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cena 167,95 zł. | King B.B. B.B. King - The Definitive Collection
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cena 146,95 zł. | King B.B. A Step-by-Step Breakdown of the Styles, Sounds, and Techniques of the King of the Blues A Step-by-Step Breakdown of the Styles, Sounds, and Techniques of the King of the Blues
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cena 152,95 zł. | Harper Ben Both Sides Of The Gun Both Sides Of The Gun
Publikacja zawiera w sobie 18 piosenek Bena Harpera - piosenkarza i kompozytora z Kalifornii tworzącego w stylach funk, blues, folk. Zagraj takie utwory, jak: "Morning Yearning", "Picture Me in a Frame", "Sweet Nothing Serenade" (Instrumental), "Happy Everafter In Your Eyes", "Please Don't Talk About Murder While I'm Eating", "The Way You Found Me", i wiele innych. Lista utworów: |
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