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Merrily We Roll Along

Dostępne opracowania:

flet prosty solo lub w duecie (1)
gitara solo (4)
gitara solo (zawiera 3 płyty CD) (1)
puzon tenorowy suwakowy solo (1)

Merrily We Roll Along znajdziesz w 7 publikacjach wymienionych poniżej:

Okładka: Sparke Philip, Look, Listen and Learn 1 - Play Your Favourite Songs

cena 38,95 zł.


Sparke Philip
Look, Listen and Learn 1 - Play Your Favourite Songs

polski Spójrz, posłuchaj i naucz się - zagraj swoje ulubione piosenki, cz. 1
angielski Look, Listen and Learn 1 - Play Your Favourite Songs

Ilość stron:24
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:puzon tenorowy suwakowy solo
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Puzon tenorowy suwakowy (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:wstępu: angielska
tytułów utworów: angielska
Stopień trudności:1 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

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Kod produktu:NPL056133
Produkty podobne:

Publikacja skierowana jest do początkujących puzonistów. Zawarto tu krótkie, popularne melodie i utwory w łatwym zapisie na puzon tenorowy suwakowy. Książka powinna być używana w komplecie z pierwszą częścią szkoły "Look, Listen and Learn - Method Book", która wyjaśnia wszelkie podstawowe zagadnienia muzyczne. Publikacja wzbogacona jest czarno-białymi ilustracjami.

These supplemental songbooks to DeHaske's Look, Listen & Learn - Method Book 1 provide terrific additional playing material for students. Special pieces have been written for each instrument to go hand in hand with the method to increase technical and musical skills. From lesson 2, students can begin to use Play Your Favourite Songs. These books feature cheerful illustrations, and all pieces are suitable for concerts and test pieces.

Lista utworów:
A-Tisket A-Tasket
Amazing Grace
Au Clair de la Lune
Auld Lang Syne
Aura Lee
Camptown Races
Clown Dance
Come Let's Dance
Czech Dance
Dona Nobis Pacem
Fais Do Do
For He's a Jolly Good Fellow
Frere Jacques
Go Tell Aunt Rhody
Goodnight Ladies
Hava Nagila
Home on the Range
Hot Cross Buns
Irish Lullaby
J'ai du Bon Tabac
Land of Our Fathers
Little Bird
Little Brown Jug
Liza Jane
London Bridge
Merrily We Roll Along
Michael, Row the Boat Ashore
Military March
Morning Has Broken
My Grandfather's Clock
Ode to Joy
Oh My Little Augustin
Old MacDonald
Oranges and lemons
Polly Wolly Doodle
Saint Mrgarita's Lullaby
Santa Lucia
Sawing, Sawing
Skio to My Lou
Somebody's Knocking At Your Door
Sur le Pont d'Avignon
Sweet Betsy from Pike
The Blue Danube
The British Grenadiers
The Cock Is Dead
The CUckoo and the Donkey
This Old Man
Tom Doodley
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Yankee Doodle
Away in a Manger
Deck the Halls
Good Kings Wenceslas
I Saw Three Ships
Jingle Bells
Jolly Old St. Nicholas
O Come, All Ye Faithful
Once In Royal David's City
Rocking Carol
Silent Night
We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Okładka: Duncan Charles, A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar - Composite

cena 160,95 zł.


Duncan Charles
A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar - Composite

polski Współczesne podejście do gitary klasycznej
angielski A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar - Composite

Ilość stron:208
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:gitara solo (zawiera 3 płyty CD)
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Gitara (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane + płyta CD
Wersja językowa:angielska
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

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Kod produktu:NPL057665
Produkty podobne:Duncan Charles - A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar
Duncan Charles - A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar - Book 1
Duncan Charles - A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar - Book 2
Duncan Charles - A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar - Book 3
Duncan Charles - A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar, Book 1
Duncan Charles - A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar, Book 2
Duncan Charles - A Modern Approach To Classical Repertoire - vol. 1
Duncan Charles - A Modern Approach to Classical Repertoire, Part 2

Nowoczesne podejście do gitary klasycznej to szkoła gry na gitarze Charlesa Duncana. Publikacja zawiera dodatkowo 3 płyty CD, będące pomocne w rozumieniu wszelkich zagadnień z książki. Autor krok po kroku wprowadzi Cię w problematykę gry na tym instrumencie. Poznasz zarówno budowę gitary klasycznej, sposób ułożenia rąk, jak i podstawy teorii muzyki, oraz nuty. W książce znajduje się również mnóstwo utworów dostosowanych do stopnia opanowania materiału.

Now Available With CDs! This multi-volume method was developed to allow students to study the art of classical guitar within a new, more con-temporary framework. For private, class or self-instruction. Book One features an all-new format that incorporates chord frames and symbols, as well as a record to assist in tuning and to provide accompaniments for at-home practice. Book One also introduces beginning fingerboard technique and music theory. Book Two and Three build upon the techniques learned in Book One.

