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cena 105,95 zł. | Children of eden
Obejmuje 12 utworów w tym: Close to home; In whatever time we have; The wasteland. Lista utworów: |
cena 382,95 zł. | Goodwin Gordon Samba Del Gringo for jazz ensemble Samba Del Gringo na zespół jazzowy Samba Del Gringo for jazz ensemble
"Samba del Gringo" to utwór zaaranżowny przez znanego, współczesnego muzyka i kompozytora jazzowego - Gordona Goodwina. Kompozycja nagrana została ze słynnym zespołem - Big Phat Band. Przeznaczona jest na dętą orkiestrę jazzową z partiami gitary, fortepianu i perkusji (dwóch wykonawców). Hot Latin sounds from Gordon Goodwin's Grammy-nominated CD Big Phat Band - Swingin' For The Fences! Flute and trumpet are featured in the beginning on the playful melody, but the entire ensemble gets a chance to cut loose on this powerful chart. Includes solos for alto and trombone. Lista utworów: |
cena 45,95 zł. | Händel George Friedrich Utrecht Jubilate
Czas trwania 15 minut. Lista utworów: |
cena 182,95 zł. | Eglash Joel N., Hall Jonathan Torah a live! Torah a live!
Torah Alive! to publikacja zawierająca aż 28 utworów w stylu żydowskim. Aranżacje są dostosowane do umiejętności najmłodszych instrumentalistów. Dodatkowo do książki dołączona jest płyta CD z przykładowymi nagraniami piosenek. Torah Alive! provides an age - appropriate approach to teaching Torah to young children using creative early childhood teaching techniques to present our ancient Jewish text. Music is a key ingredient in the early childhood classrom. With Torah Alive! Music Connection, you can seamlessly integrate music into the Torah Alive! curriculum, by Lorraine Posner Arcus. Lista utworów: |
cena 109,95 zł. | Gill Danny Modern Rock Rhythm Guitar Nowoczesny rock na gitarze Modern Rock Rhythm Guitar
Szkoła gry nowoczesnego rocka na gitarze elektrycznej wg Danny'ego Gilla. Autor prezentuje technikę, riffy, akordy takich zespołów, jak: Creed, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Tool, Van Halen i innych popularnych wykonawców. Dodatkowo do książki została dołączona płyta CD zawierająca wersje demonstracyjne zapisanych ćwiczeń. Spis treści: |
cena 51,95 zł. | Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus John Thompson's Easiest Piano Course: First Mozart John Thompson's Easiest Piano Course: First Mozart
This latest, classically-flavoured songbook for John Thompson's Easiest Piano Course introduces easy works by one of the greatest composers ever to have lived, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart . Featuring some very fine compositions, First Mozart is perfect for pupils reaching parts 2 to 4 of the world-renowned Piano course. These fun repertoire books contain some amazing pieces that have been specially collected and graded to be used in conjunction with the Easiest Piano Course. Pieces like The Birdcatcher Song, Eine Klein Nachtmusik (1st Movement), A Musical Joke and Sonata Facile will reinforce essential technical ability, while simultaneously enhancing a general sense of musicality and melodic playing. First Mozart is ideal for pupils who've worked through the course at levels 2 to 4, but it's also a great set of pieces for sight reading practice for more advanced students. The pieces in this songbook become progressively more difficult, and, to this end, dynamics and phrasing have been omitted for the earlier pieces, since they're not introduced until Part 3 of the course. Early pieces like Ave Verum Corpus and Dies Irae (From 'Requiem Mass In D Minor) help to reinforce what pupils learn in the beginning of the John Thompson Method, with a focus on playing notes and rhythms accurately. Towards of the end of the songbook, more challenging pieces like Piano Sonata No. 21 and No. 11 will help pupils to enhance their technical skills, play more melodically, and, most importantly, enjoy playing! Generally, these pieces stay in the 5-finger position, with handy hints and suggestions when a different fingering is called for. The pieces in this songbook are beautiful to hear and to play, making First Mozart a really great beginner's songbook for pupils who want to learn some of the finest music ever composed. As an introduction for beginners to classical music and Mozart in particular, this songbook is rewarding and enjoyable, these pieces being timeless and never going out of fashion. The John Thompson's Easiest Piano Course First Mozart songbook is the ideal beginning book for classical music fans. It's tailor-made for pupils working through the renowned and revered Piano method, so it's authoritative and accurate, helping you to enhance your technique and learn some amazing music. Lista utworów: |
cena 51,95 zł. | Beethoven Ludwig van John Thompson's Easiest Piano Course: First Beethoven
This latest, classically-flavoured songbook for John Thompson's Easiest Piano Course introduces easy works by one of the greatest composers ever to have lived, Ludwig Van Beethoven . Featuring some very fine compositions, First Beethoven is perfect for pupils reaching parts 2 to 4 of the world-renowned Piano course. These fun repertoire books contain some amazing pieces that have been specially collected and graded to be used in conjunction with the Easiest Piano Course. Pieces like Minuet In G Major, Rondo In C , the sublime Moonlight Sonata, 1st Movement and the classic FA1r Elise will reinforce essential technical ability, while simultaneously enhancing a general sense of musicality and melodic playing. First Beethoven is therefore ideal for pupils who've worked through the course at levels 2 to 4, but it's also a great set of pieces for sight reading practice for more advanced students. The pieces in this songbook become progressively more difficult, and, to this end, dynamics and phrasing have been omitted for the earlier pieces, since they're not introduced until Part 3 of the course. Early pieces like Ode To Joy and Turkish March help to reinforce what pupils learn in the beginning of the John Thompson Method, with a focus on playing notes and rhythms accurately. Towards of the end of the songbook, more challenging pieces like Eroica Symphony and Sonata PathAŠtique will help pupils to enhance their technical skills, play more melodically, and, most importantly, enjoy playing! Generally, these pieces stay in the 5-finger position, with handy hints and suggestions when a different fingering is called for. The pieces in this songbook are beautiful to hear and to play, making First Beethoven a really great beginner's songbook for pupils who want to learn some of the finest music ever composed. As an introduction for beginners to classical music and Beethoven in particular, this songbook is rewarding and enjoyable, these pieces being timeless and never going out of fashion. The John Thompson's Easiest Piano Course First Beethoven songbook is the ideal beginning book for classical music fans. It's tailor-made for pupils working through the renowned and revered Piano method, so it's authoritative and accurate, helping you to enhance your technique and learn some amazing music at the same time. Lista utworów: |
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