its size, The Little Black Songbook contains enough Great Acoustic Songs to feature something for everyone, such as classic rock from the '60s to the latest and best pop tunes hot off the charts. Whether the songs were originally intended to be acoustic tunes or their singalong choruses make them perfect for the unplugged treatment, every one of these songs is ideal for strumming and singing. This songbook features a diverse range of songs from Simon & Garfunkel's America, Johnny Cash's Folsom Prison Blues and Elton John's Tiny Dancer , through to Elliott Smith's Ballad Of Big Nothing, James Bay's Hold Back The River and Ho Hey by The Lumineers. Drawn from the finest pop, rock and folk singer-songwriters, these tunes are ideal for a group singalong, a spot of busking or simply enjoying the pleasure of playing Great Acoustic Songs . With The Little Black Songbook , you can learn to play over 80 of the greatest Acoustic Songs by some of the biggest names in pop and rock. You'll also be able to practise strumming, singing, all while learning to play a huge number of chords using the Guitar chord boxes. Perfect for any aspiring guitarist, this acoustic sheet music songbook may be small, but it's packed with some massive songs. Lista utworów: |
cena 65,95 zł. | Instrumental Play-Along: Chart Hits - Clarinet Instrumental Play-Along: Chart Hits - Clarinet
A dozen hot contemporary hits are included in this collection perfect for budding instrumentalists. Instrumental Play-Along Chart Hits comes complete with online access to audio demonstration tracks for download or streaming, helping you to hear how the songs should sound and allowing you to play along. Songs include: All About That Bass, All of Me, Happy, Radioactive, Roar, Say Something, Shake It Off, A Sky Full of Stars, Someone like You, Stay with Me, Thinking Out Loud and Uptown Funk . Lista utworów: |
cena 94,95 zł. | Hussey Christopher Playalong 20/20 Recorder: 20 Easy Pop Hits (Book/Audio Download)
With the Playalong 20/20 Recorder sheet music songbook, you get an incomparable collection of 20 of the best pop songs topping the charts of today, as well as demonstrations and backing tracks for each song for you to download. All 20 tunes are beautifully arranged in melody line format for the Recorder. Featuring some of the best pop hits from the current charts, this pop sheet music selection makes these catchy and upbeat songs accessible for the Recorder. Including tunes like 22 by Taylor Swift, Right Place Right Time by Olly Murs and One Direction's What Makes You Beautiful , this book proves that the Recorder is not just for classical music, but can also be a brilliant way to get a unique sound out of popular music. The Playalong 20/20 Recorder book will help recordists of all ages and abilities play some truly perfect pop songs. Not only are there many uptempo and fun pop songs included in this collection, but you'll also get the slower ballads whose melodies will will sound just as beautiful on the Recorder. Tunes like Frozen's Let It Go, Adele's wonderful Someone Like You, Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus as well as John Legend's huge heartfelt song All Of Me . Whether you're a pop-loving recordist or you're just looking to reinvigorate and freshen up your repertoire, Playalong 20/20 Recorder sheet music is the collection for you. Not only do you get these 20 pieces of pop Recorder sheet music, you'll also receive an enclosed download card, giving you instant online access to demonstration and backing tracks of every single song. Using the demonstration tracks, with Recorder played by Louise Bradbury, you can hear exactly how songs like Jar Of Hearts and Make You Feel My Love should sound. Then, using the backing tracks, you can take the lead role, playing such gloriously poppy melodies over professionally-recorded backing tracks, ensuring that, during any performance or practice, you sound great. Also included is a really useful Recorder fingering chart, ensuring you never miss a note for any of these brilliant songs. If you're looking to reinvigorate your repertoire with some pure pop perfection, why not check out the Playalong 20/20 Recorder songbook, and start learning these fantastically fun tunes for the Recorder. Use the accompanying download card to hear help you learn each song, then put on your very own performance with the backing tracks. Lista utworów: |