Spis treści:

About the author
To the player
To the teacher
The classical guitar
Playing position
Tuning to the audio
Tuning by yourself
The right hand
The rest stroke
Right - hand fingernails
Music symbols
Open strings 1. 2 and 3
The musical alphabet
The open bass strings
3/4 time signature
Combining thumb and fingers
Review of music symbols
The left hand
Notes on the first string
Notes on the second string
Combining strings 1 and 2
Lightly Row
Sur le Pont D' Avignon
Go Tell Aunt Rhody
Notes On The Third String
Merrily We Roll Along
Yankee Doodle
Au Clair de la Lune
Pickup notes
For He's A Jolly Good Fellow
Camptown Races
Down In The Valley
When The Saints Go Marching In
Eighth Notes
2/4 time
The Ash Grove
Good King Wenceslas
Dotted Quarter Notes
Blow The Man Down
The Streets Of Laredo
Review Of Music Symbols
Notes On The Fourth String
The Riddle Song
Notes On The Fifth String
The Volga Boatman
New World Theme
Ode to Joy
Shalom Chaverim
The C Major Scale
Joy to the World
Jingle bells
Sharps and Flats
The Chromatic Scale
Aura Lee
Playing Chords
The Am And E Chords
Joshua Fought The Battle Of Jericho
The Dm Chord
Wayfaring Stranger
Hava Nagila
Music In Two Parts
Folk Song
More On Accidentals
Long, Long Ago
London Bridge
Natural Etude
Key Signatures
Notes On the Sixth String
Noche en Espańa
Accidentals on Strings 4 and 5
All Through The Night
Playing Fingers and Thumb Together
Coventry Carol
Au Clair de la Lune
Accidentals on String 6
Deck The Halls
The Full Chromatic Scale
Review of Music Symbols
New Finger Combinations
Notes On The Fingerbroad

Okładka: Duncan Charles, A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar - Book 1

cena 64,95 zł.


Duncan Charles
A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar - Book 1

polski Nowoczesne podejście do gitary klasycznej, z. 1
angielski A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar - Book 1

Ilość stron:64
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:gitara solo
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Gitara (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane + płyta CD
Wersja językowa:wstępu: angielska
biografii: angielska
opisów: angielska
tytułów utworów: angielska
Stopień trudności:1 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

Zajrzyj do środka. Oto kilka stron z publikacji:

Kliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyć

Kod produktu:NPL064749
Produkty podobne:Duncan Charles - A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar
Duncan Charles - A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar - Book 2
Duncan Charles - A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar - Book 3
Duncan Charles - A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar - Composite
Duncan Charles - A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar, Book 1
Duncan Charles - A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar, Book 2
Duncan Charles - A Modern Approach To Classical Repertoire - vol. 1
Duncan Charles - A Modern Approach to Classical Repertoire, Part 2

Szkoła nauki gry na gitarze klasycznej Charlesa Duncana. Autor w nowatorski sposób podchodzi do techniki gry na instrumencie, porusza wiele podstawowych zagadnień niezbędnych do rozpoczęcia nauki gry na gitarze. Ponadto w książce znajdują się utwory dopasowane do danej problematyki. Dodatkowo do książki dołączona jest płyta CD, na której nagrane są wersje demonstracyjne utworów.

Now Available With CDs! This multi-volume method was developed to allow students to study the art of classical guitar within a new, more con-temporary framework. For private, class or self-instruction. Book One features an all-new format that incorporates chord frames and symbols, as well as a record to assist in tuning and to provide accompaniments for at-home practice. Book One also introduces beginning fingerboard technique and music theory. Book Two and Three build upon the techniques learned in Book One.

Lista utworów:
Ode To Joy
Noche En Espana
New World Theme
Natural Etude
Merrily We Roll Along
Shalom Chaverim
Long, Long Ago
The Streets Of Laredo
Sur Le Pont D'avignon
The Ash Grove
Yankee Doodle
The Riddle Song
The Volga Boatman
Wayfaring Stranger
When The Saints Go Marching In
London Bridge
The Camptown Races
Down In The Valley
All Through The Night
Aura Lee
Blow The Man Down
Deck The Halls
Au Clair De La Lune
Folk Song
Joshua (Fit The Battle Of Jericho)
Lightly Row
Coventry Carol
Joy To The World!
For He's A Jolly Good Fellow
Jingle Bells
Hava Nagila
Good King Wenceslas
Go Tell Aunt Rhody

Spis treści:

About the Author
To the player
To the teacher
The classical guitar
Playing position
Tuning to the audio
Tuning by yourself
The righ hand
The rest stroke
Righ hand fingernails
Music symbols
Open strings 1, 2 and 3
The musical alphabet
The open bass strings
3/4 time signature
Combining thumb and fingers
Review of music symbols
The left hand
Notes on the first string
Notes on the second string
Combining strings 1 and 2
Lightly Row
Sur le Pont D' Avignon
Go Tell Aunt Rhody
Notes on the third string
Merilly We roll along
Yankee Doodle
Au Clair de Lune
Pickup Notes
For He's A Jolly Good Fellow
Camptown Races
Down In the Valley
When The Saints Go Marching In
Eighth Notes
2/4 Time
The Ash Groove
Good King Wenceslas
Dotted Quarter Notes
Blow the Man Down
The Streets of Laredo
Review of music symbols
Notes on the 4 string
The Riddle song
Notes on the 5 string
The Volga Boatman
New World Theme
Ode to Joy
Shalom Chaverim
The C Major Scale
Joy to the world
Jingle Bells
Sharps and flats
The chromatic scale
Aura Lee
Playing chords
The Am and E chords
Joshua fought the Battle of Jericho
The Dm Chord
Wayfaring stranger
Hava Nagila
Music in two parts
Folk song
More on accidentals
Long, long ago
London bridge
Natural Etude
Key signatures
Notes on the sixth string
Noche en Espana
Accidentals on string 4, 5
All through the night
Playing fingers and thumb together
Coventry Carol
Au Clair de Lune
Accidentals on string 6
Deck the Halls
The full chromatic scale
Review of music symbols
New finger combinations
Notes on the fingerboard

Okładka: Duncan Charles, A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar, Book 1

cena 64,95 zł.


Duncan Charles
A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar, Book 1

polski Współczesne podejście do repertuaru gitary klasycznej, z. 1
angielski A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar Repertoire, Book 1

Ilość stron:64
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:gitara solo
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Gitara (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:wstępu: angielska
opisów: angielska
tytułów utworów: angielska
Stopień trudności:0 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

Zajrzyj do środka. Oto kilka stron z publikacji:

Kliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyć

Kod produktu:NPL065049
Produkty podobne:Duncan Charles - A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar
Duncan Charles - A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar - Book 1
Duncan Charles - A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar - Book 2
Duncan Charles - A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar - Book 3
Duncan Charles - A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar - Composite
Duncan Charles - A Modern Approach To Classical Guitar, Book 2
Duncan Charles - A Modern Approach To Classical Repertoire - vol. 1
Duncan Charles - A Modern Approach to Classical Repertoire, Part 2

Szkoła gry na gitarze opisująca od podstaw budowę gitary, sposób trzymania i postawę grającego, strojenie gitary oraz techniki wykonawcze. W dalszych częściach podręcznika omawiane są zagadnienia z teorii muzyki, podstawy zapisu nutowego oraz zamieszczone są pierwsze ćwiczenia.

Now Available With CDs! This multi-volume method was developed to allow students to study the art of classical guitar within a new, more con-temporary framework. For private, class or self-instruction. Book One features an all-new format that incorporates chord frames and symbols, as well as a record to assist in tuning and to provide accompaniments for at-home practice. Book One also introduces beginning fingerboard technique and music theory. Book Two and Three build upon the techniques learned in Book One.

Spis treści:

About the Author
To the Player
The Classical Guitar
Playing Position
Tuning to the Audio
Tuning by Yourself
The Right Hand
The Rest Stroke
Right-Hand Fingernails
Music Symbols
Open String 1, 2 and 3
The Musical Alphabet
The Open Bass String
3/4 Time Signature
Combining Thumb and Fingers
Review of Music Symbols
The Left Hand
Notes on the First String
Notes on the Second String
Combining Strings 1 and 2
Lightly Row
Sur le Point D'Avignon
Go Tell Aunt Rhody
Notes on the Third String
Merrily We Roll Along
Yankee Doodle
Au Clair de la Lune
Pickup Notes
For He's A Jolly Good Fellow
Camptown Races
Down In The Valley
When The Saints Go Marching In
Eighth Notes
2/4 Time
The Ash Grove
Good King Wenceslas
Dotted Quarter Notes
Blow The Man Down
The Streets Of Laredo
Review of Music Symbols
Notes on the Fourth String
The Riddle Song
Notes on the Fifth String
The Volga Boatman
New World Theme
Ode to Joy
Shalom Chaverim
The C Major Scale
Joy To The World
Jingle Bells
Sharps and Flats
The Chromatic Scale
Aura Lee
Playing Chords
The Am and E Chords
Joshua Fought The Battle Of Jericho
The Dm Chord
Wayfaring Stranger
Hava Nagilla
Music in Two Parts
Folk Song
More On Accidentals
Long, Long Ago
London Bridge
Natural Etude
Key Signatures
Notes on the Sixth String
Noche en Espana
Accidentals on Strings 4 and 5
All Through The Night
Playing Fingers and Thumb Together
Coventry Carol
Au Clair de la Lune
Accidentals on String 6
Deck The Halls
The Full Chromatic Scale
Review of Music Symbols
New Finger Combinations
Notes on the Fingerboard

Okładka: Leavitt William, Berklee Basic Guitar - Phase 1

cena 64,95 zł.


