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Passion Play Edit 8

Dostępne opracowania:

fagot i fortepian (1)
fortepian solo (2)
fortepian solo (dodatkowo zawiera akordy) (1)
fortepian solo (i wokal) lub keyboard lub gitara zawiera dodatkowo linię melodyczną, teksty, akordy, diagramy chwytów gitarowych (1)
linia melodyczna (klucz wiolinowy) + akordy (2)

Passion Play Edit 8 znajdziesz w 7 publikacjach wymienionych poniżej:

Okładka: Brahms Johannes, Dwie rapsodie op. 79 na fortepian

cena 14 zł.


Brahms Johannes
Dwie rapsodie op. 79 na fortepian

polski Dwie rapsodie op. 79 na fortepian
angielski Two Rhapsodies Op. 79 for Piano

Ilość stron:20
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:fortepian solo
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Fortepian (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:posłowia: polska, angielska
tytułów utworów: polska, angielska
Stopień trudności:9 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa
AutorzyEdytor: Hoffman Jan

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Kod produktu:NPL001190
Produkty podobne:Brahms Johannes - 2 Rapsodie Op. 79 per Pianoforte
Brahms Johannes - 2 Rhapsodies, Op. 79
Brahms Johannes - 7 Fantasien Op. 116 für Klavier
Brahms Johannes - Rhapsody In B Minor, Op. 79, No. 1 for Piano

Dwie rapsodie na fortepian op. 79 napisał Brahms (1833 - 1897) w roku 1879. Utwory te, pełne młodzieńczej energii i siły emocjonalnej, porywają stale swoją świeżością i głębią. Faktura fortepianowa specyficznie brahmsowska, szeroko rozłożona, ze skłonnościami do polirytmu i układów kontrapunktycznych "nie leży łatwo w rękach". Służy ona wyłącznie wyrażaniu treści muzycznych, nigdy zaś popisowi wirtuozowskiemu. Przy opracowaniu oparto się na tekście oryginalnym i szeregu późniejszych wydań. Propozycje wykonawcze podane w nawiasach, jak również palcowanie, pochodzą od redaktora.

Brahms (1833 - 1897) wrote Two Rhapsodies for piano Op. 79 in 1879. These works, full of youthful energy and emotional power, continually enchant with their freshness and depth. The characteristically Brahmsian piano texture is widely spaced, reveals a tendency towards polyrhythm and contrapuntal configurations and hence "does not lie easily under the fingers". It serves exclusively to express the musical content and never to make a display of virtuosity. The original text and a number of later editions served as a basis in the preparation of the present edition. Performing suggestions, given in brackets, as well as fingering, are editorial.

Lista utworów:
Rapsodia - Agitato op. 79 nr 1 (Brahms Johannes)
Rapsodia - Molto passionato ma non troppo allegro op. 79 nr 2 (Brahms Johannes)

Okładka: Jethro Tull, Very Best Of Jethro Tull

cena 108,95 zł.


Jethro Tull
Very Best Of Jethro Tull

angielski Very Best Of Jethro Tull

Ilość stron:82
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:fortepian solo (i wokal) lub keyboard lub gitara zawiera dodatkowo linię melodyczną, teksty, akordy, diagramy chwytów gitarowych
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Fortepian (1) lub Głos wokalny lub Gitara lub Keyboard
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:tytułów utworów: angielska
słów utworów: angielska
UWAGA: korzystanie z publikacji nie wymaga znajomości języka obcego, ponieważ publikacja nie zawiera opisów
Stopień trudności:4 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

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Kod produktu:NPL059415

Zbiór zawiera 16 najbardziej popularnych kompozycji legendarnej, działającej już od 1968 r. brytyjskiej grupy rockowej Jethro Tull. Przez zespół ten do dziś przewinęło się ponad 20 muzyków i ma on na swoim koncie 28 albumów inspirowanych rockiem progresywnym, elektronicznym, hard rockiem a nawet folkiem. W niniejszej publikacji znajdziemy m.in. utwory Cross-Eyed Mary, Locomotive Breath, czy Nothing Is Easy zaaranżowanych w łatwym układzie na wokal z fortepianem, gitarą lub keyboardem.

16 essential classics from this progressive rock band featuring flautist Ian Anderson. Includes: Aqualung • Bouree • Bungle in the Jungle • Cross-Eyed Mary • Living in the Past • New Day Yesterday • Nothing Is Easy • Song for Jeffrey • Thick as a Brick • and more.

Lista utworów:
Aqualung (Jethro Tull)
Bouree (Jethro Tull)
Bungle In The Jungle (Jethro Tull)
Cross-Eyed Mary (Jethro Tull)
Living In The Past (Jethro Tull)
Locomotive Breath (Jethro Tull)
Minstrel In The Gallery (Jethro Tull)
New Day Yesterday (Jethro Tull)
Nothing Is Easy (Jethro Tull)
Passion Play Edit #8 (Jethro Tull)
Skating Away (On The Thin Ice Of A New Day) (Jethro Tull)
Song For Jeffrey (Jethro Tull)
Sweet Dream (Jethro Tull)
Teacher (Jethro Tull)
The Witch's Promise (Jethro Tull)
Thick As A Brick (Jethro Tull)

Okładka: Schoenbach Sol, Solos For The Bassoon Player with Piano Accompaniment

cena 120,95 zł.


Schoenbach Sol
Solos For The Bassoon Player with Piano Accompaniment

polski Utwory solowe na fagot z akompaniamentem fortepianowym
angielski Solos For The Bassoon Player with Piano Accompaniment

Ilość stron:72 + 28
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:fagot i fortepian
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Fagot (1)
Fortepian (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:wstępu: angielska
Stopień trudności:5 w skali od 0 do 10
Stopień trudności akompanamentu:5 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

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Kod produktu:NPL065317

Zbiór utworów na fagot z akompaniamentem fortepianowym to wybór spośród dzieł największych mistrzów różnych epok. Utwory Bacha, Czajkowskiego czy Bernsteina. Ma on stanowić alternatywę dla uczących się gry utworów orkiestrowych bez zrozumienia harmonii czy rytmu akompaniamentu orkiestrowego. Dzięki akompaniamentowi fortepianowemu pozwala on rozwijać grającemu wieloplanowość.

