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In Perfect Harmony

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In Perfect Harmony znajdziesz w 4 publikacjach wymienionych poniżej:

Okładka: Schumann Robert, Complete Works for Piano

cena 128,95 zł.


Schumann Robert
Complete Works for Piano

polski Dzieła wszystkie na fortepian
angielski Complete Works for Piano

Ilo¶ć stron:8
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:fortepian solo
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilo¶ć materiałów wykonawczych)
Fortepian (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty w pliku *.pdf na płycie CD
Wersja językowa:wstępu: angielska
tytułów utworów: angielska, niemiecka
Dostępno¶ćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa
Kod produktu:NPL065932

CD Sheet Music(TM) to wyj±tkowa seria dzieł muzycznych zapisanych w formie popularnego formatu plików *.pdf, które można odtworzyć na komputerze PC lub MAC i wydrukować te pozycje, które s± nam aktualnie potrzebne. Publikacje te pozwalaj± nam wykorzystać komputer do magazynowania dzieł muzycznych - jako wirtualn± bibliotekę muzyczn±. Publikacja ta zawiera kompletny zbiór utworów Roberta Schumanna, ł±cznie ponad 800 stron muzyki.

Variations On The Name "Abegg", Op. 1
Papillons (Butterflies), Op. 2
Etudes after Paganini Caprices, Op. 3
Intermezzi, Op. 4
Impromptus On A Theme by Clara Wieck, Op. 5
Davidsbundler Tanze, Op. 6
Toccata, Op. 7 Allegro, Op. 8
Carnaval, Op. 9
Six Concert Etudes after Paganini Caprices, Op. 10
Grand Sonata No. 1 in F# Minor, Op. 11
Phantasiestucke (Fantasy Pieces), Op. 12
1. Des Abends (In the Evening)
2. Aufschwung (Soaring)
3. Warum? (Why?)
4. Grillen (Whims)
5. In der Nacht (In the night)
6. Fabel (Fable)
7. Traumes Wirren (Dream Visions)
8. Ende vom Lied(Epilogue)
Symphonic Etudes, Op. 13
Symphonic Etudes, supplement to Op. 13 (Five Additional Variations)
Grand Sonata No. 3 in F Minor (Concerto without Orchestra), Op. 14
Scherzo (originally intended for Sonata No. 3 in F Minor, Op. 14)
Scenes from Childhood (Kinderscenen), Op. 15
1. About Strange Lands and People (Von fremden Landern und Menschen)
2. Curious Story (Kuriose Geschichte)
3. Blindman's Buff (Hasche-Mann)
4. Pleading Child (Bittendes Kind)
5. Perfectly Contented (GIUckes genug)
6. Important Event (Wichtige Begebenheit)
7. Reverie (Traumerei)
8. At the Fireside (Am Kamin)
9. The Knight of the Rocking Horse (Ritter vom Steckenpferd)
10. Almost Too Serious (Fast zu ernst)
11. Frightening (FUchtenmachen)
12. Child Falling Asleep (Kind im Einschlummern)
13. The Poet Speaks (Der Dichter Spricht)
Kreisleriana, Op. 16
Fantasy in C Major, Op. 17
Arabeske, Op. 18
Blumenstuck (Flower Song), Op. 19
Humoreske, Op. 20
Novelletten, Op. 21
Sonata No. 2 in G Minor, Op. 22
Presto (originally intended for Sonata No. 2 in G Minor)
Nachtstucke, Op. 23
Faschingsschwank Aus Wien (Carnival Jest fram Vienna), Op. 26
Three Romances, Op. 28
Four Pieces (Vier StUcke), Op. 32
1. Scherzo
2. Gigue
3. Romanze
4. Fughette
Concerto in A Minor for Piano and Orchestra (Reduction for Solo Piano), Op. 54
Album for the Young (Clavierstucke fur die Jugend), Op. 68
1. Melody
2. Soldier's March (Soldatenmarsch)
3. Humming Song (Armes Waisenkind)
4. Chorale 5. Little Piece (Stuckchen)
6. The Poor Orphan (Volksliedchen)
7. Hunting Song (Jagerliedchen)
8. The Wild Horseman (Wilder Reiter)
9. Sicilian Folk Song (Sicilianisch)
10. The Happy Farmer (Fr6hlicher Landmann)
