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Study In F

Dostępne opracowania:

gitara solo (3)
klarnet B i CD (1)
zróżnicowane: 1 lub 2 gitary (zapis tradycyjny) (1)

Study In F znajdziesz w 5 publikacjach wymienionych poniżej:

Okładka: Lester Bryan, Essential Technique: The Barré

cena 95,95 zł.


Lester Bryan
Essential Technique: The Barré

włoski Essential Technique: The Barré

Ilo¶ć stron:21
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:gitara solo
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilo¶ć materiałów wykonawczych)
Gitara (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:wstępu: angielska, niemiecka, włoska
opisów: angielska, niemiecka, włoska
tytułów utworów: angielska, niemiecka, włoska
Dostępno¶ćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

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Kod produktu:NPL063412

Zbiór 11 utworów Bryana Lestera, skomponowanych na gitarę solo do ćwiczenia gry na akordzie barré. Każdy utwór zawiera akordy barré, dzięki czemu udoskonalisz posługiwanie się nim w grze, oraz wzmocnisz lew± rękę. Przed każdym zapisem nutowym zamieszczono krótki opis dotycz±cy sposobu gry, techniki wykonawczej, w trzech językach - angielskim, niemieckim i włoskim.

'Essential Guitar Skill' is a collection of original graded pieces for technical study representing a particular approach that is relevant to the modern player. These pieces can be commenced well within the first year of study.

Lista utworów:
Barré Dance
Simple Barré
Sun Song
Slow Dance
Bar Count
Blue Barré
Shadow Mode
Electric Guitar Barré
Study in F Minor
Heart's Miracle
Lullaby for a Giant
Shirt Poem
In Simple Mode
In Gentle Mode
Spanish Study

Okładka: Noad Frederick, First Book For The Guitar

cena 151,95 zł.


Noad Frederick
First Book For The Guitar

polski Pierwsza ksi±żka na gitarę solo
angielski First Book For The Guitar

Ilo¶ć stron:200
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:gitara solo
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilo¶ć materiałów wykonawczych)
Gitara (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:wstępu: angielska
biografii: angielska
opisów: angielska
tytułów utworów: angielska
Stopień trudno¶ci:1 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępno¶ćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

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Kod produktu:NPL065251
Produkty podobne:Noad Frederick - First Book For The Guitar - Part 1
Noad Frederick - First Book For The Guitar - Part 2
Noad Frederick - First Book for the Guitar - Part 3

Obszerna szkoła gry na gitarze klasycznej - zawiera w sobie zarówno 1-sz±, 2-g±, jak i 3-ci± czę¶ć podręcznika. Autor podręcznika - Frederick Noad - krok po kroku wprowadzi Cię w niezbędne zagadnienia dotycz±ce zarówno techniki gitarowej, jak i przedstawi rozmaite ćwiczenia melodyczno - rytmiczne dopasowane do danego zagadnienia. W¶ród przykładowych utworów znajdziesz m. in.: "Andante" (Sor), "Andante", Op. 6 (Molino), "Andantino" (Sor), "Andantino" (Carulli), "Andantino", Op. 139, No. 1 (Giuliani), "Aura Lee" (L. Mozart) i wiele innych.