The editor belives that this book will help the basson student who frequently studies orchestral excerpts without an understanding of the harmonic and rythm accompaniment of the orchestra. By playing these excerpts with piano accompaniment he will develop a true perspective

Lista utworów:
Adagio (from Sextet) op. 71 (Ludwig van Beethoven)
Berceuse (from the Firebird) (Igor Stravinsky)
Bourrée I and II (from Third Cello Suite ) (Johann Sebastian Bach)
Cool (from West Side Story) (Mickey Calin & 'The Jets', Tucker Smith & 'The Jets')
Entr'acte (from Carmen) (Georges Bizet)
Es Ist Vollbracht (from St. John Passion) (Johann Sebastian Bach)
First Movement (from Symphony No. 4 in F Minor) op. 36 (Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
Second Movement (from Symphony No. 4 in F Minor) op. 36 (Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
The Sorcerer's Apprentice (L'Apprenti Sorcier) (Paul Dukas)
Pictures At An Exhibition (Promenade, The Old Castle, Promenade, Ox-cart (Modest Mussorgsky)
Romanza (Una Furtiva Lagrima) (from L'esir d'amore) (Gaetano Donizetti)
Valse (Third movement from Symphony No. 5 in E Minor) op. 64 (Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky)

Okładka: , The Real Book - Mini Edition, vol. 1

cena 154,95 zł.


The Real Book - Mini Edition, vol. 1

angielski The Real Book - Mini Edition, vol. 1

Ilość stron:464
Format:127 x 203
Opracowanie na:linia melodyczna (klucz wiolinowy) + akordy
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Instrument melodyczny (klucz wiolinowy) (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:wstępu: angielska
tytułów utworów: angielska
słów utworów: angielska
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

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Kod produktu:NPL065663

Zbiór The Real Book to największe standardy jazzowe w zapisie: linia melodyczna w kluczu wiolinowym + akordy. Przeznaczony jest na dowolny instrument melodyczny grający w kluczu wiolinowym. Koncepcja The Real Book wywodzi się z lat 70'tych kiedy to książki podobne do tej, lecz publikowane nielegalnie, towarzyszyły niemal każdemu muzykowi jazzowemu w jego koncertach. Ta edycja wprowadza mniejszy format książki.

Hal Leonard proudly presents new mini editions of its bestselling Real Books. These 5.5 x 8.5 little books pack a big jazz punch; they include all 400 fantastic songs found in the 9 x 12 versions: All Blues • Au Privave • Autumn Leaves • Black Orpheus • Bluesette • Body and Soul • Bright Size Life • Con Alma • Dolphin Dance • Don't Get Around Much Anymore • Easy Living • Epistrophy • Falling in Love with Love • Footprints • Four on Six • Giant Steps • Have You Met Miss Jones? • How High the Moon • I'll Remember April • Impressions • Lullaby of Birdland • Misty • My Funny Valentine • Oleo • Red Clay • Satin Doll • Sidewinder • Stella by Starlight • Take Five • There Is No Greater Love • Wave • and hundreds more!

