Beppe Gambetta -The Flatpicking Sourcebook
Ilość stron: | 216 |
Format: | 230 x 305 |
Opracowanie na: | gitara (zawiera zapis tradycyjny oraz tabulaturę, akordy) i materiał AUDIO |
Obsada: | Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych) Gitara (1) |
Rodzaj produktu: | nuty drukowane + materiał AUDIO |
Wersja językowa: | wstępu: angielska biografii: angielska opisów: angielska tytułów utworów: angielska |
Dostępność | w magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa |
Autorzy | Autor aranżacji/opracowania: Gambetta Beppe |
Kod produktu: | NPL084222 |
Beppe Gambetta -The Flatpicking Sourcebook to wspaniały podręcznik do nauki gry na gitarze metodą kostkową włoskiego mistrza Beppe Gambetta. Książka obejmuje szeroki zakres tematów, między innymi rozgrzewkę, podtawowe techniki bicia, otwarte stroje, a dodatkowo 75 ćwiczeń. Do książki dołączony jest specjalny kod umożliwiający pobranie z internetu dodatkowych materiałów.
The Flatpicking Sourcebook is a comprehensive collection that teaches the fundamental techniques involved in this important playing method. Written by Italian virtuoso Beppe Gambetta , this weighty book covers all the essentials along with examples in standard notation, tab and downloadable demonstrations. Flatpicking is a Guitar technique that involves playing with a plectrum, as opposed to the fingers. A master of this technique, and many styles of music, Beppe Gambetta is your guide in this newly-translated edition of his definitive guide to playing in this style. From the fundamentals - left and right hand techniques, plectrum grip - all the way to solo pieces, duets and ensemble arrangements, this is both a fantastic introduction to Flatpicking Guitar, and a useful resource for more experienced players looking for a reference work. Other essential topics in The Flatpicking Sourcebook are warm-ups, strumming, crosspicking, scales, improvisation, open tunings and different arrangements. Not only will Gambetta teach you how to flatpick, you will get important practice with the 75 exercises, licks, solo pieces, and other arrangements, also demonstrating the full extent of this fascinating and rich style. The accompanying download card includes demonstrations of all the material by Beppe Gambetta himself, letting you hear a true master show you how it's done. This thorough and authoritative Flatpicking Sourcebook is a detailed guide to the techniques and fundamentals of an inimitable style passed down through generations of genius musicians.
Spis treści:
1 Lesson from the Past
2 Fundamentals
Right Hand-Searching for Tone
Pick Gripping and Hand Rest
Fundamental Movements
Left Hand
3 Warm up and workout
Single string Workout
Hammer - Ons
Pull - Offs
Spider Joe (1st. Pattern)
Spider Joe (2nd. Pattern)
Workout and Crosspicking
4 For Beginning Students
First Melodies
Bill Malley's Barn Dance
Rock the Cradle Joe
Saltarello Romagnolo
5 Strumming
Down in the Valley to Pray
Sally Goodin
Cuckoo's Nest
6 Accompaniament
Alternating Bass Rhythms
Rhythm with Strumming
Fill-in Licks
Bass Runs
Rhytm Licks
7 Carter Style
Lonesome Road Blues
Gentelman Charlie
8 Crosspicking
Essential Movements
Crosspicking Fundamentals
Arranging a Traditional Melody with Crosspicking
The Banks of the Ohio
Arkansas Traveller
Crosspicking: Creative Examples
Sardinia's Crosspicking
Ballo a Chitarra (Guitar Dance)
9 Transcription and Rearrangement of Traditional Melodies
The Repertoire of American
Fiddle Tunes
Kitchen Girl
Blackberry Blossom
Blackberry Blossom (Variations)
Eastern European Traditional Melodies
Various Traditional Italian Melodies
Suite of Polkas and Quadrilles
Suite of Polkas and Quadrilles (Accompaniament)
Flatpicking in the British Isles
10 Scales
Open String Major Scales and Relative Minors
Open String Scales with Changes in Position
Scales with "Double Stops" on Open Strings
Scales in Harp Style
Scales with Drones
11 Improvisation in Roots Music
Melodic Improvisation
Scarborough Fair
Harmony Improvisation
Improvising on Chord Positions
Combine and Alternate the Two Forms
The House of the Rising Sun
Battle of Waterloo
12 Licks
Licks in the Style of the Masters
Licks Based on Particular Techniques
Licks in the style of
Slade Stomp
13 Open Tunings
Essential scales in DADGAD Tuning
Essential scales in DGDGAD Tuning
Aires de Pontevedra
14 The Solo Guitarist in Flatpicking Style
Deus Ti Salvet Maria
On the Road with Mama
Ninna Nonna
15 Duets
Sweet Sunny South-Melody
Sweet Sunny South-Harmony
Blues Ain't Nothin' - Fingerpicking
Blues Ain't Nothin' - Flatpicking
Marcia Americana
Under the Double Eagle
The Petty Thief - First Guitar
The Petty Thief - Second Guitar
The Petty Thief - Third Guitar
The Petty Thief - Fourth Guitar
Hunterdon Boler - First Guitar
Hunterdon Boler - Second Guitar
Hunterdon Boler - Third Guitar
17 The Arrangement
Examples in Different Styles
Hard Travelin' - Intro
Battle of Waterloo - Intro
Rhytm for Creuza de Ma
Rhytm for Long Journey Home
I'm Worried Now
Nova Gelosia
Rhytmic Grooves
Latin Groove
Blues Groove
Balkan Groove
Western Swing Groove
Cajun Groove
Spanish Groove
Hawaiian Groove