11. Sicilienne
12. Knight Rupert (Knecht Ruprecht)
13. May, Sweet May (Mai, lieber Mai)
14. Little Study (Kleine Studie)
15. Spring Song (FrUhlingsgesang)
16. First Loss (Erster Verlust)
17. Roaming in the Morning (Kleiner Morgenwanderer)
18. The Reaper' Song (Schnitterliedchen)
19. Little Romance (Kleine Romanze)
20. Rustic Song (Landliches Lied)
21. ***
22. Roundelay (Rundgsang)
23. The Horseman (ReiterstUck)
24. Harvest Song (Ernteliedchen)
25. Echoes from the Theater (Nachklange aus dem Theater)
26. ***
27. Little Song in Canon Form (Canonisches Liedchen)
28. In Memoriam (Erinnerung)
29. Strange Man (Fremder Mann)
30. ***
31. War Song (Kriegslied)
32. Sheherazade
33. Vintage-time ("Weinlesezeit - Frohliche Zeit!")
34. Theme
35. Mignon
36. Italian Sailors' Song (Lied Italienischer Marinari)
37. Sailors' Song (Matrosenlied)
38. Winter Time I (Winterzeit I)
39. Winter Time II (Winterzeit II)
40. Little Fugue (Kleine Fuge)
41. Norse Song (Nordisches Lied)
42. Figured Chorale (Figurirter Choral)
43. New Year's Eve (Sylvesterlied)
FourFugue, Op. 72
Four Marches, Op. 76
Waldscenen (Forest Scenes). Op. 82
1. Eintritt (Entrance)
2. Jager auf der Lauer (The Hunter in Wait)
3. Einsame Blumen (Lonesome Flowers)
4. Verrufene Stelle (III-Omened Place)
5. Freundliche Landschaft (Friendly Landscape)
6. Herberge (Shelter)
7. Vogel ais Prophet (Bird as Prophet)
8. Jagdlied (Hunter's Song)
9. Abschied (Farewell)
Introduction and Allegro Appassionato (Reduction for Solo Piano) Op. 92
Bunte Blatter (Early Morning Pictures), Op. 99
1-3. Drei Stucklein (Three Little Pieces)
4-8. Funf Albumblatte (Five Album Leaves)
9. Novellette 10. Praludium (Prelude)
11. Marsch (March)
12. Abendmusik (Evening Music)
13. Scherzo
14. Geshwindmarsch (Quick March)
Three Fantasy Pieces (Drei PhantasiestUcke). Op. 111
Three Piano Sonatas For The Young (Drei Claver-Sonaten fUr die Juged). Op. 118
Album Leaves (Albumblatter). Op. 124
1. Impromptu
2. Leides Ahnung (Feeling of Regret)
3. Scherzino
4. Waltz
5. Phantasietanz (Dance Fantasy)
6. Wiegenliedchen (Little Cradle Song)
7. Landler
8. Lied ohne Ende (Song Without End)
9. Impromptu
10. Waltz
11. Romance
12. Burla
13. Larghetto
14. Vision
15. Waltz
16. Schlummerlied (Slumber Song)
17. Elfe (Elves)
18. Botschaft (Message)
19. Phantasiestuck (Fantasy Piece)
20. Canon
Seven Pieces In Fughetta Form (Sieben Stucke in Fughettenform). Op. 126
Gesange Der Fruhe (Morning Songs). Op. 133
Introduction and Concert Allegro (Reduction for Solo Piano). Op. 134
Theme in Eb Major

Appoggiatura; Cadenza; Concerto; Duet; Form; Fugue; Harmonic Analysis; Harmony;
Modulation; Pianoforte and Piano Playing; Schumann, Clara; Schumann, Robert;
Sonata; Turn; Variaions

CD Sheet Music(TM) is the revolutionary series of masterworks on CD- or DVD-ROM that transforms a PC or MAC computer into a virtual music library. Now you can quickly locate, view and print the great works of the classical repertoire. Compared to traditional printed sheet music or music downloads, it is incredibly inexpensive. Original sources are out-of-copyright standard editions from publishers such as Breitkopf and Härtel, C.F. Peters, G. Schirmer, Carl Fischer, G. Ricordi, Durand and many others. The discs also include biographical and analytical information from Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 1911 Edition. This package includes Album for the Young, Scenes from Childhood, Papillons, the sonatas, and more. 800+ pages of music.