Lista utworów:
(I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons (King Cole Trio)
(Old Man From) The Old Country (Curtis R. Lewis, Nat Adderley)
500 Miles High (Chick Corea Elektric Band)
502 Blues (James Rowles)
A Child Is Born (Thad Jones)
A Fine Romance (Jerome Kern)
A Man And A Woman (Un Homme Et Une Femme) (Herbie Mann and Tamiko Jones)
A Night In Tunisia (Dizzy Gillespie)
A String Of Pearls (Jerry Gray)
A Sunday Kind Of Love (Reba McEntire)
African Flower (Petite Fleur Africaine) (Duke Ellington)
Afro Blue (John Coltrane)
Afternoon In Paris (John Lewis)
Água De Beber (Water To Drink) (Antonio Carlos Jobim)
Airegin (John Coltrane)
Alfie (Cher, Dionne Warwick, Sonny Rollins, Stevie Wonder)
Alice In Wonderland (Bill Evans)
All Blues (John Coltrane, Miles Davis)
All By Myself (Bing Crosby, Celine Dion, Eric Carmen, Frank Crumit, Ted Lewis)
All Of Me (18+) (countless artists)
All Of You (Don Ameche, Fred Astaire & Carol Richards, Fred Astaire & Cyd Charisse, Julio Iglesias)
All The Things You Are (Jack Leonard with Tommy Dorsey Orchestra)
Alright, Okay, You Win (Peggy Lee)
Always (Atlantic Starr, Billie Holiday, Blink 182, Bon Jovi, Frank Sinatra, Kenny G, Patsy Cline, Saliva)
Ana Maria (Wayne Shorter)
Angel Eyes (John Hiatt)
Anthropology (Charlie Parker)
Apple Honey (Woody Herman)
April In Paris (Coleman Hawkins, Count Basie, Modernaires)
April Joy (Pat Metheny)
Arise, Her Eyes (Steve Swallow)
Armageddon (Wayne Shorter)
Au Privave (Charlie Parker)
Autumn In New York (Bud Powell, Jo Stafford)
Autumn Leaves (Mitch Miller, Roger Williams, Steve Allen & George Cates)
Beautiful Love (Bill Evans, The Afters)
Beauty And The Beast (Celine Dion & Peabo Bryson, David Bowie, Wayne Shorter)
Bessie's Blues (John Coltrane)
Bewitched (Betty Smith Group)
Big Nick (John Coltrane)
Black Coffee (Paul Francis Webster, Sonny Burke)
Black Diamond (Kiss)
Black Narcissus (Joe Henderson)
Black Nile (Wayne Shorter)
Black Orpheus (Stan Getz)
Blue Bossa (Kenny Dorham)
Blue In Green (Miles Davis)
Blue Monk (Thelonious Monk)
Blue Train (Blue Trane) (John Coltrane)
Blues For Alice (Charlie Parker, John Coltrane)
Bluesette (Sarah Vaughn, Toots Thielmans)
Body And Soul (John Green)
Boplicity (Be Bop Lives) (Miles Davis)
Bright Size Life (Pat Metheny)
Broad Way Blues (Ornette Coleman)
Broadway (Alison Krauss & Union Station, Count Basie, Goo Goo Dolls)
But Beautiful (Jimmy Van Heusen)
Butterfly (Andy Williams, Charlie Gracie, Herbie Hancock, Lenny Kravitz, Mariah Carey, Weezer)
Byrd Like (Freddie Hubbard)
Call Me (Blondie, California Chris Montez)
Call Me Irresponsible (Dinah Washington, Frank Sinatra, Jack Jones)
Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man (Annette Warren, Helen Morgan)
Captain Marvel (Chick Corea)
Central Park West (John Coltrane)
Ceora (Billy Taylor, Lee Morgan)
C'est Si Bon (It's So Good) (Conway Twitty, Danny Kaye, Eartha Kitt)
Chega De Saudade (No More Blues) (Antonio Carlos Jobim)
Chelsea Bells (Steve Swallow)
Chelsea Bridge (Billy Strayhorn)
Cherokee (Indian Love Song) (Benny Goodman Sextet, Charlie Barnet & his Orchestra, Ray Noble And His Orchestra)
Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White (Alan Dale, Jarry Murad's Harmonicats, Perez 'Prez' Prado)
Chippie (Ornette Coleman)
Chitlins Con Carne (Kenny Burrell)
Come Sunday (Duke Ellington)
Como En Vietnam (Steve Swallow)
Con Alma (Dizzy Gillespie)
Conception (George Shearing)
Confirmation (Charlie Parker)
Contemplation (Lanz/Stroutsos)
Coral (Keith Jarrett, Traditional Round)
Cotton Tail (Duke Ellington)
Could It Be You (Marcus Miller)
Countdown (John Coltrane)
Crescent (John Coltrane)
Crystal Silence (Chick Corea)
D Natural Blues (John L. (Wes) Montgomery)
Daahoud (Clifford Brown)
Dancing On The Ceiling (Lionel Richie)
Darn That Dream (Benny Goodman, Miles Davis, Tommy Dorsey)
Day Waves (Chick Corea)
Days And Nights Waiting (Keith Jarrett)
Dear Old Stockholm (Varmeland)
Dearly Beloved (Jerome Kern)
Dedicated To You (Hy Zaret, Sammy Cahn, Saul Chaplin)
Deluge (Wayne Shorter)
Desafinado (Antonio Carlos Jobim)
Desert Air (Chick Corea)
Detour Ahead (Herb Ellis, John Frigo, Lou Carter)
Dexterity (Charlie Parker)
Dizzy Atmosphere (Charlie Parker)
Django (Rancid)
Doin' The Pig (Steve Swallow)
Dolores (Wayne Shorter)
Dolphin Dance (Herbie Hancock)
Domino Biscuit (Steve Swallow)
Donna Lee (Charlie Parker)
Don't Blame Me (Jimmy McHugh)
Don't Get Around Much Anymore (Bob Russell, Duke Ellington)
Dream A Little Dream Of Me (The Mamas & The Papas)
Dreamsville (Henry Mancini)
E.S.P. (Wayne Shorter)
Easter Parade (Irving Berlin)
Easy Living (Billie Holiday)
Easy To Love (You'd Be So Easy To Love) (Cole Porter)
Ecclusiastics (Charles Mingus)
Eighty One (Miles Davis)
El Gaucho (Wayne Shorter)
Epistrophy (Thelonious Monk)
Equinox (John Coltrane)
Equipoise (Stanley Cowell)
Fall (Dick Kniss, John Denver, Mike Taylor, Wayne Shorter)
Falling Grace (Steve Swallow)
Falling In Love With Love (Richard Rodgers)
Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum (Wayne Shorter)
Follow Your Heart (Albert Hague, John McLaughlin, Mark Hollmann)
Footprints (Wayne Shorter)
For All We Know (The Carpenters)
For Heaven's Sake (Claude Thornhill)
