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cena 17,95 zł. | Koto Koto Plays Sience - Fiction Movie Themes
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cena 64,95 zł. | Duckett Richard, Goodborn Olive, Rogers Christopher Team Strings: Viola, Vol. 2 ![]() ![]()
Zbiór utworów na altówkę, mających na celu rozwijać umiejętności gry na instrumencie w sposób łatwy i przyjemny. Wszystkie utwory można grać solo. Dla części utworów, w osobnej publikacji, dostępny jest akompaniament fortepianowy. Część zaś można wykorzystać do nauki grupowej dzięki analogicznym publikacjom na skrzypce, wiolonczelę i kontrabas i tworzyć dowolne zespoły instrumentalne. Zakres zamieszczonych utworów jest bardzo duży: od muzyki klasycznej, przez popularną muzykę XX wieku czy standardy jazzowe, aż po aranżacje stosunkowo nowych hitów. Team Strings 2 is ideal for individual, group and class tuition, allowing the violin, viola or cello and double bass to be taught in the same lesson. This method contains carefully-graded music in a wide variety of styles, developing instrument-related aural skills, improvisation and composition. Book only edition. Lista utworów: |
cena 64,95 zł. | Duckett Richard, Goodborn Olive, Rogers Christopher Team Strings: Cello, Vol. 2 ![]() ![]()
Ten materiał do nauki gry na wiolonczeli jest połączony z analogicznymi publikacjami do nauki gry na skrzypcach, altówce czy kontrabasie. Dostępny jest także akompaniament fortepianowy dla wszystkich tych publikacji. Większość zawartych w publikacji utworów jest przeznaczona albo do gry z fortepianem albo z innym instrumentem smyczkowym. Wówczas partia wiolonczeli podana jest w kilku wersjach, co pozwala różnicować składy i stwarzać wiele wyjątkowych wykonań. W publikacji znalazły się takie utwory, jak: "Kołysanka" Brahmsa, utwór z "Gwiezdnych Wojen", "My Heart Will Go On" (Celine Dion), czy też tradycyjne irlandzkie "Auld Lang Syne". Team Strings 2 is ideal for individual, group and class tuition, allowing the violin, viola or cello and double bass to be taught in the same lesson. This method contains carefully-graded music in a wide variety of styles, developing instrument-related aural skills, improvisation and composition. Book only edition. Lista utworów: |
cena 551,95 zł. | Williams John Star Wars - BRASS BAND
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cena 120,95 zł. | Williams John Movie Themes ![]() ![]()
John Williams jest jednym z największych kompozytorów muzyki filmowej w Ameryce. Za swoją muzykę do takich filmów, jak "Gwiezdne Wojny", "Indiana Jones" czy "Szczęki" otrzymał w sumie 5 Oscarów i 45 nominacji. W publikacji znalazły się jego najbardziej znane tematy zaaranżowane na fortepian solo. Fifteen of John Williams' most famous film themes arranged for solo piano by Stephen Duro. Includes music from Star Wars, Jurassic Park, E.T., Schindler's List, Jaws and many more. Lista utworów: |
cena 65,95 zł. | Great Movie Themes ![]()
This collection features 12 Great Movie Themes complete with backing tracks that will make you sound great! Audio is available online via streaming or download. Pieces include: Batman Theme, The Godfather (Love Theme), He's a Pirate, Mrs. Darcy, My Heart Will Go on (Love Theme from 'Titanic'), Over the Rainbow, The Pink Panther, Star Wars (Main Theme) and more. Lista utworów: |
cena 76,95 zł. | Williams John Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along: Star Wars - The Force Awakens (Flute) (Book/Online Audio)
This volume in the Instrumental Play-Along series features solo arrangements of 10 favourite selections from the blockbuster movie Star Wars - The Force Awakens . The price of this book for Flute includes access to online audio demonstration and backing tracks that allow instrumentalists to slow down the audio without changing pitch, loop for challenging parts and more. This book includes: Farewell and the Trip, Finn's Confession, Han and Leia, The Jedi Steps and Finale, Kylo Ren Arrives at the Battle, Main Title and the Attack on the Jakku Village, March of the Resistance, Rey's Theme, The Scavenger and Scherzo for X-Wings . Lista utworów: |
cena 76,95 zł. | Williams John Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along: Star Wars - The Force Awakens (Clarinet) (Book/Online Audio)
This volume in the Instrumental Play-Along series features solo arrangements of 10 favourite selections from the blockbuster movie Star Wars - The Force Awakens . The price of this book for Clarinet includes access to online audio demonstration and backing tracks that allow instrumentalists to slow down the audio without changing pitch, loop for challenging parts and more. This book includes: Farewell and the Trip, Finn's Confession, Han and Leia, The Jedi Steps and Finale, Kylo Ren Arrives at the Battle, Main Title and the Attack on the Jakku Village, March of the Resistance, Rey's Theme, The Scavenger and Scherzo for X-Wings . Lista utworów: |
cena 76,95 zł. | Williams John Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along: Star Wars - The Force Awakens (Alto Saxophone) (Book/Online Audio)
This volume in the Instrumental Play-Along series features solo arrangements of 10 favourite selections from the blockbuster movie Star Wars - The Force Awakens . The price of this book for Alto Saxophone includes access to online audio demonstration and backing tracks that allow instrumentalists to slow down the audio without changing pitch, loop for challenging parts and more. This book includes: Farewell and the Trip, Finn's Confession, Han and Leia, The Jedi Steps and Finale, Kylo Ren Arrives at the Battle, Main Title and the Attack on the Jakku Village, March of the Resistance, Rey's Theme, The Scavenger and Scherzo for X-Wings . Lista utworów: |
cena 76,95 zł. | Williams John Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along: Star Wars - The Force Awakens (Tenor Saxophone) (Book/Online Audio)