Contents: All Through the Night • Allegretto (Giuliani) • Allegretto, Op. 44, No. 8 (Sor) • Alman (16th C.) • Amusement, Op. 18, No. 3 (Horetzky) • Andante (Sor) • Andante, Op. 6 (Molino) • Andantino (Sor) • Andantino (Carulli) • Andantino, Op. 139, No. 1 (Giuliani) • Aura Lee • Banks of the Ohio • Bourrée in A Minor (L. Mozart) • El Vito • The Entertainer • Etude (Carulli) • Etude in A Minor • Evening Breeze (Noad) • Fandango • Greensleeves • I Gave My Love a Cherry (The Riddle Song) • Theme from Jocelyn (Godard) • La Volta • Little Rondo (Meissonier) • Minuet • Minuet (Carcassi) • Minuet I • Moorish Dance • On Top of Old Smoky • Packington's Pound (16th C.) • Pastoral (Noad) • Pavane (16th C.) • Petenera (Traditional) • The Piper's Tune • Rondo from Sonatina, Op. 71 (Giuliani) • Sicilienne (Meissonier) • Solitude • Sonatina (Attwood) • Song at Nightfall • The St. Catherine (Barrett) • Study in C (Giuliani) • Study in D (Sor) • Study in D Minor (Coste) • Study in F (Sor) • Study in 3rds (Sor) • Study in 6ths (Sor) • Theme by De Visee • Theme by Hook • Theme by Purcell • Victorian Song (Noad) • Waltz (Carcassi) • The Willow • Zapateado.

Lista utworów:
All Through The Night (Welsh Folksong)
Allegretto (Mauro Guiliani)
Allegretto,Op.44,No.8 (Sor)
Alman (16th C.)
Amusement,Op.18,No.3 (Horetzky)
Andante (Sor)
Andante(Op.6) Molino
Andantino (Sor)
Andantino (Carulli)
Andantino,Op.139,No.1 (Giuliani)
Aura Lee (George R. Poulton)
Banks Of The Ohio (19th Century Western American)
Bourree In A Minor (Mozart L)
El Vito
Etude (Carulli)
Etude In A Minor (Ferdinand Carulli)
Evening Breeze (Noad)
Fandango (Frank Perkins)
Greensleeves (Traditional English)
I Gave My Love A Cherry (The Riddle Song) (Traditional)
Jocelyn, Theme From(Godard)
La Volta
Little Rondo (Meissonier)
Minuet (Bach)
Minuet (Carcassi)
Minuet I (Henry Purcell)
Moorish Dance
On Top Of Old Smoky (Kentucky Mountain Folksong)
Packington's Pound (Anonymous 16th Century English)
Pastoral (Noad)
Pavane (16th C.)
Petenera (Traditional)
Piper's Tune, The
Rondo(Sonatina,Op.71) Giuliani
Sicilienne (Meissonier)
Solitude (Duke Ellington, Eddie De Lange, Irving Mills)
Sonatina (Attwood)
Song At Nightfall
St. Catherine, The (Barrett)
Study In 3rds (Sor)
Study In 6ths (Sor)
Study In C (Giuliani)
Study In D (Fernando Sor)
Study In D Min. (Coste)
Study In F (Sor)
The Entertainer (Scott Joplin)
Theme By De Visee
Theme By Hook
Theme By Purcell
Victorian Song (Noad)
Waltz (Carcassi)
Willow, The

Spis tre¶ci:

Note to the reader
Note to the teacher
About the guitar
How guitar music is written
Notes and rests
Special tuning tips
Beginning to play
The sitting position
The right hand
The rest stroke
Tone quality
The shape of the nails
Finger identification
First practice of the rest stroke alternation
The left hand
The left-hand exercise
Putting both hands together
Further development
The free stroke
Notes on the first string
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Notes on the second string
Rest and damping
Exercise 5
Exercise 6
Exercise 7
Pick-up notes
Bank of the Ohio
Notes on the third string
Counting eighth notes
Exercise 8
Exercise 9
Exercise 10
Aura Lee
Thumb technique
Notes on the fourth string
Exercise 11
Exercise 12
Exercise 13
Notes on the fifth and sixth strings
Exercise 14
Exercise 15
Exercise 16
Sharps and flats
Exercise 17
Exercise 18
Chord technique
Exercise 19
Exercise 20
Cherry Song
Exercise 21
Arpeggios and Triplets
Technique of arpeggio
The Upward arpeggio
The downward arpeggio
Exercise 22
Exercise 23
Exercise 24
Combining chords and melody
Exercise 25
Exercise 26
La Volta
Practice suggestions
The Moorish dance
Evening Breeze
Minuet Theme
Flamenco Study
Song at nightfall
To the reader
A note to the teacher
Keys and scales
Scale of C Major
Other Major Keys
Scale of G Major
Minor Keys
Exercise 1
Study in G Major
Counting sixteenth notes
Exercise 2
Mixed Eighths and Sixteenths
Exercise 3
Etude in A Minor
Right hand fingering
General Principles
A Warning
Two Note Chords
Exercise 4
Crossing From String to String
Use of the Ring Finger
Exercise 5
Exercise 6 to 10
The Dotted Quarter Note
Exercise 11
Exercise 12
Packington's Pound
Right-Hand Technique
Choice of the Rest Stroke or Free Stroke
Single-Note Passages
Two-Note Chords with Rest Stroke
Exercise 13
Exercise 14
Chords of Three or More Notes
To the reader
To the teacher
A practical warm-up routine
More advanced counting
The dotted eighth note
Grace notes
Exercise 1
The half bar
More about chords
Exercise 2
Arpeggiated chords
When to arpeggiate
Shorthand systems for chords
Components of a Major Chord
The Right Hand
Breaking up the Chords
Formation of More Complex Chords
On top of old smokey
Exploring new keys
Flat keys
Exercise 3
Study in F
Keys with more Sharps
Scale of A Major
Exercise 4
Scale of E Major
Exercise 5
Little Rondo

Okładka: Leavitt Debbie, Classical Studies For Pick-style Guitar - Volume 1

cena 72,95 zł.


Leavitt Debbie
Classical Studies For Pick-style Guitar - Volume 1

polski Klasyczne etiudy gitarowe w stylu piórkowym, z. 1
angielski Classical Studies For Pick-style Guitar, Vol. 1

Ilo¶ć stron:32
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:zróżnicowane: 1 lub 2 gitary (zapis tradycyjny)
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilo¶ć materiałów wykonawczych)
O B S A D A 1 (0) lub Gitara (1)
O B S A D A 2 (0) i Gitara I (1) i Gitara II (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:wstępu: angielska
tytułów utworów: angielska
Stopień trudno¶ci:4 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępno¶ćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

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Kod produktu:NPL065334

Dwadzie¶cia utworów klasycznych na gitarę. Utwory takich mistrzów jak Carulli, Sor czy Carcassi zostały tak dobrane by mogli je grać gitarzy¶ci posługuj±cy się technik± piórkow±. Większo¶ć utworów jest napisana na instrument solo, niektóre z opcj± gry w duecie a kilka to klasyczne utwory na dwie gitary.

This Berklee Workshop, featuring over 20 solos and duets by Bach, Carcassi, Paganini, Sor and other renowned composers, is designed to acquaint intermediate to advanced pick-style guitarists with some of the excellent classical music that is adaptable to pick-style guitar. With study and practice, this workshop will increase a player's knowledge and proficiency on this formidable instrument.

Lista utworów:
Bourree (Bach)
Caprice (Carcassi)
Etude (Carulli)
Etude In F (Carulli)
Etude No.1 (Kreutzer)
Etude No.2 (Kreutzer)
Etude No.3 (Kreutzer)
Invention No.1 (Bach)
Invention No.10 (Bach)
Invention No.13 (Bach)
Invention No.2 (Bach)
Invention No.4 (Bach)
Invention VIII (Bach)
Perpetual Motion (Paganini)
Sarabande (Christopher Parkening)
Sonatina (Clementi)
Study In A Minor (Dionisio Aguado, Fernando Sor, Matteo Carcassi)
Study In C (Sor)
Study In F (Carcassi)
Waltz (Carcassi)

Okładka: Leavitt William, A Modern Method For Guitar - Volumes 1, 2, 3 Complete

cena 198,95 zł.