Leavitt William
Berklee Basic Guitar - Phase 1

angielski Berklee Basic Guitar - Phase 1

Ilość stron:64
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:gitara solo
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Gitara (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:wstępu: angielska
opisów: angielska
Stopień trudności:1 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa
AutorzyEdytor: Feist Jonathan

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Kliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyć

Kod produktu:NPL065248
Produkty podobne:Leavitt Debbie - Berklee Basic Guitar, Phase 2

Szkoła gry na gitarze, która wykorzystuje wypracowane w Berklee College of Music sposoby nauki. Informacje zawarte w tym podręczniku mogą okazać się niezwykle pomocne nie tylko dla osób uczących się grać w szkole muzycznej ale i dla tych, którzy naukę na tym instrumencie podejmują sami. Berklee College of Music to prestiżowa wyższa uczelnia muzyczna w Bostonie, założona w 1945 roku. Uczelnia ta posiada 27 wydziałów i ponad 430 kierunków studiów, może się poszczycić wychowaniem wielu pokoleń wybitnych muzyków takich jak np: saksofonista Bill Evans, Diana Krall, Joe Lovano, Branford Marsalis, Pat Metheny i wielu innych.

A modern method ideal for all beginning guitarists, studying individually or in a class. Technique and reading skills are developed through two-, three- and four-part ensemble arrangements of traditional and newly composed music. Also includes an introduction to chord playing. Also available: Phase 1 Book/Cassette Pack 50449462 $14.95 Phase 2 Book 50449470 $7.95

Lista utworów:
America, The Beautiful (Samuel A. Ward)
Frere Jacques (Are You Sleeping?) (Traditional)
Home On The Range (Bruce Gowers, Carol Rosenstein, Dan Kelly, Michael Lloyd, Traditional)
Long, Long Ago (John Leavitt, Thomas Bayly)
Lullaby (Cradle Song) (Johannes Brahms)
Merrily We Roll Along (Traditional)
My Old Kentucky Home (Stephen C. Foster)
Old MacDonald (Traditional)
Symphony No. 94 In G Major ('Surprise'), Second Movement Excerpt (Franz Joseph Haydn)
White Coral Bells (American Camp Song)

Okładka: Leavitt William, A Modern Method For Guitar - Volumes 1, 2, 3 Complete

cena 198,95 zł.


Leavitt William
A Modern Method For Guitar - Volumes 1, 2, 3 Complete

polski Wspóczesna szkoła na gitarę - części 1,2,3 - całość
angielski A Modern Method For Guitar - Volumes 1, 2, 3 Complete

Ilość stron:432
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:gitara solo
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Gitara (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:wstępu: angielska
opisów: angielska
tytułów utworów: angielska
Stopień trudności:4 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa
AutorzyEdytor: Feist Jonathan

Zajrzyj do środka. Oto kilka stron z publikacji:

Kliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyć

Kod produktu:NPL076172
Produkty podobne:Leavitt William - A Modern Method For Guitar - Volume 2
Leavitt William - A Modern Method For Guitar, Volume 1
Leavitt William - Méthode Moderne De Guitare: Volume 1
Leavitt William - Modern Method For Guitar (Spanish Edition) - Volume 1
Leavitt William - Modern Method For Guitar (Spanish Edition), Volume 1

Trzy częściowa szkoła gry na gitarze Williama Leavitta, zebrana została w jednej publikacji. Jest ona wykorzystywana do nauki gry na gitarze w prestiżowym Berklee College of Musik. Część pierwsza zajmuje się harmonią, melodyką, akompaniamentem a także podstawowymi technikami (np. arpeggio). W części drugiej wprowadzone zostają zagadnienia interwałów, przewrotów akordów, improwizacji, gitary rytmicznej i gry w duecie. Część trzecia pogłębia wiedzę zdobytą wcześniej.

Now guitarists can have all three volumes of this classic guitar method in one convenient book! Created by popular demand, this new edition of the method used as the basic text for the renowned Berklee College of Music guitar program is a complete compilation of the original Volumes 1, 2, and 3. Innovative solos, duets and exercises progressively teach melody, harmony and rhythm. Perfect for the serious guitar student and instructor alike.

