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płyta DVD (1)
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Ordinary znajdziesz w 2 publikacjach wymienionych poniżej:

Okładka: Seals Son, Son Seals - Chicago Blues Guitar

cena 146,95 zł.


Seals Son
Son Seals - Chicago Blues Guitar

angielski Son Seals - Chicago Blues Guitar

Format:127 x 177.8
Rodzaj produktu:płyta DVD - film instruktażowy
Wersja językowa:angielska
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa
Kod produktu:NPL061865

In this 1999 session, Son Seals provided an extraordinary personal lesson on how to play tough, no-nonsense blues guitar in a variety of rhythmic settings. An inspiring teacher along with being an awesome performer, Son was direct in his explanations as he was in his guitar playing. He put his heart into each song segment, which includes shuffles, slow blues, funk blues and minor blues, interjecting humorous anecdotes and practical playing advice for guitarists at all levels of experience. In addition, he was a master at up-tempo shuffles, demonstrating clearly how to pace and build a solo. By observing Son's technique in such an intimate setting, you'll see that the secret to his power and energy was in his fingers and not in excessive amplification. An easy-to-follow booklet is included that contains transcriptions of essential musical examples.

cena 294,95 zł.


Gambale Frank
Modes - No More Mystery (DVD)

Opracowanie na:płyta DVD
Rodzaj produktu:płyta DVD - film instruktażowy
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa
AutorzyWykonawca: Gambale Frank
Kod produktu:NPL083272

On this DVD, the legendary Frank Gambale presents a clear and easy-to-understand guide to using modes in soloing. All seven major modes are covered and each one is demonstrated in the context of some extraordinary solo work. Perfect viewing for intermedia


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Centrum Dystrybucji Nut nuty.pl
FRAZA s.c., ul. Łużycka 28a, 51-111 Wrocław
tel./fax (071) 325-82-11, tel. 372-66-68
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