Leavitt William
A Modern Method For Guitar - Volumes 1, 2, 3 Complete

polski Wspóczesna szkoła na gitarę - czę¶ci 1,2,3 - cało¶ć
angielski A Modern Method For Guitar - Volumes 1, 2, 3 Complete

Ilo¶ć stron:432
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:gitara solo
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilo¶ć materiałów wykonawczych)
Gitara (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:wstępu: angielska
opisów: angielska
tytułów utworów: angielska
Stopień trudno¶ci:4 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępno¶ćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa
AutorzyEdytor: Feist Jonathan

Zajrzyj do ¶rodka. Oto kilka stron z publikacji:

Kliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyć

Kod produktu:NPL076172
Produkty podobne:Leavitt William - A Modern Method For Guitar - Volume 2
Leavitt William - A Modern Method For Guitar, Volume 1
Leavitt William - Méthode Moderne De Guitare: Volume 1
Leavitt William - Modern Method For Guitar (Spanish Edition) - Volume 1
Leavitt William - Modern Method For Guitar (Spanish Edition), Volume 1

Trzy czę¶ciowa szkoła gry na gitarze Williama Leavitta, zebrana została w jednej publikacji. Jest ona wykorzystywana do nauki gry na gitarze w prestiżowym Berklee College of Musik. Czę¶ć pierwsza zajmuje się harmoni±, melodyk±, akompaniamentem a także podstawowymi technikami (np. arpeggio). W czę¶ci drugiej wprowadzone zostaj± zagadnienia interwałów, przewrotów akordów, improwizacji, gitary rytmicznej i gry w duecie. Czę¶ć trzecia pogłębia wiedzę zdobyt± wcze¶niej.

Now guitarists can have all three volumes of this classic guitar method in one convenient book! Created by popular demand, this new edition of the method used as the basic text for the renowned Berklee College of Music guitar program is a complete compilation of the original Volumes 1, 2, and 3. Innovative solos, duets and exercises progressively teach melody, harmony and rhythm. Perfect for the serious guitar student and instructor alike.

Lista utworów:
Lullaby [Brahms, Johannes]
Merrily We Roll Along
White Coral Bells
Old Macdonald Had A Farm
The Cobra [Leavitt, William]
The Pebble [Leavitt, William]
Two-part Invention (No.13) [Bach, Johann Sebastian]
My Old Kentucky Home [Foster, Stephen]
Long, Long Ago
The Waltz [Leavitt, William]
Andante (Symphony No.94 'The Surprise') [Haydn, Franz Joseph]
Home On The Range
Rock Candy [Leavitt, William]
An Ancient Rock [Leavitt, William]
Accidentally [Leavitt, William]
Another Waltz [Leavitt, William]
Big Ben [Leavitt, William]
Duet For Dot [Leavitt, William]
Duet For Two [Leavitt, William]
Frere Jacques
Giant Steps [Leavitt, William]
America, The Beautiful

Spis tre¶ci:

Book 1
Section I
Tuning, the staff, clef sign, common note values
Notes in the first position
Sea to sea (duet)
Note and chord review (upper register)
One, two, three, four (duet)
Rhythm accompaniment
Review (lower register)
Imitation duet
Sharps and flats
Here we go again (duet)
Rhythm accompaniment (bass notes and chords)
Eight notes - counting and picking
Etude no. 1 (duet)
Rests, tied notes, dotted notes
Etude no. 2 (duet)
First solo
Rhythm accompaniment (chord diagrams explained)
Second solo
Etude no. 3 (duet)
Picking etude no. 1 (Right hand development)
Two, two (duet)
Key of G Major (first position)
Rhythm accompaniment (chord diagrams)
Sixteenth notes
Duet in G
Picking etude no. 2
Another duet in G
Key of F Major (first position)
Rhythm accompaniment (chord diagrams and grand barre)
Duet in F
The triplet
Waltz in F (solo)
Key of of A Minor (first position)
Rhythm accompaniment (chord diagrams)
Pretty pickin' (duet)
Dotted eight and sixteenth notes
Key of E minor (scales in first position)
Rhythm accompaniment (chord diagrams)
Take your pick (duet)
Rhythm accompaniment (movable chord forms)
Chromatic scale (first position)
Speed studies
Key of D Minor (scales in first position)
Rhythm accompaniment
Endurance etude (Picking etude no. 3)
Key of B flat (scales in first position)
Rhythm accompaniment
Duet in B flat
Reverse alternate picking study
Key of D Major (scale in first position)
Duet in D
Rhythm accompaniment
Key of E flat Major (scale in first position)
Movable chord forms
Chord simplification and substitution chart
Picking - a different technique
Dynamic etude no. 4 (duet)
Key of A major (first position)
Duet in A
Duet in E flat
Section 2
Position playing
Major scales (C Major, fingering type 1, second position)
Chord etude no. 1
Etude no. 5 (duet)
Reading studies (C Major, fingering type 1, second position)
Ballad (duet)
Movable chord forms
Chord forms (derivative fingerings)
Rhythm accompaniment - right hand technique
Picking etude no. 4
F Major scale (Fingering type 1A, second position)
Chord forms
Chord etude no. 2
Another duet in F
Reading studies (F Major, fingering type 1A, second position)
Play it pretty (duet)
Chord forms
Triplet study
Speed study - fingering type 1
Speed study - fingering type 1A
G Major scale (fingering type 2, second position)
Dottef eight and sixteenth study
Waltz for two (duet)
Chord forms
Reading studies (G Major, fingering type 2, second position)
Blues in G (duet - muffled effect)
Chord etude no. 3
Rhythm accompaniment - right hand technique (basic latin beat)
Picking etude no. 5
Short and sweet (duet)
D Major scale (fingering type 3, second position)
Chord forms
Melodic rhythm study no. 1 (syncopation)
Chord etude no. 4
Staccato, legato
Reading studies (D Major, fingering type 3)
Dee-oo-ett (duet)
Chord forms
Speed study - fingering type 2
Speed study - fingering type 3
A major scale (fingering type 4, second position)
Chord etude no. 5
Reading studies (A Major, fingering type 4, second position)
Tres sharp (duet)
Sixteenth note study
Chord forms
Speed study - fingering type 4, second position
Chord forms
Second position review
Chord forms Quarter note triplets
Major scales in third position (B flat, E flat, A flat, D flat)
Third position review
Chord forms
Major scales in first position (A flad, D flat)
First position review
Major scales in fourth position (G, D, A, E)
Chord forms
Fourth position review
Chord forms
Author's notes
Book 2
Section 1
Four basic major scale fingering patterns (explanation)
C Major Scale - Ascending - 5 Positions
C Major Scale - Descending - 5 Positions
"Getting Up There" (Duet)
"Chord Etude No. 6" (Solo)
Melodic Rhythm Study No. 2
Triads (3 Note C Chords Maj. Min. Dim. Aug.)
F Major Scale - Ascending - 5 Positions
F Major Scale - Descending - 5 Positions
"Another Waltz for Two" (Duet)
Chord Forms and Speed Study
Triads (F Chords Maj. Min. Dim. Aug.)
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (4/4 and 2 beat)
"Chord Etude No. 7" (solo)
G Major Scale - Ascending - 5 Positions
G Major Scale - Descending - 5 Positions
"Sea - See - Si" (Duet)
Chord Forms
Triads (G Chords) and Finger Stretching Exercises
D Major Scale - Ascending - 5 Positions
D Major Scale - Descending - 5 Positions
"Melodic Rhythm Study No. 3" (Duet)
