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cena 108,95 zł. | Randle Lynda Through It All Through It All
W publikacji znajduje się 15 utworów typu gospel, Leave It There, I'm Free, Through It All, His Eye Is on the Sparrow, One Day, I Found the Answer, Search Me, Lord. Lista utworów: |
cena 103,95 zł. | Borop Niles, Nelon Judy Spencer The World's Greatest Southern Gospel Songs Światowe przeboje południowej muzyki gospel The World's Greatest Southern Gospel Songs
Największe światowe przeboje muzyki gospel w opracowaniu na fortepian solo. Faktura zawiera dodatkowo słowa piosenek i diagramy chwytów gitarowych. Wśród tytułów znajdziesz m. in.: "Because He Lives", "Goodbye, World, Goodbye", "I Can't Even Walk", "We Shall Behold Him" i wiele innych. The World's Greatest Southern Gospel Songs is a collection of some of the finest Southern Gospel songs ever! In this book, you will find the songs you know and love as performed by some of today's best Southern Gospel singers. Carefully assembled to reflect a wide variety of favourites, this book is one you will treasure now and always! Lista utworów: |
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