cena 27,95 zł. | Adele Someone Like You
cena 27,95 zł. | Adele Someone Like You
cena 27,95 zł. | Adele Someone Like You
cena 102,95 zł. | Rockschool Acoustic Guitar - Grade 1 Rockschool Acoustic Guitar - Grade 1
Lista utworów: Spis treści: |
cena 109,95 zł. | Adele The Best Of Adele The Best Of Adele
Publikacja zawiera 21 największych hitów Adele w opracowaniu na fortepian z linią melodyczną, tekstem i chwytami gitarowymi. This Best Of Adele songbook features 21 of the British singer's biggest songs so far, arranged for Piano, Voice and Guitar with full lyrics, chord symbols and Guitar chord boxes. Including the greatest hits from all three of her albums, as well as the chart-topping Hello , plus a brief introduction to each album, this is the definitive Adele sheet music songbook. Since her humble beginnings at the BRIT School in London, Adele 's rise to stardom has been nothing short of meteoric. Her dAŠbut release '19' brought her instant success with singles like Chasing Pavements , Hometown Glory and Make You Feel My Love . But it was '21' that propelled her to superstardom, with Set Fire To The Rain, Rolling In The Deep and that performance of Someone Like You , cementing her status as pop singer perfection. After taking a break from music, Adele 's third album '25' was finally released in 2015 after much anticipation and speculation. Fans and critics alike hailed its mature themes and Adele 's well-known vocal abilities, while sales of the album broke records across the globe. Five songs from this smash-hit album are included in this Best Of collection of Adele sheet music, such as Hello, When We Were Young, Remedy, All I Ask and Water Under The Bridge . Arranged for Piano, Vocal and Guitar, this songbook will let you learn to play Adele with full lyrics, chord symbols and Guitar chord boxes. Not only this, the beginning of the book features a brief introduction to each album, making The Best Of Adele the perfect songbook for Adele fans. Lista utworów: |
cena 32,95 zł. | Bricusse Leslie Someone Like You From Jekyll & Hyde Someone Like You From Jekyll & Hyde
Publikacja zawiera piosenkę z musicalu "Jekyll & Hyde" prezentowanego na Broadwayu w 1997 roku, którą wykonywała Linda Eder w opracowaniu na głos wokalny z akompaniamentem na fortepianowym. Lista utworów: |
cena 55,95 zł. | Adele E-Z Play Today Volume 38: Best Of Adele E-Z Play Today Volume 38: Best Of Adele
W publikacji znajdziemy 12 utworów "Adele" w łatwym opracowaniu na keyboard. Są tu min. takie utwory jak: All I Ask, Skyfall, Remedy, Somone Like You, When We Were Young, Hello i inne. This volume in the E-Z Play Today series contains 12 favourites from the British singer/songwriter in the famous E-Z PlayÂŽ notation: All I Ask, Chasing Pavements, Hello, Hometown Glory, Make You Feel My Love, Million Years Ago, Remedy, Rolling in the Deep, Set Fire to the Rain, Skyfall, Someone like You, When We Were Young and more. Lista utworów: |
cena 59,95 zł. | 21 Easy Tunes For Ukulele
Collected in this songbook are 21 Easy Hits For Ukulele , specially arranged in easy keys with easy chord shapes so that everyone can play this fantastic range of contemporary hits and classic pop tunes. The great thing about the Ukulele is its sheer versatility, allowing you to put a fresh spin on an old favourite, or play a contemporary pop song with a twist. From classic songs like Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison and ABBA's Fernando to Cat Stevens' Wild World and Shirley Bassey's Big Spender , these evergreen pop tunes are sure to sound new and exciting when played on a Ukulele. Every song in 21 Easy Hits For Ukulele features full lyrics, Ukulele chord boxes and rhythm patterns for easy strumming. The arrangements are in easy keys that allow you to pick up these tunes as quickly as possible while still sounding great. A brief guide to tuning your Ukulele and how to read chord boxes can be found at the beginning of the book, too. A fantastic selection of contemporary pop hits are also included, such as Happy by Pharrell Williams, Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran as well as the incredible Stay With Me by Sam Smith. Once you've mastered all 21 songs, you'll have a wide variety of great songs, old and new, under your belt. Whether you want to strum in the park or just play for your own pleasure, 21 Easy Hits For Ukulele is full of great tunes that are well-suited to the unique sound of the Uke. Lista utworów: |