Triads (D Chords... across and up the fingerboard)
A Major Scale - Ascending - 5 Positions
A Major Scale - Descending - 5 Positions
"Chord Etude No. 8" (Solo)
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Rock Style Ballad)
Chord Forms
"Tranquility" (Duet)
Triads (A Chords...across and up the fingerboard)
B Major Scale - Ascending - 5 Positions
B Major Scale - Descending - 5 Positions
"Waltz in B" (Duet)
Melodic Rhythm Study No. 4 (6/8) and Finger Stretching Exercises
Triads (B Chords...across and up the fingerboard)
Pentatonic Scales
Tremolo Study
E Major Scale - Asending - 5 Positions
E Major Scale - Descending - 5 Positions
Chord Forms
Major Scale Review - Positions II, III, V
Major Scale Construction (Explanation)
Triads (Eb Chords...across and up the fingerboard)
Theory Diatonic Triads in Major Keys (Explanation)
Diatonic Triads - Key of G Maj.
Diatonic Triads - Key of F Maj.
Diatonic Triads - Key of B Maj.
Diatonic Triads - Key of Es Maj.
5th Positions Study" (Duet)
Major Triads Exercises (up the fingerboard - all strings)
Minor Triads Exercise (up the fingerboard - all strings)
Section 2
One Octave Arpeggios - Triads (In G) and "Glissando" (Expl.)
Real Melodic (Or Jazz) Minor Scale (Expl.)
C Real Melodic Minor - 5 Positions
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Shuffle Rhythm)
Speed Study
Chord Forms
"Melodic Rhythm Study No. 5" (Duet)
One Octave Arpeggios - Triads (in D and C)
Chord Forms and "Slur" (Expl.)
Theory - Diatonic 7th Chords in Major Keys (Expl.)
Arpeggios - Diatonic Seventh (In G)
Arpeggios - Diatonic Seventh (In C)
G Real Melodic Minor - 5 Positions
Chord Forms
Two Octave Arpeggios - C Maj. Triad from the Root
"Chord Etude No. 9" (Solo)
"The Wanderer" (Duet)
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Waltz)
Arpeggios - Diatonic Sevenths (In F)
Theory - Chord Scale Relationships - Diatonic Str's (Expl)
D Real Melodic Minor - 5 Positions
Chord Forms - 3rd in the Bass
Two Octave Arpeggios - G Maj. Triad from the 3rd
Two Octave Arpeggios - F Maj. Triad from the 5th
Rhythm Guitar - The right hand (Jazz Waltz)
"Interved Mordent" and "Mordent" (Expl.)
Arpeggios - Diatonic Seventh (In B)
A Real melodic Minor - 5 Positions
Chord Forms
Two Octave Arpeggios - C Minor Triad from the Root
"Appogiatura" and "Turn" or "Grupeto" (Expl.)
"Melodic Rhythm Study" (Duet)
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Cha Cha and Beguine)
Arpeggios - Diatonic Sevenths (In Es)
Theory - Chord Scale Relationships (Non-Diat. Min. 7 and Maj.)
7th position study" (Duet)
"Solo in G"
B Real Melodic Minor - 5 Positions
Chord Forms - 7th in the Bass
"Chord Etude No. 11" (Solo)
Two Octave Arpeggios - G Minor Triad from the 3rd
Two Octave Arpeggios - F Minor Triad from the 5th
Key Signatures (Explanation)
Theory - Chord to chord motion (A Brief Discussion)
Chromatic Scale
Es Real Melodic Minor - 5 Positions
Chord Forms and "Chord Etude No. 12" (Solo)
Speed Study
Two Octave Arpeggios - C Diminished Triad from the Root
G Dim. Triad from the 3rd, D Dim. Triad from the Root
"Melodic Rhythm Study No. 7" (Duet)
Whole Tone Scales
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Bossa Nova)
Two Octave Arpeggios - B, Fis and D Augmented Triads
Chord Scale Relationships (Theory) - Non - Diatonic
Minor 6th and (unaletered) Dom.7 chords
"Solo in D"
Book 3
Evolution of Twelve Major Scale Fingering Patterns
A Refined Definition of Position
Speed Study
Solo in Bb
Rhythm Guitar – The right hanad (rhumba)
Explanation of voices in chords
Triad Stuides
Adjacent Strings
Major Scales – Position II
Principal Real Melodic Minor Scales – Position II
Triad studies – chords in G major
Arpegios – Three note chords -major triads
Arpegios – Three note chords -minor triads
About chord symbols
Reference chart for major sscale gingering types
Major scales – poisition III
Melodic rhythm study No. 8 (duet)
About Practising
Triad Studies – chords in F Major
Technical study
About chord construction
Major scales – position IV
Principal Real Melodic Minor Scales – Position IV
Chord construction – four part harmony
Rhythm Guitar – The right hanad (Tango, Merengue)
C major scale (12 position)
Natural minor scale
Modes – A brief discussion
Harmonic minor scales
A harmonic minor (nine position)
A minor etude (solo)