Lista utworów:
Lullaby [Brahms, Johannes]
Merrily We Roll Along
White Coral Bells
Old Macdonald Had A Farm
The Cobra [Leavitt, William]
The Pebble [Leavitt, William]
Two-part Invention (No.13) [Bach, Johann Sebastian]
My Old Kentucky Home [Foster, Stephen]
Long, Long Ago
The Waltz [Leavitt, William]
Andante (Symphony No.94 'The Surprise') [Haydn, Franz Joseph]
Home On The Range
Rock Candy [Leavitt, William]
An Ancient Rock [Leavitt, William]
Accidentally [Leavitt, William]
Another Waltz [Leavitt, William]
Big Ben [Leavitt, William]
Duet For Dot [Leavitt, William]
Duet For Two [Leavitt, William]
Frere Jacques
Giant Steps [Leavitt, William]
America, The Beautiful

Spis treści:

Book 1
Section I
Tuning, the staff, clef sign, common note values
Notes in the first position
Sea to sea (duet)
Note and chord review (upper register)
One, two, three, four (duet)
Rhythm accompaniment
Review (lower register)
Imitation duet
Sharps and flats
Here we go again (duet)
Rhythm accompaniment (bass notes and chords)
Eight notes - counting and picking
Etude no. 1 (duet)
Rests, tied notes, dotted notes
Etude no. 2 (duet)
First solo
Rhythm accompaniment (chord diagrams explained)
Second solo
Etude no. 3 (duet)
Picking etude no. 1 (Right hand development)
Two, two (duet)
Key of G Major (first position)
Rhythm accompaniment (chord diagrams)
Sixteenth notes
Duet in G
Picking etude no. 2
Another duet in G
Key of F Major (first position)
Rhythm accompaniment (chord diagrams and grand barre)
Duet in F
The triplet
Waltz in F (solo)
Key of of A Minor (first position)
Rhythm accompaniment (chord diagrams)
Pretty pickin' (duet)
Dotted eight and sixteenth notes
Key of E minor (scales in first position)
Rhythm accompaniment (chord diagrams)
Take your pick (duet)
Rhythm accompaniment (movable chord forms)
Chromatic scale (first position)
Speed studies
Key of D Minor (scales in first position)
Rhythm accompaniment
Endurance etude (Picking etude no. 3)
Key of B flat (scales in first position)
Rhythm accompaniment
Duet in B flat
Reverse alternate picking study
Key of D Major (scale in first position)
Duet in D
Rhythm accompaniment
Key of E flat Major (scale in first position)
Movable chord forms
Chord simplification and substitution chart
Picking - a different technique
Dynamic etude no. 4 (duet)
Key of A major (first position)
Duet in A
Duet in E flat
Section 2
Position playing
Major scales (C Major, fingering type 1, second position)
Chord etude no. 1
Etude no. 5 (duet)
Reading studies (C Major, fingering type 1, second position)
Ballad (duet)
Movable chord forms
Chord forms (derivative fingerings)
Rhythm accompaniment - right hand technique
Picking etude no. 4
F Major scale (Fingering type 1A, second position)
Chord forms
Chord etude no. 2
Another duet in F
Reading studies (F Major, fingering type 1A, second position)
Play it pretty (duet)
Chord forms
Triplet study
Speed study - fingering type 1
Speed study - fingering type 1A
G Major scale (fingering type 2, second position)
Dottef eight and sixteenth study
Waltz for two (duet)
Chord forms
Reading studies (G Major, fingering type 2, second position)
Blues in G (duet - muffled effect)
Chord etude no. 3
Rhythm accompaniment - right hand technique (basic latin beat)
Picking etude no. 5
Short and sweet (duet)
D Major scale (fingering type 3, second position)
Chord forms
Melodic rhythm study no. 1 (syncopation)
Chord etude no. 4
Staccato, legato
Reading studies (D Major, fingering type 3)
Dee-oo-ett (duet)
Chord forms
Speed study - fingering type 2
Speed study - fingering type 3
A major scale (fingering type 4, second position)
Chord etude no. 5
Reading studies (A Major, fingering type 4, second position)
Tres sharp (duet)
Sixteenth note study
Chord forms
Speed study - fingering type 4, second position
Chord forms
Second position review
Chord forms Quarter note triplets
Major scales in third position (B flat, E flat, A flat, D flat)
Third position review
Chord forms
Major scales in first position (A flad, D flat)
First position review
Major scales in fourth position (G, D, A, E)
Chord forms
Fourth position review
Chord forms
Author's notes
Book 2
Section 1
Four basic major scale fingering patterns (explanation)
C Major Scale - Ascending - 5 Positions
C Major Scale - Descending - 5 Positions
"Getting Up There" (Duet)
"Chord Etude No. 6" (Solo)
Melodic Rhythm Study No. 2
Triads (3 Note C Chords Maj. Min. Dim. Aug.)
F Major Scale - Ascending - 5 Positions
F Major Scale - Descending - 5 Positions
"Another Waltz for Two" (Duet)