Forest Flower (Charles Lloyd)
Four (John Coltrane)
Four On Six (Wes Montgomery)
Freddie Freeloader (Miles Davis)
Freedom Jazz Dance (Miles Davis)
Full House (David Sanborn, Wes Montgomery)
Gee Baby, Ain't I Good To You (Don Redman)
Gemini (Slayer)
Giant Steps (John Coltrane)
Gloria's Step (Scott LeFaro)
God Bless' The Child (Arthur Herzog Jr., Billie Holiday)
Golden Lady (Stevie Wonder)
Good Evening Mr. And Mrs. America (John Guerin)
Grand Central (John Coltrane)
Groovin' High (Charlie Parker)
Grow Your Own (Keith Jarrett)
Guilty (Barbra Streisand, Jim Reeves)
Gypsy In My Soul (Clay Boland)
Half Nelson (Miles Davis)
Have You Met Miss Jones? (Richard Rodgers)
Heaven (Bebe & Cece Winans, Bryan Adams, DJ Sammy & Yanou Featuring Do, John Legend, Los Lonely Boys, Mary Mary, Talking Heads, Warrant)
Heebie Jeebies (Louis Armstrong)
Hello, Young Lovers (Stevie Wonder)
Here's That Rainy Day (Jimmy Van Heusen)
Hot Toddy (Ralph Flanagan)
House Of Jade (Wayne Shorter)
How High The Moon (Les Paul & Mary Ford)
How Insensitive (Insensatez) (Astrud Gilberto)
How My Heart Sings (Bill Evans)
Hullo Bolinas (Steve Swallow)
I Can't Get Started With You (Vernon Duke)
I Can't Give You Anything But Love (Dorothy Fields, Jimmy McHugh)
I Could Write A Book (Jerry Butler)
I Got It Bad And That Ain't Good (Duke Ellington)
I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart (Duke Ellington, Henry Nemo, Irving Mills, John Redmond)
I Love Paris (Cole Porter)
I Love You (Faith Evans, Faith Hill, Jeff Deyo, Martina McBride, Sarah McLachlan)
I Mean You (Thelonious Monk)
I Remember Clifford (Benny Golson)
I Should Care (Axel Stordahl, Paul Weston, Sammy Cahn)
I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be Free (Billy Taylor)
Icarus (Adam Guettel, Ralph N. Towner)
If You Never Come To Me (Inutil paisagem) (Antonio Carlos Jobim)
I'll Never Smile Again (Tommy Dorsey & His Orchestra)
I'll Remember April (Woody Herman & His Orchestra)
I'm All Smiles (Michael Leonard)
I'm Beginning To See The Light (Don George, Duke Ellington, Harry James, Johnny Hodges)
I'm Your Pal (Steve Swallow)
Impressions (John Coltrane)
In A Mellow Tone (Duke Ellington)
In A Sentimental Mood (Duke Ellington)
In The Mood (Ernie Field's Orchestra, Glenn Miller & His Orchestra)
In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning (Frank Sinatra)
In Your Quiet Place (Keith Jarrett)
Indian Lady (Don Ellis)
Inner Urge (Joe Henderson)
Interplay (Bill Evans)
Invitation (Bronislau Kaper)
Iris (Goo Goo Dolls)
Is You Is, Or Is You Ain't (Ma' Baby) (Louis Jordan and his Tympany Five)
Isn't It Romantic? (Shirley Horn)
Isotope (Joe Henderson)
Israel (Miles Davis)
It Don't Mean A Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing) (Duke Ellington)
It's Easy To Remember (Wynton Marsalis)
Jelly Roll (Charles Mingus)
Jordu (Duke Jordan)
Journey To Recife (Richard Evans)
Joy Spring (Clifford Brown)
Juju (Wayne Shorter)
Jump Monk (Charles Mingus)
June In January (Lucy Ann Polk)
Just One More Chance (Ruby Braff)
Kelo (J.J. Johnson)
Lady Bird (Miles Davis)
Lady Sings The Blues (Billie Holiday)
Lament (Bryan Pezzone, Carolyn C. Setliff, J.J. Johnson, Stephen Sondheim, Tim Rice)
Las Vegas Tango (Gil Evans)
Lazy Bird (John Coltrane)
Lazy River (Bobby Darin)
Like Someone In Love (Jimmy Van Heusen)
Limehouse Blues (Philip Braham)
Lines And Spaces (Joe Lovano)
Litha (Chick Corea)
Little Boat (Roberto Menescal)
Little Waltz (Ron Carter)
Long Ago (And Far Away) (Jerome Kern)
Lonnie's Lament (John Coltrane)
Look To The Sky (Antonio Carlos Jobim)
Love Is The Sweetest Thing (Ray Noble)
Lucky Southern (Keith Jarrett)
Lullaby Of Birdland (George Shearing)
Lush Life (Billy Strayhorn)
Mahjong (Wayne Shorter)
Maiden Voyage (Herbie Hancock)
Man In The Green Shirt (Josef Zawinul)
Meditation (Meditacao) (Charlie Byrd w/The Walter Raim Strings)
Memories Of Tomorrow (Keith Jarrett)
Michelle (The Beatles)
Midnight Mood (Josef Zawinul)
Midwestern Nights Dream (Pat Metheny)
Milano (John Lewis)
Minority (Gigi Gryce)
Miss Ann (Eric Dolphy)
Missouri Uncompromised (Pat Metheny)
Misty (Johnny Mathis)
Miyako (Wayne Shorter)
Moment's Notice (John Coltrane)
Mood Indigo (Duke Ellington)
Moonchild (Keith Jarrett)
Mr. P.C. (John Coltrane)
My Buddy (Walter Donaldson)
My Favorite Things (Lorrie Morgan)
My Foolish Heart (Demensions)
My Funny Valentine (Richard Rodgers)
My One And Only Love (Guy Wood)
My Romance (Richard Rodgers)
My Shining Hour (Harold Arlen)
My Ship (Kurt Weill)
My Way (Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Los Lonely Boys, Usher)
Mysterious Traveller (Wayner Shorter)
Naima (Niema) (John Coltrane)
Nardis (Bill Evans)
Nefertiti (Wayne Shorter)
Never Will I Marry (Frank Loesser)
Nica's Dream (Horace Silver)
Night Dreamer (Wayne Shorter)
Night Train (Buddy Morrlow)
Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out (Eric Clapton)
Nostalgia In Times Square (Charles Mingus)
Nuages (Django Reinhardt)
Oleo (John Coltrane)
Oliloqui Valley (Herbie Hancock)
Once I Loved (Amor Em Paz) (Love In Peace) (Antonio Carlos Jobim, Vinicius de Moraes)
Once In Love With Amy (Frank Loesser)
One Finger Snap (Herbie Hancock)
One Note Samba (Samba De Uma Nota So) (Pat Thomas)