cena 62,95 zł. | Adele Adele Adele
This volume in the Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along series features 12 of the most popular songs by the iconic British songstress Adele , arranged for the Flute. The price of this book includes access to online audio demonstration and backing tracks that allow instrumentalists to slow down the audio without changing pitch, loop for challenging parts and more. Songs include: All I Ask, Chasing Pavements, Make You Feel My Love, Hello, Million Years Ago, Remedy, Rolling in the Deep, Set Fire To The Rain, Rumour Has It, Skyfall, Someone like You and When We Were Young . Lista utworów: |
cena 62,95 zł. | Adele Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along: Adele - Clarinet (Book/Online Audio)
This volume in the Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along series features 12 of the most popular songs by the iconic British songstress Adele , arranged for the Clarinet. The price of this book includes access to online audio demonstration and backing tracks that allow instrumentalists to slow down the audio without changing pitch, loop for challenging parts and more. Songs include: All I Ask, Chasing Pavements, Make You Feel My Love, Hello, Million Years Ago, Remedy, Rolling in the Deep, Set Fire To The Rain, Rumour Has It, Skyfall, Someone like You and When We Were Young . Lista utworów: |
cena 62,95 zł. | Adele Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along: Adele - Alto Saxophone (Book/Online Audio)
This volume in the Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along series features 12 of the most popular songs by the iconic British songstress Adele , arranged for the Alto Saxophone. The price of this book includes access to online audio demonstration and backing tracks that allow instrumentalists to slow down the audio without changing pitch, loop for challenging parts and more. Songs include: All I Ask, Chasing Pavements, Make You Feel My Love, Hello, Million Years Ago, Remedy, Rolling in the Deep, Set Fire To The Rain, Rumour Has It, Skyfall, Someone like You and When We Were Young . Lista utworów: |
cena 62,95 zł. | Adele Adele Adele
This volume in the Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along series features 12 of the most popular songs by the iconic British songstress Adele , arranged for the Tenor Saxophone. The price of this book includes access to online audio demonstration and backing tracks that allow instrumentalists to slow down the audio without changing pitch, loop for challenging parts and more. Songs include: All I Ask, Chasing Pavements, Make You Feel My Love, Hello, Million Years Ago, Remedy, Rolling in the Deep, Set Fire To The Rain, Rumour Has It, Skyfall, Someone like You and When We Were Young . Lista utworów: |
cena 62,95 zł. | Adele Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along: Adele - Trombone (Book/Online Audio)
This volume in the Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along series features 12 of the most popular songs by the iconic British songstress Adele , arranged for the Trombone. The price of this book includes access to online audio demonstration and backing tracks that allow instrumentalists to slow down the audio without changing pitch, loop for challenging parts and more. Songs include: All I Ask, Chasing Pavements, Make You Feel My Love, Hello, Million Years Ago, Remedy, Rolling in the Deep, Set Fire To The Rain, Rumour Has It, Skyfall, Someone like You and When We Were Young . Lista utworów: |
cena 62,95 zł. | Adele Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along: Adele - Violin (Book/Online Audio)
This volume in the Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along series features 12 of the most popular songs by the iconic British songstress Adele , arranged for the Violin. The price of this book includes access to online audio demonstration and backing tracks that allow instrumentalists to slow down the audio without changing pitch, loop for challenging parts and more. Songs include: All I Ask, Chasing Pavements, Make You Feel My Love, Hello, Million Years Ago, Remedy, Rolling in the Deep, Set Fire To The Rain, Rumour Has It, Skyfall, Someone like You and When We Were Young . Lista utworów: |
