Vince Guaraldi

Publikacja zawiera 10 utworów jazzowych w aranżacji na szereg instrumentów np. saksofon, trąbka, klarnet, obój, gitara, fagot. Dodatkowo do książki dołączona jest płyta CD, na której nagrany jest stereofoniczny akompaniament (bez melodii), oraz ścieżki z wersjami demonstracyjnymi każdego utworu.
For use with all Bb, Eb, and C instruments, the JAZZ PLAY ALONG SERIES is the ultimate learning tool for all jazz musicians. With musician-friendly lead sheets, melody cues, and other split-track choices on the included CD, this first-of-its-kind package makes learning to play jazz easier than ever before. FOR STUDY, each tune includes a split track with: • Melody cue with proper style and inflection • Professional rhythm tracks • Choruses for soloing • Removable bass part • Removable piano part. FOR PERFORMANCE, each tune also has: • An additional full stereo accompaniment track (no melody) • Additional choruses for soloing. INCLUDES: Blue Charlie Brown •Christmas Time Is Here • Frieda (With the Naturally Curly Hair) • The Great Pumpkin Waltz • Happiness Theme • Linus and Lucy • Oh, Good Grief •The Pebble Beach Theme • Skating • Surfin' Snoopy.
Lista utworów:
Blue Charlie Brown (Vince Guaraldi)
Christmas Time Is Here (Vince Guaraldi)
Frieda (With The Naturally Curly Hair) (Vince Guaraldi)
Happiness Theme (Vince Guaraldi)
Linus And Lucy (Vince Guaraldi)
Oh, Good Grief (Vince Guaraldi)
Skating (Mendelson, Vince Guaraldi, Vince Guaraldi (arr.))
Surfin' Snoopy (Vince Guaraldi)
The Great Pumpkin Waltz (Vince Guaraldi)
The Pebble Beach Theme (Vince Guaraldi)