Melodization of triads
Recognition of melodic degrees- Altered 5 and #4
About chord voicind
Arpeggios – four note F chords
Arpeggios – four note G chords
Chord scale relationships
Major scales position V
Principal Real Melodic Minor Scales – Position V
Chord construction – three note voicings
Melodization of tonic major triads
Melodization of tonic and subdominant minor chords
Diminished scale in position
Chord construction
Recognition of melodic degrees- Dominant 7 chords
Speed study
Arpeggios – Four note Bb chords
Arpeggios – Four note D chords
Melodic rythm study no 9 (duet)
Rhythm Guitar – The right hanad (Mambo, bolero, conga)
Legato Staccato
F Major scale
D harmonic minor (nine positions)
Etude in D minor (solo)
Melodic Embellishment – The Appogiatura
Rhythm Guitar – The right hanad (5/4 swing)
About altered chords and chord degrees
Arpeggios – four note Eb Chords
Arpeggios – four note A chords
Chord construction
Melodization of I Minor chords with harmonic minor scale
Arpeggio studies
Melodic rhytmic study no. 10 (duet)
Major scales – Position VII
Chords (three notes) melodization of diminished triads
Chords (three notes) melodization of augmented triads
Arpeggios – four note Db chords
Arpeggios – Four note B chords
Rhythm Guitar – The right hanad (Samba)
Polka -dot (polka duet)
Major Scales – Position VIII
Chords (three notes) melodization of tonic major chords
Melodization of minor 7 chords as Vim7
Subdominant major chords
Minor 7 chords
Arpeggios – Four note F# chords
Arpeggios – Four note Gb chords
Arpeggios – Four note C# chords
Chords (Three note voicings) Dominant 7 chords – open voicings – all inversions
B major scale (Twelve positions)
G harmonic minr (Nine positions)
Etude in G Minor (solo)
Arpeggios – Diminished chords (spelling most used)
Arpeggios – Dominant 7(b5)
Theory: Diatonic 7 Chords – Harmonic Minor (Including Diatonic Substitutions)
Arpeggio and scale study
Cords Melodization of subdominant minor 6 chords
Major scales – position X
Principal Real Melodic Minor Scales – Position X
Chords (Three note voicings) Major 6 and 7 chords – close and open voicings
Chord construction – five part harmony
Five note arpeggios
Daydreams duet
Five note arpeggios
D major scale
B harmonic minor
B minor etude (solo_
Chords (Three note voicings) Dominant 7 chords chords study with b5 (chromatic approach) in the bass
About chord progression (cycle 5)
Theory: Interchangeable chord structure
Rhythm Guitar – The right hanad (Joropo, Nanigo)
Arpeggio study – seventhchords
Chords (Three note voicings) melodization of Minor 7 chords as IIIm7
Five note arpeggios
Chords (Three note voicings) minor 7 and minor 6 chords – close and open voicings
Iim7-V7I chord study
Chord-scale relationships – special alterations on dominant 7 chords
Pretty please (duet)
Five-note arpeggios
Harmonization of a melody – from a lead sheet with chords indicated
Eb Major Scale (Twleve positions)
C Harmonic minor (nine positions)
Etude in C minor (solo)
Chord scale relationships – major chords, minor 7 chords
Chords (three note voicings) Dominant 7 chords chords study with b5 (chromatic approach) in the bass
Five note arpeggios
Chords (three note voicings) Dominant 7 chords chords study with b5 (chromatic approach) in the bass
Rhythm Guitar – The right hanad (Paso Doble)
Chord study – Minor 7 with 5b in the bass
Chord spelling – five note arpeggios – Minor (maj7/9) and Dominant 7 (b5, b9) chords
A major scale (Twelve positions)
F# Harmonic minor
F# minor etude
Chord spelling – five note arpeggios – Dominant 7 (b9) sus4 and dominant 9(b5) chords
Chord (three notes) study in F major and study in F harmonic minor
Chord spelling – five note arpeggios – Dominant 7+9 sus4 and dominant 9(b5) chords
Additional fingerings for minor scales
Chord-scale relationship
Chords-preparation of four-part open voicings – adding the 5th degree
Chords-preparation of four-part open voicings – adding the root
Chord spelling – five note arpeggios – minor 9(b5) chords
About improvisation
„It's Late” (duet)
Chords-preparation of four part open voicings – adding the 3rd degree
Chords-preparation of four part open voicings – adding the 7rd degree
Scale – chord relationship – Major, Harmonic minor, Real minor, Whole tone and diminished scales as related to chords

