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Invention in F

Dostępne opracowania:

fortepian solo (1)

Invention in F znajdziesz w 1 publikacji wymienionej poniżej:

Okładka: Neely Blake, Walters Richard, The Baroque Era

cena 95,95 zł.


Neely Blake, Walters Richard
The Baroque Era

polski Era Baroku - 91 Utworów z literatury instrumentów klawiszowych, Koncertów, Oratorium i Oper na fortepian solo
angielski The Baroque Era - 91 Selections from Keyboard Literature, Concertos, Oratorios & Operas for Piano Solo

Ilość stron:224
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:fortepian solo
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Fortepian (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:tytułów utworów: angielska
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

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Kod produktu:NPL065304

Obszerna publikacja zawiera 91 najpopularniejszych utworów epoki Baroku (1600 - 1750) na fortepian solo. Znajdziesz tu kompozycje wielkich mistrzów, m. in.: J. S. Bacha, G. F. Haendla, H. Purcella, A. Scarlattiego, D. Scarlattiego, J. Pachelbela, A. Vivaldiego i wielu innych. Utwory zostały opracowane z myślą o średniozaawansowanych pianistach, dzięki czemu mogą oni poznać wirtuozowską twórczość barokową.

The Baroque period (1600-1750) is represented by 67 piano pieces and 24 transcriptions for easy to intermediate piano. There are 25 composers in the collection, including J.S. Bach, Couperin, Handel, Pachelbel, Purcell, Telemann and Vivaldi. The music includes the most famous Baroque pieces: The Four Seasons, Canon in D, selections from Messiah, Air on the G String, Sheep May Safely Graze. Very satisfying easy to intermediate piano pieces will give musicians years of pleasure. Printed on high-quality, ivory-colored paper, with long-lasting sewn binding. 224 pages.

Lista utworów:
Air and Variations from Suite No. 5 (Haendel G. F.)
Air on the G String (Bach J. S.)
Allegro from Suite No. 7 (Haendel G. F.)
Allegro in A Major (Bach WF)
Allegro Maestoso from Water Music (Haendel G. F.)
Aria (Scarlatti A.)
Autumn from The Four Seasons, excerpts (Vivaldi A.)
BACH - Sarabande from French Suite No. 3 (Bach J.S.)
Benevolent Cuckoos under Yellow Dominos (Couperin)
Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 excerpt (Bach J. S.)
Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 excerpt (Bach J. S.)
Canaries (Chambonnieres)
Canon, excerpt (Pachelbel)
Capriccio (Bach C.P.E.)
Corrente (Frescobaldi)
Courante (Blow)
Courante (Haendel)
Cradle Song (Couperin)
Dance (Telemann)
Gallaird (Frescobaldi)
Gavotte & Variations (Pachelbel)
Gavotte from French Suite No. 5 (Bach J.S.)
Gigue from Suite No. 13 (Haendel G. F.)
Giguetta (Bach J. S.)
Gloria in excelsis (Vivaldi A.)
Hallelujah from Messiah (Haendel G. F.)
Air from Water Music (Haendel G. F.)
Allegro from Water Music (Haendel G. F.)
I Know That My Redeemer Liveth (Haendel G. F.)
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (Bach J. S.)
Lament (Dandrieu)
Largo from Serse (Haendel G. F.)
Les Carillons (Krinberger)
Little Fugue (Haendel G. F.)
Little Prelude in C Major (Bach J. S.)
Little Prelude in C Minor (Bach J. S.)
Little Prelude in E Minor (Bach J. S.)
Little Prelude in F Major (Bach J. S.)
Mandolin Concerto, excerpt (Vivaldi A.)
March in D Major (Bach J. S.)
March in E-flat Major (Bach J. S.)
Menuet (D'Anglebert)
Menuet (Loeillet)
Menuet (Marchand)
Menuet from Partita No. 1 (Bach J. S.)
Minuet (Haendel G. F.)
Minuet in G Major (Bach J. S.)
Musette from English Suite No. 3 (Bach J. S.)
Musette in D Major (Bach J. S.)
Pastoral Symphony from Messiah (Haendel G. F.)
Pianger˛ la sorte mia (Haendel G. F.)
Prelude (Blow)
Prelude from Suite No. 5 (Purcell H.)
Prelude in C Major, WTC I (Bach J. S.)
Rigaudon (Haendel G. F.)
Rigaudon I & II (Daquin)
Rigaudon I & II (Rameau)
Rondeau from Abdelazer (Purcell H.)
Rondeau, excerpt (Mouret)
Sarabande (Chambonnieres)
Sarabande (Pachelbel)
Sarabande from Suite No. 11 (Haendel G. F.)
Sheep May Safely Graze (Bach J. S.)
Sleepers wake, a voice is calling (Bach J. S.)
Solfeggietto (Bach C.P.E.)
Sonata in A Major, L. 483 (Scarlatti)
Sonata in A Minor, L. 378 (Scarlatti)
Sonata in C Major, L. 217 (Scarlatti)
Sonata in D Major, L. 263
Sonata in D Minor, L. 423 (Scarlatti)
Sonata in G Major, L. 79 (Scarlatti D.)
Sonata in G Major, L. 83 (Scarlatti)
Sonatina (Duncombe)
Suite No. 1 in G Major (Purcell)
Tambourin (Rameau)
The Cuckoo (Daquin)
The Gnat (Couperin)
The Gossip (Couperin)
The Trumpet Shall Sound (Haendel)
Two-Part Invention in A Minor (Bach J. S.)
Two-Part Invention in B Minor (Bach J. S.)
Two-Part Invention in B-flat Major (Bach J. S.)
Two-Part Invention in C Major (Bach J. S.)
Two-Part Invention in C Minor (Bach J. S.)
Two-Part Invention in E Minor (Bach J. S.)
Two-Part Invention in F Major
Spring from The Four Seasons, First Movement Excerpt (Vivaldi A.)
When I am laid in earth (Purcell H.)


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