Chord Forms and Speed Study
Triads (F Chords Maj. Min. Dim. Aug.)
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (4/4 and 2 beat)
"Chord Etude No. 7" (solo)
G Major Scale - Ascending - 5 Positions
G Major Scale - Descending - 5 Positions
"Sea - See - Si" (Duet)
Chord Forms
Triads (G Chords) and Finger Stretching Exercises
D Major Scale - Ascending - 5 Positions
D Major Scale - Descending - 5 Positions
"Melodic Rhythm Study No. 3" (Duet)
Triads (D Chords... across and up the fingerboard)
A Major Scale - Ascending - 5 Positions
A Major Scale - Descending - 5 Positions
"Chord Etude No. 8" (Solo)
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Rock Style Ballad)
Chord Forms
"Tranquility" (Duet)
Triads (A Chords...across and up the fingerboard)
B Major Scale - Ascending - 5 Positions
B Major Scale - Descending - 5 Positions
"Waltz in B" (Duet)
Melodic Rhythm Study No. 4 (6/8) and Finger Stretching Exercises
Triads (B Chords...across and up the fingerboard)
Pentatonic Scales
Tremolo Study
E Major Scale - Asending - 5 Positions
E Major Scale - Descending - 5 Positions
Chord Forms
Major Scale Review - Positions II, III, V
Major Scale Construction (Explanation)
Triads (Eb Chords...across and up the fingerboard)
Theory Diatonic Triads in Major Keys (Explanation)
Diatonic Triads - Key of G Maj.
Diatonic Triads - Key of F Maj.
Diatonic Triads - Key of B Maj.
Diatonic Triads - Key of Es Maj.
5th Positions Study" (Duet)
Major Triads Exercises (up the fingerboard - all strings)
Minor Triads Exercise (up the fingerboard - all strings)
Section 2
One Octave Arpeggios - Triads (In G) and "Glissando" (Expl.)
Real Melodic (Or Jazz) Minor Scale (Expl.)
C Real Melodic Minor - 5 Positions
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Shuffle Rhythm)
Speed Study
Chord Forms
"Melodic Rhythm Study No. 5" (Duet)
One Octave Arpeggios - Triads (in D and C)
Chord Forms and "Slur" (Expl.)
Theory - Diatonic 7th Chords in Major Keys (Expl.)
Arpeggios - Diatonic Seventh (In G)
Arpeggios - Diatonic Seventh (In C)
G Real Melodic Minor - 5 Positions
Chord Forms
Two Octave Arpeggios - C Maj. Triad from the Root
"Chord Etude No. 9" (Solo)
"The Wanderer" (Duet)
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Waltz)
Arpeggios - Diatonic Sevenths (In F)
Theory - Chord Scale Relationships - Diatonic Str's (Expl)
D Real Melodic Minor - 5 Positions
Chord Forms - 3rd in the Bass
Two Octave Arpeggios - G Maj. Triad from the 3rd
Two Octave Arpeggios - F Maj. Triad from the 5th
Rhythm Guitar - The right hand (Jazz Waltz)
"Interved Mordent" and "Mordent" (Expl.)
Arpeggios - Diatonic Seventh (In B)
A Real melodic Minor - 5 Positions
Chord Forms
Two Octave Arpeggios - C Minor Triad from the Root
"Appogiatura" and "Turn" or "Grupeto" (Expl.)
"Melodic Rhythm Study" (Duet)
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Cha Cha and Beguine)
Arpeggios - Diatonic Sevenths (In Es)
Theory - Chord Scale Relationships (Non-Diat. Min. 7 and Maj.)
7th position study" (Duet)
"Solo in G"
B Real Melodic Minor - 5 Positions
Chord Forms - 7th in the Bass
"Chord Etude No. 11" (Solo)
Two Octave Arpeggios - G Minor Triad from the 3rd
Two Octave Arpeggios - F Minor Triad from the 5th
Key Signatures (Explanation)
Theory - Chord to chord motion (A Brief Discussion)
Chromatic Scale
Es Real Melodic Minor - 5 Positions
Chord Forms and "Chord Etude No. 12" (Solo)
Speed Study
Two Octave Arpeggios - C Diminished Triad from the Root
G Dim. Triad from the 3rd, D Dim. Triad from the Root
"Melodic Rhythm Study No. 7" (Duet)
Whole Tone Scales
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Bossa Nova)
Two Octave Arpeggios - B, Fis and D Augmented Triads
Chord Scale Relationships (Theory) - Non - Diatonic
Minor 6th and (unaletered) Dom.7 chords
"Solo in D"
Book 3
Evolution of Twelve Major Scale Fingering Patterns
A Refined Definition of Position
Speed Study
Solo in Bb
Rhythm Guitar – The right hanad (rhumba)
Explanation of voices in chords
Triad Stuides
Adjacent Strings
Major Scales – Position II
Principal Real Melodic Minor Scales – Position II
Triad studies – chords in G major
Arpegios – Three note chords -major triads
Arpegios – Three note chords -minor triads
About chord symbols
Reference chart for major sscale gingering types
Major scales – poisition III
Melodic rhythm study No. 8 (duet)
About Practising
Triad Studies – chords in F Major
Technical study
About chord construction
Major scales – position IV
Principal Real Melodic Minor Scales – Position IV