Okładka: Way Janet, Grade By Grade - Clarinet (Grade 1)

cena 111,95 zł.


Way Janet
Grade By Grade - Clarinet (Grade 1)

angielski Grade By Grade - Clarinet (Grade 1)

Ilo¶ć stron:18 + 18
Format: 229 x 305
Opracowanie na:klarnet B i CD
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilo¶ć materiałów wykonawczych)
Klarnet B (1)
Fortepian (1)
akompaniament na płycie CD (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane + płyta CD
Wersja językowa:wstępu: angielska
opisów: angielska
tytułów utworów: angielska
Dostępno¶ćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

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Kod produktu:NPL083947

Jest to praktyczny podręcznik z elementarnymi ćwiczeniami na klarnet. Utwory te zostały napisane dla pocz±tkuj±cych instrumentalistów tegoż instrumentu. Do zbiorku utworów została doł±czona płyta CD z wersjami demonstracyjnymi.

These delightful collections of carefully-selected pieces provide the perfect repertoire resource for aspiring Grade 1 and Grade 2 instrumentalists. Each piece included in these wide-ranging collections is complemented by useful practice and performance tips. A CD of demonstration and backing tracks is also included to enhance both private practice and public performance.

Lista utworów:
German Dance (Schubert Franz)
Cantilena from 'Adiemus' (Jenkins Karl)
Upstairs, Downstrais (Marks Anthony)
Promenade from 'Summer sketches' (Harris Paul)
Crumbs (Norton Christopher)
Scherzando from 'For children' (Bartók Béla)
How Graceful (Norton Christopher)
Scarborough Fair - Traditional English
Peruvian dance Tune - Traditional Peruvian
Study in F (Demnitz Friedrich)
Mama Paquita - Traditional Brazilian
Minuet (Purcell Henry)
Sunrise from '100 easy studies for piano' (Czerny Carl)
Three Easy Studies (Wastall Peter)
Creative Reflection (Way Janet)
Ffigysbren - Traditional Welsh
Fanfare (Chédeville Nicholas)
Three Blind Mice - Traditional English
Frere Jacques - Traditional French


Strona główna

Centrum Dystrybucji Nut nuty.pl
FRAZA s.c., ul. Łużycka 28a, 51-111 Wrocław
tel./fax (071) 325-82-11, tel. 372-66-68
Copyright 1997 - 2014 Fraza s.c., Wrocław, Poland