Old Time String Band Music For Mandolin
Publikacja zawiera utwory na mandolinę z lat 1920-1930. Do książki dołączona jest dodatkowo płyta CD z nagranymi wersjami demonstracyjnymi poszczególnych utworów oraz akompaniamentami.
While many extant photos of string band artists show members holding a mandolin, it often can barely be heard in most period recordings because the most important instrument to capture was usually the fiddle or voice. This collection provides you with the opportunity to learn over 70 old-time-music period songs recorded mostly by Ernest Stoneman, or the duo Grayson & Whitter, during the 1920s and early 1930s. Many of these songs were also covered by other string bands regardless of whether they had the opportunity or not to be commercially recorded. CD tracks of some of the songs in this collection as recorded by a number of different string band artists are provided so that performances can be compared.
Lista utworów:
A Dark Road Is A Hard Road to Travel
A Massage From Home Sweet Home
All Go Hungry Hash House
All I've Got's Gone
Are You Washed In The Blood?
Careless Love
Don't Go Out Tonight, My Darling
Down on the Banks of the Ohio
Fallen By The Wayside
Goodbye, Dear Old Stepstone
Handsome Molly
He Is Coming After Me
He Is Coming To Us Dead
He Was Nailed To The Cross For Me
I Am Resolved
I Have Lost Darling, True Love
I Know My Name Is There
I Remember Calvary
I Saw A Man at the Close of Day
I'll Never Be Yours
It,s Sinful To Flirt
I've Always Been A Rambler
John Hardy
Joke'n Henry
Little Maggie With a Dram Glass in Her Hand
Midnight on the Stormy Deep
Mountaineer's Courtship
My Mind Is To Marry
My Mother and My Sweetheart
Never Be As Fast As I Have Been
New River Train
Nobody's Darling
No MOre Goodbyes
On the Banks of Old Tennesse
Red or Green aka The Red and Green Signal Lights
Remamber the Poor Tramp Has to Live
Rose Conley
Sally Gooden
Say Darling Say
She's Mine, All Mine
Short Life Of Trouble
Shout Lula
Sweeping Through The Gates
Sweet Rosie O'Grady
The Burial of Wild Bill
The Eastbound Train
The Fate of Talmadge Osborne
The Lightning Express
The Nine-Pound Hammer
The Nine Pound Hammer
The Old Hickory Cane
The Old Maid and the Burglar
The Orphan Girl
The Pretty Mohea
The Prisoner's Lament
The Raging Sea, How It Roards
The Railroad Flagman's Sweetheart
The Religious Critic
The Resurrection
The Road to Washington aka White House Blues
The Titanic
The Wreck of the Southern Old 97
The Wreck on the C@O
There'll Come A Time
There's A Light Up In Galilee
Too Late
Train No. 45
We Parted at the River
What You Gonna Do With The Baby
When the Redeemed Are Gathering In
When the Snowflakes Fall Again
Where Are You Going Alice?
You'll Never Miss Your Mother Until She's Gone
Spis treści:
Basic Melidic Connections: A Traditional Approach
The Song
A Dark Road is A Hard Road to Travel
A Message from Home Sweet Home
All Go Hungry Hash House [CD TRACKS 1-3]
All I've Got's Gone [CD TRACKS 4-5]
Are You Washed in the Blood? [CD TRACKS 6-7]
Careless Love
Don't Go Out Tonight, My Darling
Down on the Banks of the Ohio [CD TRACKS 8-9]
Fallen by the Wayside
Goodbye, Dear Old Stepstone [3/4 time]
Goodbye, Dear Old Stepstone [4/4 time]
Handstome Molly
He Is Coming After Me
He Is Coming to Us Dead
He Was Nailed to the Cross for Me
I Am Resolved
I Have Lost You Darling, True Love
I Know My Name Is There
I Remember Calvary
I Saw a Man at Close of Day
I'll Never Be Yours
It's Sinful to Flirt
I've Always Been a Rambler
John Hardy [CD TRACKS 10-12]
Joke n'Henry
Little Maggie With a Dram Glass in Her Hand
Midnight on the Stormy Deep
Mountaineer's Courtship
My Mind is to Marry
My Mother and My Sweetheart
Never Be as Fast as I Have Been
New River Train
Nobody's darling [CD TRACKS 13-14]
No More Goodbyes
On the Banks of Old Tennessee
Red or Green [The Red and Green Signal Lights]
Remember the Poor Tramp has to Live
Rose Conley
Sally Gooden
Say Darling Say
She's Mine, All Mine
Short Life oc Trouble [CD TRACKS 15-16]
Shout Lula
Sweeping Trought the Gates
Sweet Rosie O'Grady
The Burial of Wild Bill
The Eastbound Train
The Fate of Talmadge Osborne
The Lightning Express
The Nine Pound Hammer [CD TRACK 17-19]
The Nine Pound Hammer II
The Old Hickory Cane
The Old Maid and the Burglar
The Orphan Girl
The Pretty Mohea
The Prisoner's Lament
The Raging Sea, How It Roars
The Railroad Flagman's Sweetheart
The Religious Critic
The Resurrection
The Road to Washington [aka White House Blues] [CD TRACKS 20-21]
The Titanic
The Wreck of the Southern Old 97 [CD TRACKS 22-23]
The Wreck on the C@O
There'll Come A Time
There's A Light Lit Up in Galilee
Too Late
Train No.45
We Parted at the River
What You Gonna Do with the Baby
When the Redeemed are Gathering In
When the Snowflakes Fall Again
Where Are You Going, Alice?
You'll Never Miss Your Mother Until She's Gone
CD Track Aritst Index
Related Music Resoruces
Author's Biography