cena 95,95 zł.
Jazz Tenor Sax CD, Level 4
Jazz. Saksofon tenorowy, płyta CD z akompaniamentami, stopień 4
Jazz Tenor Sax CD, Level 4
Płyta CD będąca suplementem serii The AB Real Book. Na płycie przeznaczonej dla saksofonistów (saksofon tenorowy), znajduje się 15 utworów, które można znaleźć też w publikacjach nutowych (wersja pełna i akompaniament), a także testy, etiudy i skale. Pozycja jest doskonała do nauki improwizacji.
This CD is one of several supporting The AB Real Book. It contains 15 Real Book tunes for jazz tenor sax level/grade 4 with full performance tracks as well as minus-one backing tracks. The tunes have been carefully moderated and contain designated sections for improvised solos. The CD encourages playing by ear and, as a backing track, is excellent for developing your improvisation.
Lista utworów: Mr P. C. (Coltrane John) Nostalgia in Times Square (Mingus Charles) Red Top (Kynard Ben) The Sidewinder (Morgan Lee) Winin' Boy Blues (Morton Jelly Roll) A Night in Tunisia (Gillespie Dizzy) Broadway (Bird Bill) Corner Pocket (Green Freddie) In a Mellow Tone (Ellington Duke) Jive Hoot (Brookmeyer Bob) Melody for Candy (Smith Malcolm Earle) The Mountain (Ibrahim Abdullah) The Wedding (Ibrahim Abdullah) The Window (Kuermayr Gunther) Vignette (Peacock Gary) Test A, No. 2 Test B, No. 3 Quick Studie No. 4 by ear Quick Studie No. 4 at sight Dorian on F, to a twelfth straight 8s Mixolydian on B, 2 octaves swing Minor pentatonic on F# to a twelfth straight 8s Blues scale on C, 1 octave swing Chromatic scale on D, 2 octaves straight 8s B minor arpeggio, 2 octaves swing F minor arpeggio, to a twelfth swing D9 arpeggio, to a ninth straight 8s