Okładka: Leavitt William, A Modern Method For Guitar - Volumes 1, 2, 3 Complete

cena 198,95 zł.


Leavitt William
A Modern Method For Guitar - Volumes 1, 2, 3 Complete

polski Wspóczesna szkoła na gitarę - czę¶ci 1,2,3 - cało¶ć
angielski A Modern Method For Guitar - Volumes 1, 2, 3 Complete

Ilo¶ć stron:432
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:gitara solo
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilo¶ć materiałów wykonawczych)
Gitara (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:wstępu: angielska
opisów: angielska
tytułów utworów: angielska
Stopień trudno¶ci:4 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępno¶ćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa
AutorzyEdytor: Feist Jonathan

Zajrzyj do ¶rodka. Oto kilka stron z publikacji:

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Kod produktu:NPL076172
Produkty podobne:Leavitt William - A Modern Method For Guitar - Volume 2
Leavitt William - A Modern Method For Guitar, Volume 1
Leavitt William - Méthode Moderne De Guitare: Volume 1
Leavitt William - Modern Method For Guitar (Spanish Edition) - Volume 1
Leavitt William - Modern Method For Guitar (Spanish Edition), Volume 1

Trzy czę¶ciowa szkoła gry na gitarze Williama Leavitta, zebrana została w jednej publikacji. Jest ona wykorzystywana do nauki gry na gitarze w prestiżowym Berklee College of Musik. Czę¶ć pierwsza zajmuje się harmoni±, melodyk±, akompaniamentem a także podstawowymi technikami (np. arpeggio). W czę¶ci drugiej wprowadzone zostaj± zagadnienia interwałów, przewrotów akordów, improwizacji, gitary rytmicznej i gry w duecie. Czę¶ć trzecia pogłębia wiedzę zdobyt± wcze¶niej.

Now guitarists can have all three volumes of this classic guitar method in one convenient book! Created by popular demand, this new edition of the method used as the basic text for the renowned Berklee College of Music guitar program is a complete compilation of the original Volumes 1, 2, and 3. Innovative solos, duets and exercises progressively teach melody, harmony and rhythm. Perfect for the serious guitar student and instructor alike.

Lista utworów:
Lullaby [Brahms, Johannes]
Merrily We Roll Along
White Coral Bells
Old Macdonald Had A Farm
The Cobra [Leavitt, William]
The Pebble [Leavitt, William]
Two-part Invention (No.13) [Bach, Johann Sebastian]
My Old Kentucky Home [Foster, Stephen]
Long, Long Ago
The Waltz [Leavitt, William]
Andante (Symphony No.94 'The Surprise') [Haydn, Franz Joseph]
Home On The Range
Rock Candy [Leavitt, William]
An Ancient Rock [Leavitt, William]
Accidentally [Leavitt, William]
Another Waltz [Leavitt, William]
Big Ben [Leavitt, William]
Duet For Dot [Leavitt, William]
Duet For Two [Leavitt, William]
Frere Jacques
Giant Steps [Leavitt, William]
America, The Beautiful

Spis tre¶ci:

Book 1
Section I
Tuning, the staff, clef sign, common note values
Notes in the first position
Sea to sea (duet)
Note and chord review (upper register)
One, two, three, four (duet)
Rhythm accompaniment
Review (lower register)
Imitation duet
Sharps and flats
Here we go again (duet)
Rhythm accompaniment (bass notes and chords)
Eight notes - counting and picking
Etude no. 1 (duet)
Rests, tied notes, dotted notes
Etude no. 2 (duet)
First solo
Rhythm accompaniment (chord diagrams explained)
Second solo
Etude no. 3 (duet)
Picking etude no. 1 (Right hand development)
Two, two (duet)
Key of G Major (first position)
Rhythm accompaniment (chord diagrams)
Sixteenth notes
Duet in G
Picking etude no. 2
Another duet in G
Key of F Major (first position)
Rhythm accompaniment (chord diagrams and grand barre)
Duet in F
The triplet
Waltz in F (solo)
Key of of A Minor (first position)
Rhythm accompaniment (chord diagrams)
Pretty pickin' (duet)
Dotted eight and sixteenth notes
Key of E minor (scales in first position)
Rhythm accompaniment (chord diagrams)
Take your pick (duet)
Rhythm accompaniment (movable chord forms)
Chromatic scale (first position)
Speed studies
Key of D Minor (scales in first position)
Rhythm accompaniment
Endurance etude (Picking etude no. 3)
Key of B flat (scales in first position)
Rhythm accompaniment
Duet in B flat
Reverse alternate picking study
Key of D Major (scale in first position)
Duet in D
Rhythm accompaniment
Key of E flat Major (scale in first position)
Movable chord forms
Chord simplification and substitution chart
Picking - a different technique
Dynamic etude no. 4 (duet)
Key of A major (first position)
Duet in A
Duet in E flat
Section 2
Position playing
Major scales (C Major, fingering type 1, second position)
Chord etude no. 1
Etude no. 5 (duet)
Reading studies (C Major, fingering type 1, second position)
Ballad (duet)
Movable chord forms
Chord forms (derivative fingerings)
Rhythm accompaniment - right hand technique
Picking etude no. 4
F Major scale (Fingering type 1A, second position)
Chord forms
Chord etude no. 2
Another duet in F
Reading studies (F Major, fingering type 1A, second position)
Play it pretty (duet)
Chord forms
Triplet study
Speed study - fingering type 1
Speed study - fingering type 1A
G Major scale (fingering type 2, second position)
Dottef eight and sixteenth study
Waltz for two (duet)
Chord forms
Reading studies (G Major, fingering type 2, second position)
Blues in G (duet - muffled effect)
Chord etude no. 3
Rhythm accompaniment - right hand technique (basic latin beat)
Picking etude no. 5
Short and sweet (duet)
D Major scale (fingering type 3, second position)
Chord forms
Melodic rhythm study no. 1 (syncopation)
Chord etude no. 4
Staccato, legato
Reading studies (D Major, fingering type 3)
Dee-oo-ett (duet)
Chord forms
Speed study - fingering type 2
Speed study - fingering type 3
A major scale (fingering type 4, second position)
Chord etude no. 5
Reading studies (A Major, fingering type 4, second position)
Tres sharp (duet)
Sixteenth note study
Chord forms
Speed study - fingering type 4, second position
Chord forms
Second position review
Chord forms Quarter note triplets
Major scales in third position (B flat, E flat, A flat, D flat)
Third position review
Chord forms
Major scales in first position (A flad, D flat)
First position review
Major scales in fourth position (G, D, A, E)
Chord forms
Fourth position review
Chord forms
Author's notes
Book 2
Section 1
Four basic major scale fingering patterns (explanation)
C Major Scale - Ascending - 5 Positions
C Major Scale - Descending - 5 Positions
"Getting Up There" (Duet)
"Chord Etude No. 6" (Solo)
Melodic Rhythm Study No. 2
Triads (3 Note C Chords Maj. Min. Dim. Aug.)
F Major Scale - Ascending - 5 Positions
F Major Scale - Descending - 5 Positions
"Another Waltz for Two" (Duet)
Chord Forms and Speed Study
Triads (F Chords Maj. Min. Dim. Aug.)
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (4/4 and 2 beat)
"Chord Etude No. 7" (solo)
G Major Scale - Ascending - 5 Positions
G Major Scale - Descending - 5 Positions
"Sea - See - Si" (Duet)
Chord Forms
Triads (G Chords) and Finger Stretching Exercises
D Major Scale - Ascending - 5 Positions
D Major Scale - Descending - 5 Positions
"Melodic Rhythm Study No. 3" (Duet)
