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| Bernstein Seymour Seymour Bernstein Performs His Own Compositions
Seymour Bernstein wykonuje swoje własne kompozycje
Seymour Bernstein Performs His Own Compositions
Format: | 127 x 127 | Opracowanie na: | płyta CD | Rodzaj produktu: | płyta CD (2 szt.) | Dostępność | w magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa | Kod produktu: | NPL061023 | Kolekcja dwóch płyt CD kompozytora i pianisty - Seymoura Bernsteina, na których wykonuje on osobiście własne utwory. Całość obejmuje 98 utworów od poziomu elementarnego do zaawansowanego. Na płytach znalazły się także narracje historii o zwierzętach napisanych przez Bernsteina dla dzieci. A 2-CD treasure-trove comprising 98 tracks of Seymour Bernstein's compositions, from elementary to advanced grades. This well-known composer/pianist not only performs his own compositions, but he also reads the stories associated with his animal books for children - Raccoons, Belinda the Chipmunk, and K÷chel and Sheila, his two Siamese cats. Included are live performances of some of his advanced works.
Lista utworów: Raccoons, Book One: Swoosh and Crash Raccoons, Book One: Silvery Path Raccoons, Book One: Waiting in the Dark Raccoons, Book One: Betty Raccoons, Book One: Friendship Raccoons, Book One: Crunch! Smack! Gulp! Gulp! Raccoons, Book One: All Together Raccoons, Book One: Sticky Marshmallows Raccoons, Book One: Farewell Raccoons, Book Two: Welcome Home Raccoons, Book Two: King of the Stairs Raccoons, Book Two: Dining with Mama Raccoons, Book Two: Contentedness Raccoons, Book Two: Penelope on the Bird Feeder Raccoons, Book Two: Naughty Frisky Climbs a Tree Raccoons, Book Two: I'm Sorry Raccoons, Book Two: It's Time You Knew Raccoons, Book Two: Visiting in the Rain Raccoons, Book Two: Time to Say Good Bye Belinda the Chipmunk - Hello World! Belinda the Chipmunk - On the Trapeze Belinda the Chipmunk - Curiosity Belinda the Chipmunk - Hesitation Belinda the Chipmunk - All in a Day's Work Belinda the Chipmunk - Thank You Belinda the Chipmunk - Heaven Is a Jar of Birdseed Belinda the Chipmunk - Smiles on a Summer's Day Belinda the Chipmunk - Friends Forever Belinda the Chipmunk - Snuggling Belinda the Chipmunk - A Kiss for Belinda Belinda the Chipmunk - I'll Think of You Köchel and Sheila - Fetching Köchel and Sheila - Strolling with Daddy Köchel and Sheila - King and Queen of the Ladder Köchel and Sheila - The Master at the Piano Köchel and Sheila - Parting Earth Music Series, Book IV: The Pedals - Distant Tom-Toms Earth Music Series, Book IV: The Pedals - Cathedral Bells Earth Music Series, Book IV: The Pedals - Sunrise Earth Music Series, Book IV: The Pedals - Sunset Earth Music Series, Book IV: The Pedals - Tenderness Earth Music Series, Book IV: The Pedals - Seascape Earth Music Series, Book IV: The Pedals - Floating Leaves Earth Music Series, Book IV: The Pedals - Clapping Hands Birds, Book One (Continuous) - The Purple Finch Birds, Book One (Continuous) - The Hummingbird Birds, Book One (Continuous) - The Woodpecker Birds, Book One (Continuous) - The Sea Gull Birds, Book One (Continuous) - The Chickadee Birds, Book One (Continuous) - The Vulture Birds, Book One (Continuous) - The Penguin Birds, Book One (Continuous) - The Eagle Birds, Book Two - Myna Bird Birds, Book Two - The Swan Birds, Book Two - The Robin Birds, Book Two - The Owl Birds, Book Two - Roadrunner Birds, Book Two - Condor Birds, Book Two - The Nightingale Birds, Book Two - The Guinea Hen Birds, Book Two - Phoenix Moodscapes - Tongue in Cheek Moodscapes - The Sentimental Yodeler Moodscapes - Happy-Go-Lucky Moodscapes - The Elegant Toreador Moodscapes - No Regrets Moodscapes - The Loch Ness Monster Moodscapes - Bitter-Sweet Moodscapes - Mimicry Moodscapes - The Old Indian Moodscapes - Farewell Waltz Trees - The Young Maple Trees - The Willow Trees - The Magnolia Trees - The Dying Birch Trees - The Sequoias Insects (Original Order) - The Carpenter Ant Insects (Original Order) - The Mosquito Insects (Original Order) - The Cockroach Insects (Original Order) - The Dying Moth Insects (Original Order) - The Humburg Insects (Original Order) - The Praying Mantis Insects (Original Order) - The Centipede Insects (Original Order) - The Black Fly Lullaby for Carrieann Concerto ("for out time") - Gathering Concerto ("for out time") - Lament for Vietnam Concerto ("for out time") - Jubilation Toccata Française New Pictures at an Exhibition (Poems and narration by Owen Lewis) - The Reclining Woman New Pictures at an Exhibition (Poems and narration by Owen Lewis) - At the Moulin Rouge - The Dream New Pictures at an Exhibition (Poems and narration by Owen Lewis) - Mezzetin New Pictures at an Exhibition (Poems and narration by Owen Lewis) - Chez Chagall - The Twittering Machine - Chagall Revisited - Echoes of Klee New Pictures at an Exhibition (Poems and narration by Owen Lewis) - The Madonna New Pictures at an Exhibition (Poems and narration by Owen Lewis) - Redemption New Pictures at an Exhibition (Poems and narration by Owen Lewis) - Guernica-Epilogue (To a Poet)