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cena 123,95 zł. | Adele Adele Volume.32 ![]()
Publikacja zawiera 11 utworów z płyty "25" oraz utwór ze słynnego filmu Skyfall. W publikacji znajduje sie kod dostępu do pobrania materiałów. Each volume in the Piano Play-Along series comes with standard arrangements for Piano and Voice with Guitar chord frames plus online audio with full performances of each song as well as tracks without the Piano part so you can play âoleadâ? with the band. The online audio includes Playback+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys and pan left or right. This volume includes all the songs from Adele 's smash hit album '25' plus the James Bond single âo Skyfall â?: All I Ask, Hello, I Miss You, Love in the Dark, Million Years Ago, Remedy, River Lea, Send My Love (To Your New Lover), Skyfall, Sweetest Devotion, Water Under the Bridge and When We Were Young . Lista utworów: |
cena 76,95 zł. | Adele 25 ADELE ![]()
Zanurz się w muzyczny świat Adele i odkryj nowe melodie z jej płyty "25" z 2015 roku. 11 łatwych utworów na gitarę (tabulatura, zapis tradycyjny) Hello, I Miss You, Remedy, When We Were Young, River Lea, Love In The Dark, Million Years Ago, Send My Love (To Your New Lover), All I Ask, Sweetest Devotion, Water Under The Bridge. All the songs from this popular 2015 album by Adele arranged for easy Guitar with notes and tablature. Includes: All I Ask, Hello, I Miss You, Love in the Dark, Million Years Ago, Remedy, River Lea, Send My Love (To Your New Lover), Sweetest Devotion, Water Under the Bridge, When We Were Young . Lista utworów: |
cena 76,95 zł. | Adele Adele 25 ![]()
Zbiór 11 utworów Adele z albumu z 2015 r. opracowanych na ukulele wraz akordami, chwytami gitarowymi oraz teskstami piosenek. This matching folio contains all 11 songs from Adele 's hit 2015 album in Ukulele arrangements with chord frames. Songs include: All I Ask, Hello, I Miss You, Million Years Ago, Remedy, Sweetest Devotion, When We Were Young and more. Lista utworów: |
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