Triads (D Chords... across and up the fingerboard)
A Major Scale - Ascending - 5 Positions
A Major Scale - Descending - 5 Positions
"Chord Etude No. 8" (Solo)
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Rock Style Ballad)
Chord Forms
"Tranquility" (Duet)
Triads (A Chords...across and up the fingerboard)
B Major Scale - Ascending - 5 Positions
B Major Scale - Descending - 5 Positions
"Waltz in B" (Duet)
Melodic Rhythm Study No. 4 (6/8) and Finger Stretching Exercises
Triads (B Chords...across and up the fingerboard)
Pentatonic Scales
Tremolo Study
E Major Scale - Asending - 5 Positions
E Major Scale - Descending - 5 Positions
Chord Forms
Major Scale Review - Positions II, III, V
Major Scale Construction (Explanation)
Triads (Eb Chords...across and up the fingerboard)
Theory Diatonic Triads in Major Keys (Explanation)
Diatonic Triads - Key of G Maj.
Diatonic Triads - Key of F Maj.
Diatonic Triads - Key of B Maj.
Diatonic Triads - Key of Es Maj.
5th Positions Study" (Duet)
Major Triads Exercises (up the fingerboard - all strings)
Minor Triads Exercise (up the fingerboard - all strings)
Section 2
One Octave Arpeggios - Triads (In G) and "Glissando" (Expl.)
Real Melodic (Or Jazz) Minor Scale (Expl.)
C Real Melodic Minor - 5 Positions
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Shuffle Rhythm)
Speed Study
Chord Forms
"Melodic Rhythm Study No. 5" (Duet)
One Octave Arpeggios - Triads (in D and C)
Chord Forms and "Slur" (Expl.)
Theory - Diatonic 7th Chords in Major Keys (Expl.)
Arpeggios - Diatonic Seventh (In G)
Arpeggios - Diatonic Seventh (In C)
G Real Melodic Minor - 5 Positions
Chord Forms
Two Octave Arpeggios - C Maj. Triad from the Root
"Chord Etude No. 9" (Solo)
"The Wanderer" (Duet)
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Waltz)
Arpeggios - Diatonic Sevenths (In F)
Theory - Chord Scale Relationships - Diatonic Str's (Expl)
D Real Melodic Minor - 5 Positions
Chord Forms - 3rd in the Bass
Two Octave Arpeggios - G Maj. Triad from the 3rd
Two Octave Arpeggios - F Maj. Triad from the 5th
Rhythm Guitar - The right hand (Jazz Waltz)
"Interved Mordent" and "Mordent" (Expl.)
Arpeggios - Diatonic Seventh (In B)
A Real melodic Minor - 5 Positions
Chord Forms
Two Octave Arpeggios - C Minor Triad from the Root
"Appogiatura" and "Turn" or "Grupeto" (Expl.)
"Melodic Rhythm Study" (Duet)
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Cha Cha and Beguine)
Arpeggios - Diatonic Sevenths (In Es)
Theory - Chord Scale Relationships (Non-Diat. Min. 7 and Maj.)
7th position study" (Duet)
"Solo in G"
B Real Melodic Minor - 5 Positions
Chord Forms - 7th in the Bass
"Chord Etude No. 11" (Solo)
Two Octave Arpeggios - G Minor Triad from the 3rd
Two Octave Arpeggios - F Minor Triad from the 5th
Key Signatures (Explanation)
Theory - Chord to chord motion (A Brief Discussion)
Chromatic Scale
Es Real Melodic Minor - 5 Positions
Chord Forms and "Chord Etude No. 12" (Solo)
Speed Study
Two Octave Arpeggios - C Diminished Triad from the Root
G Dim. Triad from the 3rd, D Dim. Triad from the Root
"Melodic Rhythm Study No. 7" (Duet)
Whole Tone Scales
Rhythm Guitar - The Right Hand (Bossa Nova)
Two Octave Arpeggios - B, Fis and D Augmented Triads
Chord Scale Relationships (Theory) - Non - Diatonic
Minor 6th and (unaletered) Dom.7 chords
"Solo in D"
Book 3
Evolution of Twelve Major Scale Fingering Patterns
A Refined Definition of Position
Speed Study
Solo in Bb
Rhythm Guitar – The right hanad (rhumba)
Explanation of voices in chords
Triad Stuides
Adjacent Strings
Major Scales – Position II
Principal Real Melodic Minor Scales – Position II
Triad studies – chords in G major
Arpegios – Three note chords -major triads
Arpegios – Three note chords -minor triads
About chord symbols
Reference chart for major sscale gingering types
Major scales – poisition III
Melodic rhythm study No. 8 (duet)
About Practising
Triad Studies – chords in F Major
Technical study
About chord construction
Major scales – position IV
Principal Real Melodic Minor Scales – Position IV
Chord construction – four part harmony
Rhythm Guitar – The right hanad (Tango, Merengue)
C major scale (12 position)
Natural minor scale
Modes – A brief discussion
Harmonic minor scales
A harmonic minor (nine position)
A minor etude (solo)
Melodization of triads
