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| Parkening Christopher Parkening And The Guitar, Vol. 1
Parkening i gitara, z. 1 - Nowe popularne transkrypcje na gitarę
Parkening And The Guitar, Vol. 1 - Popular new transcriptions for guitar
"Virtuoso Music for Guitar" jest serią nowych aranżacji, transkrypcji i opracowań gitarowych Jack'a Marshalla, Christopher Parkering i Jerrolda Hymana, obejmujących muzykę poszczególnych epok. Prezentowana książka zawiera utwory Handel'a, Ravela i Poulenca należących do repertuaru Christophera Parkeninga. Ten transcriptions for solo guitar of beautiful music from many periods and styles, edited and fingered by Christopher Parkening. All pieces are suitable for performance by the advanced guitarist. Contents: Afro-Cuban Lullaby • Empress of the Pagodes (Ravel) • Menuet (Ravel) • Minuet in D (Handel) • Passacaille (Weiss) • Pastourelle (Poulenc) • Pavane for a Dead Princess (Ravel) • Pavane for a Sleeping Beauty (Ravel) • Preambulo (Scarlatti-Ponce) • Sarabande (Handel).
Lista utworów: Afro-Cuban Lullaby (Christopher Parkening) Empress Of The Pagodes (Christopher Parkening) Menuet (Christopher Parkening) Minuet In D (Christopher Parkening) Passacaille (Christopher Parkening) Pastourelle (Christopher Parkening) Pavane For A Dead Princess (Christopher Parkening) Pavane For A Sleeping Beauty (Christopher Parkening) Preambulo (Christopher Parkening) Sarabande (Christopher Parkening)