cena 62,95 zł. | Adele Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along: Adele - Viola (Book/Online Audio)
This volume in the Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along series features 12 of the most popular songs by the iconic British songstress Adele , arranged for the Viola. The price of this book includes access to online audio demonstration and backing tracks that allow instrumentalists to slow down the audio without changing pitch, loop for challenging parts and more. Songs include: All I Ask, Chasing Pavements, Make You Feel My Love, Hello, Million Years Ago, Remedy, Rolling in the Deep, Set Fire To The Rain, Rumour Has It, Skyfall, Someone like You and When We Were Young . Lista utworów: |
cena 83,95 zł. | Adele Pro Vocal Women's Edition Volume 56: Adele (Book/Online Audio)
Whether you're a karaoke singer or preparing for an audition, this volume from the Pro Vocal series is for you. The book contains the lyrics, melody and chord symbols and the online audio tracks include demos for listening and separate backing tracks so you can sing along. Perfect for home rehearsal, parties, auditions, corporate events, and gigs without a backup band. This book includes 8 Adele songs: Chasing Pavements, Hello, Make You Feel My Love, Rolling in the Deep, Set Fire to the Rain, Skyfall, Someone like You and When We Were Young . The included audio tracks can be accessed using the unique code inside each book and can be streamed or downloaded. The audio features Playback+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right â available exclusively from Hal Leonard. Lista utworów: |
cena 88,95 zł. | Adele Guest Spot: Adele - Clarinet
Step into the spotlight and play along with ten of the best hits from Adele. This pack includes a book with Clarinet arrangements and a CD of "soundalike" backing tracks. Lista utworów: |
cena 90,95 zł. | Adele Adele Volume.32 Adele Volume.32
Each volume in the Easy Piano Play-Along series includes recordings of complete professional performances and matching custom arrangements in easy Piano format. With these books you can: listen to the recordings of each song; play the easy Piano arrangements along with the performances; sing along with the full performances; play the easy Piano arrangements as solos, without the audio. This volume features 10 songs from the beloved British songstress, Adele , including: Chasing Pavements, Hello, Make You Feel My Love, Remedy, Rolling in the Deep, Rumour Has It, Set Fire to the Rain, Skyfall, Someone Like You and When We Were Young . Lista utworów: |
cena 97,95 zł. | Adele The Best of Adele - Easy Piano The Best of Adele - Easy Piano
Publikacja zawiera 17 największych hitów Adele w opracowaniu na fortepian z linią melodyczną, tekstem i chwytami gitarowymi. The Best Of Adele For Easy Piano includes 17 of her biggest and best hits so far, arranged for Easy Piano, with simplified arrangements, chord symbols, lyrics and some fingering guidance. Featuring the chart-topping Hello , plus the favourites from all three of her albums, 19, 21 and 25. This is the definitive Adele sheet music book for Easy Piano . Since starting out at the BRIT School in South London, Adele 's rise to stardom has been truly exciting. Her dAŠbut release '19' brought sudden success with singles like Chasing Pavements , Hometown Glory and Make You Feel My Love , all included here. But it was '21' that shot her to pop royalty, with Set Fire To The Rain, Rolling In The Deep and that performance of Someone Like You , solidifying her as a genuine superstar. After taking a short break from music after giving birth to a son, Adele 's third album '25' was released in 2015 amidst unprecedented anticipation and speculation. Critics and fans hailed its mature lyrical themes and Adele 's unfaltering vocals, while commercial sales broke records internationally. Five songs from this smash-hit album are included in this Best Of Adele collection for Easy Piano , such as Hello, When We Were Young, Remedy, All I Ask and Water Under The Bridge . Adele For Easy Piano will let you learn to play the best songs from 25, 21 and 19 with lyrics, chord symbols and fingering guidance when necessary. If you are of a beginner standard on the Piano, this book boasts The Best Of Adele so far, at a difficulty you will be able to play. Lista utworów: |
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