Chord construction – four part harmony
Rhythm Guitar – The right hanad (Tango, Merengue)
C major scale (12 position)
Natural minor scale
Modes – A brief discussion
Harmonic minor scales
A harmonic minor (nine position)
A minor etude (solo)
Melodization of triads
Recognition of melodic degrees- Altered 5 and #4
About chord voicind
Arpeggios – four note F chords
Arpeggios – four note G chords
Chord scale relationships
Major scales position V
Principal Real Melodic Minor Scales – Position V
Chord construction – three note voicings
Melodization of tonic major triads
Melodization of tonic and subdominant minor chords
Diminished scale in position
Chord construction
Recognition of melodic degrees- Dominant 7 chords
Speed study
Arpeggios – Four note Bb chords
Arpeggios – Four note D chords
Melodic rythm study no 9 (duet)
Rhythm Guitar – The right hanad (Mambo, bolero, conga)
Legato Staccato
F Major scale
D harmonic minor (nine positions)
Etude in D minor (solo)
Melodic Embellishment – The Appogiatura
Rhythm Guitar – The right hanad (5/4 swing)
About altered chords and chord degrees
Arpeggios – four note Eb Chords
Arpeggios – four note A chords
Chord construction
Melodization of I Minor chords with harmonic minor scale
Arpeggio studies
Melodic rhytmic study no. 10 (duet)
Major scales – Position VII
Chords (three notes) melodization of diminished triads
Chords (three notes) melodization of augmented triads
Arpeggios – four note Db chords
Arpeggios – Four note B chords
Rhythm Guitar – The right hanad (Samba)
Polka -dot (polka duet)
Major Scales – Position VIII
Chords (three notes) melodization of tonic major chords
Melodization of minor 7 chords as Vim7
Subdominant major chords
Minor 7 chords
Arpeggios – Four note F# chords
Arpeggios – Four note Gb chords
Arpeggios – Four note C# chords
Chords (Three note voicings) Dominant 7 chords – open voicings – all inversions
B major scale (Twelve positions)
G harmonic minr (Nine positions)
Etude in G Minor (solo)
Arpeggios – Diminished chords (spelling most used)
Arpeggios – Dominant 7(b5)
Theory: Diatonic 7 Chords – Harmonic Minor (Including Diatonic Substitutions)
Arpeggio and scale study
Cords Melodization of subdominant minor 6 chords
Major scales – position X
Principal Real Melodic Minor Scales – Position X
Chords (Three note voicings) Major 6 and 7 chords – close and open voicings
Chord construction – five part harmony
Five note arpeggios
Daydreams duet
Five note arpeggios
D major scale
B harmonic minor
B minor etude (solo_
Chords (Three note voicings) Dominant 7 chords chords study with b5 (chromatic approach) in the bass
About chord progression (cycle 5)
Theory: Interchangeable chord structure
Rhythm Guitar – The right hanad (Joropo, Nanigo)
Arpeggio study – seventhchords
Chords (Three note voicings) melodization of Minor 7 chords as IIIm7
Five note arpeggios
Chords (Three note voicings) minor 7 and minor 6 chords – close and open voicings
Iim7-V7I chord study
Chord-scale relationships – special alterations on dominant 7 chords
Pretty please (duet)
Five-note arpeggios
Harmonization of a melody – from a lead sheet with chords indicated
Eb Major Scale (Twleve positions)
C Harmonic minor (nine positions)
Etude in C minor (solo)
Chord scale relationships – major chords, minor 7 chords
Chords (three note voicings) Dominant 7 chords chords study with b5 (chromatic approach) in the bass
Five note arpeggios
Chords (three note voicings) Dominant 7 chords chords study with b5 (chromatic approach) in the bass
Rhythm Guitar – The right hanad (Paso Doble)
Chord study – Minor 7 with 5b in the bass
Chord spelling – five note arpeggios – Minor (maj7/9) and Dominant 7 (b5, b9) chords
A major scale (Twelve positions)
F# Harmonic minor
F# minor etude
Chord spelling – five note arpeggios – Dominant 7 (b9) sus4 and dominant 9(b5) chords
Chord (three notes) study in F major and study in F harmonic minor
Chord spelling – five note arpeggios – Dominant 7+9 sus4 and dominant 9(b5) chords
Additional fingerings for minor scales
Chord-scale relationship
Chords-preparation of four-part open voicings – adding the 5th degree
Chords-preparation of four-part open voicings – adding the root
Chord spelling – five note arpeggios – minor 9(b5) chords
About improvisation
„It's Late” (duet)
Chords-preparation of four part open voicings – adding the 3rd degree
Chords-preparation of four part open voicings – adding the 7rd degree
Scale – chord relationship – Major, Harmonic minor, Real minor, Whole tone and diminished scales as related to chords

