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cena 139,95 zł. | Caruba Glen The Contemporary Percussionist ![]() ![]()
Szkoła w formie filmu na płycie DVD, gry na perkusji oraz instrumentach perkusyjnych, takich jak: Congas, Bangos, Timbales, djembe. Prezentacja DVD omawia także takie zagadnienia jak strojenie zestawu perkusyjnego, ćwiczenia techniki gry, swing.
cena 120,95 zł. | Strommen Carl Broadway By Special Arrangement for Clarinet (+ CD) ![]() ![]()
11 piosenek wybranych z dorobku musicalowego Broadwayu w aranżacji na klarnet B z akompaniamentem na dołączonej do książki płycie CD. Piosenki z takich musicali, jak "Porgy and Bess" czy "Can-Can", zapisane zostały w standardowej notacji z funkcjami harmonicznymi. Broadway by Special Arrangement is a collection of eleven songs arranged for the instrumentalist wanting to play in a Jazz style -without the need to learn to improvise. The 'classically' trained amateur or professional performer, or the intermediate-level student (III-IV), will enjoy playing these expertly arranged Broadway melodies just for fun or to include as a light piece on a recital or solo-feature concert performance. Lista utworów: |
cena 118,95 zł. | Clapton Eric Acoustic Classics - Guitar Signature Licks DVD ![]()
Nauka gry na gitarze prowadzona przez jednego z najlepszych gitarzystów świata Erica Claptona. Prezentuje akustycznie, krok po kroku, osiem swoich piosenk między innymi:Layla, Tears in Heaven dając wskazówki techniczne, wykonawcze. Guitar master Eric Clapton is one of the world's favourite guitarists, his music has touched and inspired many lives. This fabulous DVD from the Guitar Signature Licks Series features some of his best known acoustic songs and compositions. Introduced by Doug Boduchof this DVD features a step-by-step breakdown of Clapton's guitar style and technique, Jam-along songs and practice tips as well as eight classic songs. A must for Clapton fans and anyone wanting to learn solos and songs by one of the greatest guitarists of all time. Lista utworów: |
cena 103,95 zł. | Strouse Charles The Songs of Charles Strouse ![]() ![]()
Charles Strouse znany jest przede wszystkim z kompozycji filmowych i musicalowych do takich produkcji, jak: "Bye Bye Birdie" (1960), "Applause" (1970) i "Annie" (1977). Niniejsza publikacja zawiera aż 50 utworów z różnych filmów w typowym opracowaniu PVG (Piano / Vocal / Guitar), a wśród nich m. in.: "Married Life" ("Nick and Nora"), "I Don't Need Anything but You" ("Annie"), "When You Smile" ("Annie Warbucks") i wiele innych. Since the 1950s, Charles Strouse has composed the scores to some of Broadway's most successful and enduring musicals, in addition to several well-known movie scores, concert music and operas. A true crossover artist with strong classical roots, Strouse is a three-time Tony Award winner, honored for his first Broadway classic Bye Bye Birdie (1960), Applause (1970) and Annie (1977). He also won an Emmy Award in 1996 for outstanding individual achievement in music and lyrics. A recipient of the coveted ASCAP Richard Rodgers Award for his achievement in musical theater, Strouse also has been honored by the American Theater Wing and elected to the Theater Hall of Fame. This collection presents 49 of his songs arranged for piano and voice with guitar chord frames. Includes: Applause • Blame It on the Summer Night • Born Too Late • Bye Bye Birdie • Children of the Wind • Follow the Way of the Lord • I Can't Stop Dancin' • I Don't Need Anything but You • It Would Have Been Wonderful • It's the Hard-Knock Life • Kids! • Look on the Bright Side • A Lot of Livin' to Do • Put On a Happy Face • Those Were the Days • Tomorrow • When You Smile • You've Got Possibilities • and more. Also features a fascinating article about Strouse's career, with photos. Lista utworów: |
cena 91,95 zł. | Różni Hymnprov ![]() ![]()
Publikacja zawiera aranżacje fortepianowe hymnów i tradycyjnych melodii chrześcijańskich dokonane przez wybitnego pianistę - Larry'ego Daltona. Zapis zawiera także akordy. W publikacji zamieszczono krótkie noty dotyczące wykonawstwa poszczególnych utworów. Wśród tytułów znajdziesz m. in.: "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing", "Crown Him with Many Crowns", "I Sing the Mighty Power of God", "I Must Tell Jesus" i inne. Lista utworów: |
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