The Bill Evans Guitar Book
Czternaście utworów Billy'ego Evansa w aranżacji na gitarę. Każdy utwór poprzedzony jest krótkim wstępem zawierającym uwagi wykonawcze. Na dołączonej płycie CD znaleźć można wzorcowe wykonania.
In this book/CD pack, Musicians Institute instructor Sid Jacobs, who organized the school's Jazz Guitar elective, translates the playing of quintessential jazz pianist Bill Evans for guitarists to enjoy. Includes music, instruction and analysis of 14 Evans' pieces, all in their original keys and with full demonstration tracks on the accompaniment CD. Songs include: Funkallero • Laurie • Letter to Evan • My Bells • Orbit • Peace Piece • Peri's Scope • Remembering the Rain • A Simple Matter of Conviction • Time Remembered • Turn Out the Stars • The Two Lonely People • Very Early • Waltz for Debby. Sid's marvelous transcriptions of Bill Evans' tunes for solo guitar have just raised the guitar to a new level. This is contemporary guitar at its harmonic best. - Joe Diorio
Lista utworów:
A Simple Matter Of Conviction (Bill Evans)
Funkallero (Bill Evans)
Laurie (Bill Evans)
Letter To Evan (Bill Evans)
My Bells (Bill Evans)
Orbit (Bill Evans)
Peace Piece (Bill Evans)
Peri's Scope (Bill Evans)
Remembering The Rain (Bill Evans)
The Two Lonely People (Bill Evans)
Time Remembered (Bill Evans)
Turn Out The Stars (Bill Evans)
Very Early (Bill Evans)
Waltz For Debby (Bill Evans)