Okładka: Duckett Richard, Team Recorder

cena 80,95 zł.


Duckett Richard
Team Recorder

polski Zespół fletów prostych - Zintegrowany kurs do nauczania indywidualnego lub grupowego
angielski Team Recorder - Integrated Cours For Individual or Group Teaching

Ilość stron:48 + 12
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:flet prosty solo lub w duecie
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Flet prosty sopranowy (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane + płyta CD
Wersja językowa:wstępu: angielska
opisów: angielska
tytułów utworów: angielska
Stopień trudności:1 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

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Kod produktu:NPL078182

Zbiór utworów na flet, których celem jest rozwijanie umiejętności gry na instrumencie w sposób łatwy i przyjemny. Wszystkie utwory można grać solo, a część również w duecie z drugim fletem. Dla części utworów, w osobnej publikacji dostępny jest akompaniament fortepianowy. Część zaś można wykorzystać do nauki grupowej dzięki analogicznym publikacjom na inne instrumenty dęte drewniane i tworzyć dowolne zespoły instrumentalne. Dodatkowo cała seria jest kompatybilna z serią na instrumenty dęte blaszane. Zakres zamieszczonych utworów jest bardzo duży: od muzyki klasycznej przez popularną muzykę XX wieku czy standardy jazzowe, aż po aranżacje stosunkowo nowych hitów. Do książki została dołączona płyta CD z nagranymi wersjami demonstracyjnymi wszystkich utworów.

An intergrated course ideal for individual, group or class tuition. Containing carefully graded music in a wide range of styles.
The book is for everyone who wants to play recorder.
- Is deal for individual, group and class tuition;
- Contains plenty of carefully - graded music in a wide range of styles;
- Develops instrument - related aural skills, improvisation and composition;
- Provides imaginative, easy keyboard accompaniments within the body of the book;
- Contains the duets which can be expanded into classrom band, orchestra or wind band arrangements by using supplementary parts;
- Includes recorder parts which integrate with the ensemble material in Team Brass, Team Woodwind, Team Percussion and Team Strings;
- Offers clear and helpful illustration relating to the playing of the recorder;
- Includes untuned percussion accompaniments for a variety of instruments;
- Introduces easy part - playing through the use of rounds;
- Contains ensemble parts for the treble recorder;
- Presents many pieces suitable for performance in assemblies, concerts and workshop.

Lista utworów:
Beethoven's one-note tune (Beethoven L. van)
Football bugle call
One and two note tunes
Police siren
London chimes
Two and three-note tunes
Of mice and men
Merrily we roll along
B, A and G together
Suo gan
Peter played with one hammer
The bells of St. Martin's
Acapulco Bay
Pease pudding hot
Around the sea
Au clair de la lune
The CD player!
Leap about
Step round
Welsh tune
Lightly row
Now the day is over
D high jump
Round Bagdad
When the corn is planted
Trumpet round
I want someone to buy me a pony
Shepherds' hey
Sad leaps
Old Macdonald had some fries!
Bad egg round
Slur round
Yo, heave ho
One man and his dog
Canon (Tallis Thomas)
Love me tender (Matson Vera, Presley Elvis)
Agadoo (Peram J., Symile M., Delancery M.)
Good king Wenceslas
Deck the halls
Jingle bells
Ode to joy (Beethoven L. van)
This old man
Auld lang syne
New world symphony (Dvorak A.)
Frere Jacques
Round lullaby
Morning (Grieg E.)
Eriskay love lilt
God save the Queen
Don't sit under the apple tree (Brown Lew, Tobias Charlie)
Away in a manager (Kirkpatrick W. J.)
Westminster chimes
There's a hole in my bucket
Au clair de la lune
Sad round
Little brown jug
Michael row the boat ashore
Kum ba ya
Coventry Carol
Coronation Street (Spear Eric)
Scale and arpeggio of F
Feeling the pinch
How much is that doggie in the window?
Little donkey
The grand old Duke of York

Spis treści:

Team Recorder Ensemble
Getting started
The stave
Pulse and rhythm
Listening skills (1)
The Note B
The Note A
The Note G
More three - note tunes
The Note C
Listening skills (2)
Upper D
Low D
Low E
End - a - tune
The Note F#
The dotted crotchet
Upper E
3/4 Time
More melodies up to E
The Note F
The Note Bb
The natural sign
Upper F
Appendix 1
Appendix 2


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Centrum Dystrybucji Nut nuty.pl
FRAZA s.c., ul. Łużycka 28a, 51-111 Wrocław
tel./fax (071) 325-82-11, tel. 372-66-68
Copyright 1997 - 2014 Fraza s.c., Wrocław, Poland