Only Trust Your Heart (Benny Carter)
Orbits (Wayne Shorter)
Ornithology (Charlie Parker)
Out Of Nowhere (Buddy De Franco)
P.S. I Love You (The Beatles, The Hilltoppers)
Paper Doll (Johnny S. Black)
Passion Dance (McCoy Tyner)
Passion Flower (Billy Strayhorn)
Peace (Horace Silver, Jennifer Knapp, Kenny G, Weezer)
Peggy's Blue Skylight (Charles Mingus)
Pent Up House (Sonny Rollins)
Penthouse Serenade (Val Burton, Will Jason)
Peri's Scope (Bill Evans)
Pfrancing (No Blues) (Miles Davis)
Pinocchio (George L.O. Strid, Mary Donnelly, Wayne Shorter)
Pithecanthropus Erectus (Charles Mingus)
Portsmouth Figurations (Steve Swallow)
Prelude To A Kiss (Duke Ellington)
Prince Of Darkness (Indigo Girls)
Pussy Cat Dues (Charles Mingus)
Quiet Nights Of Quiet Stars (Corcovado) (Andy Williams)
Quiet Now (Denny Zeitlin)
Recorda-Me (Joe Henderson)
Red Clay (Freddie Hubbard)
Reflections (Diana Ross & The Supremes, Thelonious Monk)
Reincarnation Of A Lovebird (Charles Mingus)
Ring Dem Bells (Duke Ellington, Irving Mills)
Road Song (Wes Montgomery)
'Round Midnight (Thelonious Monk)
Ruby, My Dear (Thelonious Monk)
Satin Doll (Duke Ellington)
Scotch And Soda (Kingston Trio)
Scrapple From The Apple (Charlie Parker)
Sea Journey (Chick Corea)
Seven Come Eleven (Benny Goodman)
Seven Steps To Heaven (Miles Davis)
Sidewinder (Avenged Sevenfold, Charlie Daniels Band, J.J. Johnson)
Silver Hollow (Jack DeJohnette)
Sirabhorn (Pat Metheny)
Skating In Central Park (Francis Lai, John Lewis)
So Nice (Summer Samba) (Walter Wanderley)
So What (Metallica, Miles Davis)
Solar (Miles Davis)
Solitude (Black Sabbath, Jean-Luc Ponty)
Some Day My Prince Will Come (Frank Churchill)
Some Other Spring (Arthur Herzog Jr., Irene Kitchings)
Some Skunk Funk (Randy Brecker)
Somebody Loves Me (George Gershwin, Marjorie Crumley, W.F. Crumley)
Sometime Ago (Sergio Mihanovich)
Song For My Father (Horace Silver)
Sophisticated Lady (Duke Ellington)
Speak No Evil (Wayne Shorter)
Standing On The Corner (The Four Lads)
Stella By Starlight (Ray Charles)
Steps (Chick Corea)
Stolen Moments (Alicia Keys)
Stompin' At The Savoy (Benny Goodman)
Straight No Chaser (Thelonious Monk)
Stuff (Diamond Rio, Miles Davis)
Sugar (Stanley Turrentine, System Of A Down)
Swedish Pastry (Barney Kessel)
Sweet Georgia Bright (Charles Lloyd)
Sweet Henry (Jack Gregg, Steve Swallow)
Take Five (Paul Desmond)
Take The 'A' Train (Billy Strayhorn)
Tame Thy Pen (Richard Niles)
Tell Me A Bedtime Story (Herbie Hancock)
Thanks For The Memory (Dave McKenna, Mildred Bailey, Shep Fields)
That's Amoré (That's Love) (Harry Warren)
The Blue Room (Richard Rodgers)
The Girl From Ipanema (Garota De Ipanema) (Stan Getz & Astrud Gilberto)
The Green Mountains (Steve Swallow)
The Inch Worm (Frank Loesser)
The Intrepid Fox (Freddie Hubbard)
The Magician In You (Keith Jarrett)
The Most Beautiful Girl In The World (Richard Rodgers)
The Night Has A Thousand Eyes (Bobby Vee)
The Saga Of Harrison Crabfeathers (Poem For #15) (Stephen L. Kuhn)
The Song Is You (Jerome Kern)
The Sorcerer (Herbie Hancock)
The Sphinx (Ornette Coleman)
The Star-Crossed Lovers (Billy Strayhorn, Duke Ellington)
The Surrey With The Fringe On Top (Richard Rodgers)
The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise (Ernest Seitz)
There Is No Greater Love (Isham Jones)
There Will Never Be Another You (Harry Warren)
There'll Be Some Changes Made (W. Benton Overstreet)
They Didn't Believe Me (Jerome Kern)
Think On Me (George Cables)
Thou Swell (Richard Rodgers)
Three Flowers (McCoy Tyner)
Time Remembered (Bill Evans)
Tones For Joan's Bones (Chick Corea Elektric Band)
Topsy (Cozy Cole)
Tour De Force (Dizzy Gillespie)
Triste (Antonio Carlos Jobim)
Tune Up (Miles Davis)
Turn Out The Stars (Bill Evans)
Twisted Blues (John L. (Wes) Montgomery)
Unchain My Heart (Ray Charles)
Uniquity Road (Pat Metheny)
Unity Village (Pat Metheny)
Up Jumped Spring (Freddie Hubbard)
Upper Manhattan Medical Group (UMMG) (Billy Strayhorn)
Valse Hot (Sonny Rollins)
Very Early (Bill Evans)
Virgo (Wayne Shorter)
Wait Till You See Her (Richard Rodgers)
Waltz For Debby (Bill Evans)
Wave (Antonio Carlos Jobim)
We'll Be Together Again (Frankie Laine)
Well You Needn't (It's Over Now) (Thelonious Monk)
West Coast Blues (Wes Montgomery)
What Am I Here For? (Duke Ellington)
What Was (Chick Corea)
When I Fall In Love (Celine Dion and Clive Griffin, The Carpenters, The Lettermen)
When Sunny Gets Blue (Marvin Fisher)
When You Wish Upon A Star (Leigh Harline)
Whispering (John Schonberger, Richard Coburn, Vincent Rose)
Wild Flower (Wayne Shorter)
Windows (Chick Corea Elektric Band)
Witch Hunt (Wayne Shorter)
Wives And Lovers (Hey, Little Girl) (Burt Bacharach)
Woodchopper's Ball (Woody Herman)
Woodyn' You (Dizzy Gillespie)
Yes And No (Wayne Shorter)
Yesterday (Boyz II Men, En Vogue, Mary Mary, The Beatles)
Yesterdays (Guns N' Roses)
You Are The Sunshine Of My Life (Stevie Wonder)
You Are Too Beautiful (Richard Rodgers)
You Brought A New Kind Of Love To Me (Scott Hamilton)
You Don't Know What Love Is (Carol Bruce)
You Took Advantage Of Me (Richard Rodgers)
Young At Heart (Joss Stone)
You're Nobody 'til Somebody Loves You (Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra)

