Guitar Soloing
Szkoła gry na gitarze elektrycznej autorstwa Daniela Gilberta i Betha Marlisa. Znajdują się tu zarówno problemy techniczne, skale, modulacje, arpeggio, a także nauka gry takich stylów muzycznych, jak: rock, blues, jazz i innych. Dodatkowo do książki dołączona jest płyta CD z 30 ścieżkami demonstracyjnymi coverów.
A comprehensive source for mastering the art of single note, melodic improvisation. The CD includes over 30 tracks for demonstration and play-along. The topics covered include: scales, modes, arpeggios, technique and visualization exercises; rock, blues, jazz, and other styles; and sequences, phrases, and licks.
Spis treści:
Practice Tips
Chapter 1
Getting Started
Major Scales and Sequencing
Major Scales and Arpeggios
The Major Pentatonic Scale
Major Pentatonic Scales and Bends
The Minor Scales
Minor Scale Arpeggios
The Minor Pentatonic Scale
Minor Pentatonic Phrases
Three Note - Per - String Major Scales
Economy Picking and Three - Note - Per - String Minor Scales
Major Arpeggios
Minor Arpeggios and Sweep Picking
Connecting All Patterns
Three Octave Scales
Chromaticism and Passing Tones
Key Center Playing
The Blues
Blues Variations
Minor Blues
The Dorian Scale
Dorian Phrases and Variations
The Mixolydian Scale
Mixolydian Phrases
Major Seventh Arpeggios
Minor Seventh Arpeggios
Dominant Seventh Arpeggios
Minor Seven Flat Five Arpeggios
Mixing Major Scales and Arpeggios
Mixing Minor Scales and Arpeggios
The Harmonic Minor Scale
Minor Key Center Playing
More Minor Key Center Playing
Improvising over Chord Progressions
Improvising over a Song