Recognition of melodic degrees- Altered 5 and #4
About chord voicind
Arpeggios – four note F chords
Arpeggios – four note G chords
Chord scale relationships
Major scales position V
Principal Real Melodic Minor Scales – Position V
Chord construction – three note voicings
Melodization of tonic major triads
Melodization of tonic and subdominant minor chords
Diminished scale in position
Chord construction
Recognition of melodic degrees- Dominant 7 chords
Speed study
Arpeggios – Four note Bb chords
Arpeggios – Four note D chords
Melodic rythm study no 9 (duet)
Rhythm Guitar – The right hanad (Mambo, bolero, conga)
Legato Staccato
F Major scale
D harmonic minor (nine positions)
Etude in D minor (solo)
Melodic Embellishment – The Appogiatura
Rhythm Guitar – The right hanad (5/4 swing)
About altered chords and chord degrees
Arpeggios – four note Eb Chords
Arpeggios – four note A chords
Chord construction
Melodization of I Minor chords with harmonic minor scale
Arpeggio studies
Melodic rhytmic study no. 10 (duet)
Major scales – Position VII
Chords (three notes) melodization of diminished triads
Chords (three notes) melodization of augmented triads
Arpeggios – four note Db chords
Arpeggios – Four note B chords
Rhythm Guitar – The right hanad (Samba)
Polka -dot (polka duet)
Major Scales – Position VIII
Chords (three notes) melodization of tonic major chords
Melodization of minor 7 chords as Vim7
Subdominant major chords
Minor 7 chords
Arpeggios – Four note F# chords
Arpeggios – Four note Gb chords
Arpeggios – Four note C# chords
Chords (Three note voicings) Dominant 7 chords – open voicings – all inversions
B major scale (Twelve positions)
G harmonic minr (Nine positions)
Etude in G Minor (solo)
Arpeggios – Diminished chords (spelling most used)
Arpeggios – Dominant 7(b5)
Theory: Diatonic 7 Chords – Harmonic Minor (Including Diatonic Substitutions)
Arpeggio and scale study
Cords Melodization of subdominant minor 6 chords
Major scales – position X
Principal Real Melodic Minor Scales – Position X
Chords (Three note voicings) Major 6 and 7 chords – close and open voicings
Chord construction – five part harmony
Five note arpeggios
Daydreams duet
Five note arpeggios
D major scale
B harmonic minor
B minor etude (solo_
Chords (Three note voicings) Dominant 7 chords chords study with b5 (chromatic approach) in the bass
About chord progression (cycle 5)
Theory: Interchangeable chord structure
Rhythm Guitar – The right hanad (Joropo, Nanigo)
Arpeggio study – seventhchords
Chords (Three note voicings) melodization of Minor 7 chords as IIIm7
Five note arpeggios
Chords (Three note voicings) minor 7 and minor 6 chords – close and open voicings
Iim7-V7I chord study
Chord-scale relationships – special alterations on dominant 7 chords
Pretty please (duet)
Five-note arpeggios
Harmonization of a melody – from a lead sheet with chords indicated
Eb Major Scale (Twleve positions)
C Harmonic minor (nine positions)
Etude in C minor (solo)
Chord scale relationships – major chords, minor 7 chords
Chords (three note voicings) Dominant 7 chords chords study with b5 (chromatic approach) in the bass
Five note arpeggios
Chords (three note voicings) Dominant 7 chords chords study with b5 (chromatic approach) in the bass
Rhythm Guitar – The right hanad (Paso Doble)
Chord study – Minor 7 with 5b in the bass
Chord spelling – five note arpeggios – Minor (maj7/9) and Dominant 7 (b5, b9) chords
A major scale (Twelve positions)
F# Harmonic minor
F# minor etude
Chord spelling – five note arpeggios – Dominant 7 (b9) sus4 and dominant 9(b5) chords
Chord (three notes) study in F major and study in F harmonic minor
Chord spelling – five note arpeggios – Dominant 7+9 sus4 and dominant 9(b5) chords
Additional fingerings for minor scales
Chord-scale relationship
Chords-preparation of four-part open voicings – adding the 5th degree
Chords-preparation of four-part open voicings – adding the root
Chord spelling – five note arpeggios – minor 9(b5) chords
About improvisation
„It's Late” (duet)
Chords-preparation of four part open voicings – adding the 3rd degree
Chords-preparation of four part open voicings – adding the 7rd degree
Scale – chord relationship – Major, Harmonic minor, Real minor, Whole tone and diminished scales as related to chords