Okładka: Schumann Robert, Complete Works for Piano

cena 128,95 zł.


Schumann Robert
Complete Works for Piano

polski Dzieła wszystkie na fortepian
angielski Complete Works for Piano

Ilość stron:8
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:fortepian solo
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Fortepian (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty w pliku *.pdf na płycie CD
Wersja językowa:wstępu: angielska
tytułów utworów: angielska, niemiecka
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa
Kod produktu:NPL065932

CD Sheet Music(TM) to wyjątkowa seria dzieł muzycznych zapisanych w formie popularnego formatu plików *.pdf, które można odtworzyć na komputerze PC lub MAC i wydrukować te pozycje, które są nam aktualnie potrzebne. Publikacje te pozwalają nam wykorzystać komputer do magazynowania dzieł muzycznych - jako wirtualną bibliotekę muzyczną. Publikacja ta zawiera kompletny zbiór utworów Roberta Schumanna, łącznie ponad 800 stron muzyki.

Variations On The Name "Abegg", Op. 1
Papillons (Butterflies), Op. 2
Etudes after Paganini Caprices, Op. 3
Intermezzi, Op. 4
Impromptus On A Theme by Clara Wieck, Op. 5
Davidsbundler Tanze, Op. 6
Toccata, Op. 7 Allegro, Op. 8
Carnaval, Op. 9
Six Concert Etudes after Paganini Caprices, Op. 10
Grand Sonata No. 1 in F# Minor, Op. 11
Phantasiestucke (Fantasy Pieces), Op. 12
1. Des Abends (In the Evening)
2. Aufschwung (Soaring)
3. Warum? (Why?)
4. Grillen (Whims)
5. In der Nacht (In the night)
6. Fabel (Fable)
7. Traumes Wirren (Dream Visions)
8. Ende vom Lied(Epilogue)
Symphonic Etudes, Op. 13
Symphonic Etudes, supplement to Op. 13 (Five Additional Variations)
Grand Sonata No. 3 in F Minor (Concerto without Orchestra), Op. 14
Scherzo (originally intended for Sonata No. 3 in F Minor, Op. 14)
Scenes from Childhood (Kinderscenen), Op. 15
1. About Strange Lands and People (Von fremden Landern und Menschen)
2. Curious Story (Kuriose Geschichte)
3. Blindman's Buff (Hasche-Mann)
4. Pleading Child (Bittendes Kind)
5. Perfectly Contented (GIUckes genug)
6. Important Event (Wichtige Begebenheit)
7. Reverie (Traumerei)
8. At the Fireside (Am Kamin)
9. The Knight of the Rocking Horse (Ritter vom Steckenpferd)
10. Almost Too Serious (Fast zu ernst)
11. Frightening (FUchtenmachen)
12. Child Falling Asleep (Kind im Einschlummern)
13. The Poet Speaks (Der Dichter Spricht)
Kreisleriana, Op. 16
Fantasy in C Major, Op. 17
Arabeske, Op. 18
Blumenstuck (Flower Song), Op. 19
Humoreske, Op. 20
Novelletten, Op. 21
Sonata No. 2 in G Minor, Op. 22
Presto (originally intended for Sonata No. 2 in G Minor)
Nachtstucke, Op. 23
Faschingsschwank Aus Wien (Carnival Jest fram Vienna), Op. 26
Three Romances, Op. 28
Four Pieces (Vier StUcke), Op. 32
1. Scherzo
2. Gigue
3. Romanze
4. Fughette
Concerto in A Minor for Piano and Orchestra (Reduction for Solo Piano), Op. 54
Album for the Young (Clavierstucke fur die Jugend), Op. 68
1. Melody
2. Soldier's March (Soldatenmarsch)
3. Humming Song (Armes Waisenkind)
4. Chorale 5. Little Piece (Stuckchen)
6. The Poor Orphan (Volksliedchen)
7. Hunting Song (Jagerliedchen)
8. The Wild Horseman (Wilder Reiter)
9. Sicilian Folk Song (Sicilianisch)
10. The Happy Farmer (Fr6hlicher Landmann)
11. Sicilienne
12. Knight Rupert (Knecht Ruprecht)
13. May, Sweet May (Mai, lieber Mai)
14. Little Study (Kleine Studie)
15. Spring Song (FrUhlingsgesang)
16. First Loss (Erster Verlust)
17. Roaming in the Morning (Kleiner Morgenwanderer)
18. The Reaper' Song (Schnitterliedchen)
19. Little Romance (Kleine Romanze)
20. Rustic Song (Landliches Lied)
21. ***
22. Roundelay (Rundgsang)
23. The Horseman (ReiterstUck)
24. Harvest Song (Ernteliedchen)
25. Echoes from the Theater (Nachklange aus dem Theater)
26. ***
27. Little Song in Canon Form (Canonisches Liedchen)
28. In Memoriam (Erinnerung)
29. Strange Man (Fremder Mann)
30. ***
31. War Song (Kriegslied)
32. Sheherazade
33. Vintage-time ("Weinlesezeit - Frohliche Zeit!")
34. Theme
35. Mignon
36. Italian Sailors' Song (Lied Italienischer Marinari)
37. Sailors' Song (Matrosenlied)
38. Winter Time I (Winterzeit I)
39. Winter Time II (Winterzeit II)
40. Little Fugue (Kleine Fuge)
41. Norse Song (Nordisches Lied)
42. Figured Chorale (Figurirter Choral)
43. New Year's Eve (Sylvesterlied)
FourFugue, Op. 72
Four Marches, Op. 76
Waldscenen (Forest Scenes). Op. 82
1. Eintritt (Entrance)
2. Jager auf der Lauer (The Hunter in Wait)
3. Einsame Blumen (Lonesome Flowers)
4. Verrufene Stelle (III-Omened Place)
5. Freundliche Landschaft (Friendly Landscape)
6. Herberge (Shelter)
7. Vogel ais Prophet (Bird as Prophet)
8. Jagdlied (Hunter's Song)
9. Abschied (Farewell)
Introduction and Allegro Appassionato (Reduction for Solo Piano) Op. 92
Bunte Blatter (Early Morning Pictures), Op. 99
1-3. Drei Stucklein (Three Little Pieces)
4-8. Funf Albumblatte (Five Album Leaves)
9. Novellette 10. Praludium (Prelude)
11. Marsch (March)
12. Abendmusik (Evening Music)
13. Scherzo
14. Geshwindmarsch (Quick March)
Three Fantasy Pieces (Drei PhantasiestUcke). Op. 111
Three Piano Sonatas For The Young (Drei Claver-Sonaten fUr die Juged). Op. 118
Album Leaves (Albumblatter). Op. 124
1. Impromptu
2. Leides Ahnung (Feeling of Regret)
3. Scherzino
4. Waltz
5. Phantasietanz (Dance Fantasy)
6. Wiegenliedchen (Little Cradle Song)
7. Landler
8. Lied ohne Ende (Song Without End)
9. Impromptu
10. Waltz
11. Romance
12. Burla
13. Larghetto
14. Vision
15. Waltz
16. Schlummerlied (Slumber Song)
17. Elfe (Elves)
18. Botschaft (Message)
19. Phantasiestuck (Fantasy Piece)
20. Canon
Seven Pieces In Fughetta Form (Sieben Stucke in Fughettenform). Op. 126
Gesange Der Fruhe (Morning Songs). Op. 133
Introduction and Concert Allegro (Reduction for Solo Piano). Op. 134
Theme in Eb Major