This volume in the Instrumental Play-Along series features solo arrangements of 10 favourite selections from the blockbuster movie Star Wars - The Force Awakens . The price of this book for Tenor Saxophone includes access to online audio demonstration and backing tracks that allow instrumentalists to slow down the audio without changing pitch, loop for challenging parts and more. This book includes: Farewell and the Trip, Finn's Confession, Han and Leia, The Jedi Steps and Finale, Kylo Ren Arrives at the Battle, Main Title and the Attack on the Jakku Village, March of the Resistance, Rey's Theme, The Scavenger and Scherzo for X-Wings . Lista utworów: |
cena 76,95 zł. | Williams John Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along: Star Wars - The Force Awakens (Trumpet) (Book/Online Audio)
This volume in the Instrumental Play-Along series features solo arrangements of 10 favourite selections from the blockbuster movie Star Wars - The Force Awakens . The price of this book for Trumpet includes access to online audio demonstration and backing tracks that allow instrumentalists to slow down the audio without changing pitch, loop for challenging parts and more. This book includes: Farewell and the Trip, Finn's Confession, Han and Leia, The Jedi Steps and Finale, Kylo Ren Arrives at the Battle, Main Title and the Attack on the Jakku Village, March of the Resistance, Rey's Theme, The Scavenger and Scherzo for X-Wings . Lista utworów: |
cena 76,95 zł. | Williams John Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along: Star Wars - The Force Awakens (Horn) (Book/Online Audio)
This volume in the Instrumental Play-Along series features solo arrangements of 10 favourite selections from the blockbuster movie Star Wars - The Force Awakens . The price of this book for Horn includes access to online audio demonstration and backing tracks that allow instrumentalists to slow down the audio without changing pitch, loop for challenging parts and more. This book includes: Farewell and the Trip, Finn's Confession, Han and Leia, The Jedi Steps and Finale, Kylo Ren Arrives at the Battle, Main Title and the Attack on the Jakku Village, March of the Resistance, Rey's Theme, The Scavenger and Scherzo for X-Wings . Lista utworów: |
cena 76,95 zł. | Williams John Star Wars - The Force Awakens ![]()
This volume in the Instrumental Play-Along series features solo arrangements of 10 favourite selections from the blockbuster movie Star Wars - The Force Awakens . The price of this book for Trombone includes access to online audio demonstration and backing tracks that allow instrumentalists to slow down the audio without changing pitch, loop for challenging parts and more. This book includes: Farewell and the Trip, Finn's Confession, Han and Leia, The Jedi Steps and Finale, Kylo Ren Arrives at the Battle, Main Title and the Attack on the Jakku Village, March of the Resistance, Rey's Theme, The Scavenger and Scherzo for X-Wings . Lista utworów: |
cena 76,95 zł. | Williams John Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along: Star Wars - The Force Awakens (Violin) (Book/Online Audio)
This volume in the Instrumental Play-Along series features solo arrangements of 10 favourite selections from the blockbuster movie Star Wars - The Force Awakens . The price of this book for Violin includes access to online audio demonstration and backing tracks that allow instrumentalists to slow down the audio without changing pitch, loop for challenging parts and more. This book includes: Farewell and the Trip, Finn's Confession, Han and Leia, The Jedi Steps and Finale, Kylo Ren Arrives at the Battle, Main Title and the Attack on the Jakku Village, March of the Resistance, Rey's Theme, The Scavenger and Scherzo for X-Wings . Lista utworów: |
cena 76,95 zł. | Williams John Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along: Star Wars - The Force Awakens (Viola) (Book/Online Audio)
This volume in the Instrumental Play-Along series features solo arrangements of 10 favourite selections from the blockbuster movie Star Wars - The Force Awakens . The price of this book for Viola includes access to online audio demonstration and backing tracks that allow instrumentalists to slow down the audio without changing pitch, loop for challenging parts and more. This book includes: Farewell and the Trip, Finn's Confession, Han and Leia, The Jedi Steps and Finale, Kylo Ren Arrives at the Battle, Main Title and the Attack on the Jakku Village, March of the Resistance, Rey's Theme, The Scavenger and Scherzo for X-Wings . Lista utworów: |
cena 76,95 zł. | Williams John Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along: Star Wars - The Force Awakens (Cello) (Book/Online Audio)
This volume in the Instrumental Play-Along series features solo arrangements of 10 favourite selections from the blockbuster movie Star Wars - The Force Awakens . The price of this book for Cello includes access to online audio demonstration and backing tracks that allow instrumentalists to slow down the audio without changing pitch, loop for challenging parts and more. This book includes: Farewell and the Trip, Finn's Confession, Han and Leia, The Jedi Steps and Finale, Kylo Ren Arrives at the Battle, Main Title and the Attack on the Jakku Village, March of the Resistance, Rey's Theme, The Scavenger and Scherzo for X-Wings . Lista utworów: |
cena 90,95 zł. | Williams John Star Wars - Ukulele
This collection contains some of John Williams' 's best-known themes from the Star Wars franchise, arranged for solo Ukulele. All of the pieces featured in this volume feature both notes and tab. Star Wars - Ukulele includes the masterpieces: Across The Stars (Attack Of The Clones), Duel Of The Fates (The Phantom Menace), Luke And Leia (Return Of The Jedi), Rey's Theme (The Force Awakens), The Throne Room (A New Hope), Yoda's Theme (Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back) and more. Lista utworów: |
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