Okładka: Bach Johann Sebastian, J.S. Bach - 15 Pieces Arranged For Three Or More Guitarists

cena 54,95 zł.


Bach Johann Sebastian
J.S. Bach - 15 Pieces Arranged For Three Or More Guitarists

angielski J.S. Bach - 15 Pieces Arranged For Three Or More Guitarists

Ilo¶ć stron:32
Format: 229 x 305
Opracowanie na:3 gitary (partytura)
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilo¶ć materiałów wykonawczych)
Partytura (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:tytułów utworów: angielska
Dostępno¶ćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

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Kod produktu:NPL083861

The songs in Hal Leonard's Essential Elements Guitar Ensembles series are playable by multiple guitars. Each arrangement features the melody (lead), a harmony part, and a bass line. Chord symbols are also provided if you wish to add a rhythm part. For groups with more than three or four guitars, the parts may be doubled. Play all of the parts together, or record some of the parts and play the remaining part along with the recording. All of the songs are printed on two facing pages; no page turns are required. This series is perfect for classroom guitar ensembles or other group guitar settings. This edition features 15 songs: Arioso Bourree in E Minor Gavotte Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring Musette in D Major Sheep May Safely Graze Sleepers, Awake (Wachet Auf) and more.

Lista utworów:
Air On The G String (Angel Romero)
Arioso (A.Scarlatti, James Williams, Johann Sebastian Bach)
Be Thou With Me (Christopher Parkening)
Bourree In E Minor (Johann Sebastian Bach)
Gavotte (5th French Suite) (Johann Sebastian Bach)
Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring (Amy Grant, Josh Groban)
Keep, O My Spirit (Johann Sebastian Bach)
March In D Major (Johann Sebastian Bach)
Minuet In G (Georg Friedrich Handel, Johann Sebastian Bach, Julius Bellson (arr.), Ludwig van Beethoven, Robert Henley Woody (arr.))
Minuet In G Minor, BWV Anh. 115 (Johann Sebastian Bach)
Musette in D Major (Johann Sebastian Bach)
Sheep May Safely Graze (James Galway)
Siciliano (J.S. Bach, Johann Sebastian Bach, Mike Garson)
Sleepers, Awake (Wachet Auf) (Johann Sebastian Bach)

Okładka: Lung Sam, The Jazz Piano Chord Book

cena 72,95 zł.


Lung Sam
The Jazz Piano Chord Book

angielski The Jazz Piano Chord Book

Ilo¶ć stron:152
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Dostępno¶ćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa
AutorzyEdytor: Lung Sam

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Kod produktu:NPL084151

The Jazz Piano Chord Book , with over 1,700 jazz Piano chord voicings contained within, is an essential resource for jazz Pianists, whether they're newcomers to the style or established players who want to improve upon existing skills. "It's straightforward, clear and a really helpful and practical aid for beginning and inexperienced jazz musicians. Even those with a bit of time under their belt playing jazz would gain a great deal from this book." - Julian Joseph , internationally renowned jazz pianist and composer. The handy and compact layout of this convenient Chord Book  allows you to quickly and easily find the chord you are looking for. Its layout of the almost innumerable harmonic variations of each Piano chord, as well as the great reference system for substitutions and related chords, makes this book invaluable for any pianist looking to expand their harmonic horizons.  "The new Jazz Piano Chord Book is a great tool for finding new harmonies, and the left-hand voicings are an extra bonus. The size is perfect! This book is very useful for all of us and we'll certainly use this at our next piano camp." - Robert Wells , pianist, with links to RYTMUS and Roland Sweden, as well as his own Robert Wells Academy. It is not only a reference guide though, the lengthy introduction explores what jazz harmony is, how chord variations and voicings contribute to it, and how knowing them can enhance your playing incomparably. With sections for chords built from every root note, divided into major, minor, dominant, diminished and augmented, this book is not comprehensive but is as close to that as you can get. The infinite different ways of voicing each chord are condensed into the most popular and musically interesting, so you'll be able to use The Jazz Piano Chord Book  to help you improvise with other musicians in an inventive way, or just to comp with other players competently.  The Jazz Piano Chord Book  is compatible with all jazz chord symbol notation, so you'll be able to use it to find any chord that you might need to play with ease. With its compact size and durable design, it will slip easily into any case, crucially allowing you to take it with you wherever you go, so you'll never be caught short without that chord again! For a complete and authoritative reference guide to injecting some vitality and beauty into your Piano playing, you should never be going anywhere without The Jazz Piano Chord Book , an essential list of chords for any aspiring pianist, whatever your ability.


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