Appoggiatura; Cadenza; Concerto; Duet; Form; Fugue; Harmonic Analysis; Harmony;
Modulation; Pianoforte and Piano Playing; Schumann, Clara; Schumann, Robert;
Sonata; Turn; Variaions

CD Sheet Music(TM) is the revolutionary series of masterworks on CD- or DVD-ROM that transforms a PC or MAC computer into a virtual music library. Now you can quickly locate, view and print the great works of the classical repertoire. Compared to traditional printed sheet music or music downloads, it is incredibly inexpensive. Original sources are out-of-copyright standard editions from publishers such as Breitkopf and Härtel, C.F. Peters, G. Schirmer, Carl Fischer, G. Ricordi, Durand and many others. The discs also include biographical and analytical information from Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 1911 Edition. This package includes Album for the Young, Scenes from Childhood, Papillons, the sonatas, and more. 800+ pages of music.

Okładka: Ritter David, Piano Interludes For Worship

cena 53,95 zł.


Ritter David
Piano Interludes For Worship

polski Chrześcijańskie utwory na fortepian
angielski Piano Interludes For Worship

Ilość stron:40
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:fortepian solo (dodatkowo zawiera akordy)
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Fortepian (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:tytułów utworów: angielska
UWAGA: korzystanie z publikacji nie wymaga znajomości języka obcego, ponieważ publikacja nie zawiera opisów
Stopień trudności:3 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

Zajrzyj do środka. Oto kilka stron z publikacji:

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Kod produktu:NPL080111

Kolekcja utworów współczesnej muzyki chrześcijańskiej Davida Rittera, w opracowaniu na fortepian solo. Pieśni nie zawierają tekstów. Wśród tytułów znajdziesz m. in.: "Sanctus", "Consecration", "Devotion", Reflection", "Ruah (Breath of God)" i inne.

Piano Interludes for Worship is designed to offer musical support and a soothing ambiance for various aspects of the worship service, such as Communion, Prayer, Scripture Reading, Invitation, etc. The pieces should be played in a free-form rubato style, without being restricted by the meter. Each solo segues smoothly to the next, and optional cadences are included to allow for quick endings when needed. An essential collection for church pianists! 14 pieces, including: Ambiance • Consecration • Devotion • Passion • Pensive • Reflection • Sanctus • and more.

Lista utworów:
Ambiance (David Ritter)
Aura (David Ritter)
Consecration (David Ritter)
Contemplation (David Lanz, David Ritter, Gary Lanz, Jascha Heifetz (arr.), Johannes Brahms, McCoy Tyner)
Devotion (Amy Ray, David Ritter, Liz Story, Peter Furler, Steve Taylor)
Luminous (David Ritter)
Meditate (David Ritter)
Passion (David Ritter, Gary Grainger, Jim Cregan, Kevin Savigar, Phil Chen, Rod Stewart)
Pensive (David Ritter, Phillip Keveren)
Radiant (David Ritter)
Reflection (Adam Jones, Daniel Carey, David Ritter, George Winston, Justin Chancellor, Matthew Wilder, Maynard James Keenan, Prince)
Ruah (Breath Of God) (David Ritter)
Sanctus (Antonio Salieri, Carol Barnett, Cristi Cary Miller, David Ritter, Ed Lojeski, Franz Schubert, John Burge, Robert Ray, Rosephanye Powell, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
Vision (David Ritter)

Okładka: , The Real Book C - mały format

cena 120,95 zł.


The Real Book C - mały format

angielski The Real Book C

Ilość stron:470
Format:150 x 180
Opracowanie na:linia melodyczna (klucz wiolinowy) + akordy
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Keyboard (1) lub Flet lub Obój lub Skrzypce lub Gitara lub Harfa lub Ksylofon lub Dzwonki (campanelli)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:wstępu: angielska
tytułów utworów: angielska
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

Zajrzyj do środka. Oto kilka stron z publikacji:

Kliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyć

Kod produktu:NPL081248

Nowa szósta edycja prezentująca melodie kompozytorów od ostatnich 60 lat. Publikacja jest kieszonkową wersją europejskiej edycji. Znajduje się w niej 400 piosenek jasno i starannie opracowanych. Publikacja przeznaczona jest dla instrumentów C.

This new sixth edition contains tunes that are re-arranged and re-transcribed, featuring composers from the last 60 years. This pocket edition of the European edition neatly houses nearly 400 songs in clear and practical arrangements.

Lista utworów:
Ana Maria
Angel Eyes
April Joy
Aren't You Glad You're You
Arise, Her Eyes
As Long As I Live
Au Private
Bark For Barksdale
Beauty And The Beast
Bernie's Tune
Besame Mucho (Kiss Me Much)
Bessie's Blues
Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea
Beyond The Blue Horizon
Big Nick
Black Coffee
Black Nile
Black Orpheus
Blackberry Winter
Blue Bossa
Blue Champagne
Blue In Green
Blue Monk
Blues For Alice
Bud Powell
Bye Bye Baby
Byrd Like
Call Me
Call Me Irresponsible
Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man
Captain Marvel
Central Park West
Chega De Saudade (No More Blues)
Chelsea Bells
Chelsea Bridge
Chitlins Con Carne
Come Fly With Me
Come Sunday
Como En Vietnam
Crystal Silence
D Natural Blues
Day Waves
Dear Old Stockholm
Dearly Beloved
Dedicated To You
Desert Air
Dizzy Atmosphere
Doin' The Pig
Dolphin Dance
Domino Biscuit
Don't Blame Me
Don't Get Around Much Anymore
Don't Know Why
East Of The Sun
Easy Living
Eighty One
El Gaucho
Everything Happens To Me
Exactly Like You
Falling Grace
Falling In Love Again (Can't Help It)
Fee! Fi! Foe! Fum!
Fine And Mellow
Follow Your Heart
For All We Know
For Every Man There's A Woman
For Heaven's Sake
Forest Flower
Four On Six
Freddie Freeloader
Freedom Jazz Dance
Full House
Gee Baby, Ain't I Good To You
Get Happy
Giant Steps
Gloria's Step
God Bless' The Child
Good Evening Mr. And Mrs. America
Good Morning Heartache
Got A Match?
Grand Central
Groovin' High
Heart And Soul
Heebie Jeebies
Hello, Young Lovers
Here's That Rainy Day
High Hopes
Hot Toddy
House Of Jade
How Insensitive
How My Heart Sings
Hullo Bolinas
I Ain't Got Nobody
I Can't Give You Anything But Love
I Don't Know Why
I Don't Want To Walk Without You
I Found A Million Dollar Baby
I Hear Music
I Keep Going Back To Joe's
I Mean You
I Remember Clifford
I Should Care
I Wanna Be Loved
I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be Free
I Wished On The Moon
I Won't Dance
If You Never Come To Me
I'll Be Around
I'll Be Seeing You
I'll Get By
I'll Never Smile Again
I'll Remember April
Ill Wind
I'm Always Chasing Rainbows
I'm Beginning To See The Light
I'm Old Fashioned
I'm Your Pal
In Love In Vain
In The Cool, Cool, Cool Of The Evening
In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning
Indian Lady
Is You Is Or Is You Ain't My Baby?
Isn't It Romantic
It's A Big Wide Wonderful World
It's Easy To Remember
It's So Nice To Have A Man Around The House
I've Got The World On A String
I've Never Been In Love Before
Jelly Roll
Journey To Recife
Joy Spring
Jump Monk
June In January
Just One More Chance
Lady Bird
Lady Sings The Blues
Las Vegas Tango
Lazy Bird
Lazy River
Let's Get Away From It All
Line For Lyons
Lines And Spaces
Little Boat
Little Girl Blue
Little Waltz
Long Ago (And Far Away)
Lonnie's Lament
Love Letters
Lullaby Of Birdland
Lush Life
Maiden Voyage
Man In The Green Shirt
Mas Que Nada
Maybe I Should Change My Ways
Midnight Mood
Midwestern Nights Dream
Miss Ann
Missouri Uncompromised
Mona Lisa
Moon And Sand
Moonlight Becomes You
More I Cannot Wish You
Mr. P.C.
My Buddy
My Favourite Things
My Ideal
My Silent Love
My Way
Mysterious Traveller
Nancy - With The Laughing Face
Never Let Me Go
Never Will I Marry
Night Dreamer
Night Train
No Moon At All
Nobody Else But Me
Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out
Nostalgia In Times Square
Oliloqui Valley
On A Slow Boat To China
Once I Loved
Once In Love With Amy
One Finger Snap
One Note Samba
Only Trust Your Heart
P.S. I Love You
Paper Doll
Passion Dance
Peggy's Blue Skylight
Pent Up House
Penthouse Serenade
Peri's Scope
Pfrancing (No Blues)
Pithecanthropus Erectus
Portsmouth Figurations
Prelude To A Kiss
Prince Of Darkness
Pure Imagination
Pussy Cat Dues
Quiet Nights Of Quiet Stars
Quiet Now
Quizas, Quizas, Quizas
Red Clay
Red Top
Reincarnation Of A Lovebird
Road Song
Rockin' Chair
Ruby, My Dear
Satin Doll
Scotch And Soda
Scrapple From The Apple
Sea Journey
Seven Steps To Heaven
Silver Hollow
Sister Sadie
Skating In Central Park
Small Fry
So Nice (Summer Samba)
So What
Some Day My Prince Will Come
Some Other Spring
Some Skunk Funk
Somebody Loves Me
Song For My Father
Song Of The Jet
Sophisticated Lady
Speak No Evil
Standing On The Corner
Stella By Starlight
Stolen Moments
Straight No Chaser
Sweet Georgia Bright
Sweet Henry
Take Five
Take The 'A' Train
Tame Thy Pen
Teach Me Tonight
Tell Me A Bedtime Story
Thanks For The Memory
That Old Black Magic
That Old Feeling
That's Amore
That's Amoré (That's Love)
The End Of A Love Affair
The Face I Love
The Girl From Ipanema
The Green Mountains
The Inch Worm
The Intrepid Fox
The Jive Samba
The Lady's In Love With You
The Meaning Of The Blues
The Night Has A Thousand Eyes
The Night We Called It A Day
The Saga Of Harrison Crabfeathers
The Song Is You
The Sorcerer
The Sphinx
The Star-crossed Lovers
The Surrey With The Fringe On Top
The Very Thought Of You
The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise
There'll Be Some Changes Made
They Didn't Believe Me
Things Ain't What They Used To Be
Think On Me
Three Flowers
Time Remembered
Tones For Joan's Bones
Tour De Force
Tune Up
Turn Out The Stars
Twisted Blues
Unchain My Heart
Uniquity Road
Unity Village
Up Jumped Spring
Upper Manhattan Medical Group
Valse Hot
Very Early
Violets For Your Furs
Waltz For Debbie
Watermelon Man
We'll Be Together Again
Well You Needn't
West Coast Blues
What I Did For Love
What Was
When Sunny Gets Blue
While We're Young
Why Try To Change Me Now
Wild Flower
Witch Hunt
With Every Breath I Take
Wives And Lovers
Woodchoppers Ball
Yes And No
Yes Indeed
You Belong To My Heart
You Brought A New Kind Of Love To Me
You Don't Know What Love Is
Young At Heart
Younger Than Springtime
You're Mine You
You've Changed
(Old Man From) The Old Country
500 Miles High
502 Blues
A Child Is Born
A Fine Romance
A Man And A Woman
A Night In Tunisia
A Sunday Kind Of Love
Afternoon In Paris
Agua De Beber (Water To Drink)
Ain't Misbehavin'
Ain't That A Kick In The Head
Alice In Wonderland
All Blues
All By Myself
All Or Nothing At All
All The Things You Are
All The Way
Alright, Okay, You Win


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