God Bless America and Other Patriotic Favorites for Trombone
Zbiór 28 amerykańskich pieśni patriotycznych w opracowaniu na puzon solo. Pierwsze wydanie tego zbioru przez Irving Berlin pochodzi z 1938 roku. Po ataku z 11 września pozycja ta została ponownie wydana, w opracowaniu na szereg instrumentów melodycznych. Publikacja, oprócz tytułowego utworu The God Bless America, zawiera między innymi: Battle Hymn of the republice, The Liberty Bell, hymn narodowy Stanów Zjednoczonych i wiele innych.
"GOD BLESS AMERICA" by Irving Berlin was first published in 1938. Almost as soon as the song began generating revenue, Mr. Berlin established The God Bless America Fund to benefit American youth. The trustees of The God Bless America Fund are working with the two councils to ensure that funding is allocated for New York City children affected by the tragic events of September 11, 2001.
Lista utworów:
America, The Beautiful (Samuel A. Ward)
Anchors Aweigh (Captain Alfred H. Miles, U.S.N, Charles A. Zimmerman, Charles Zimmerman)
Battle Hymn Of The Republic (William Steffe)
Columbia, The Gem Of The Ocean (The Red, White And Blue) (David T. Shaw)
Eternal Father, Strong To Save (John Bacchus Dykes)
God Bless America (Celine Dion)
Hail To The Chief (James Sanderson)
Marine's Hymn (Jacques Offenbach)
My Country, 'Tis Of Thee (America) (Thesaurus Musicus)
National Emblem (E.E. Bagley)
Over There (George M. Cohan)
Semper Fidelis (John Philip Sousa)
Semper Paratus
Stars and Stripes Forever (John Philip Sousa)
The Battle Cry Of Freedom (George Frederick Root)
The Caissons Go Rolling Along (Edmund L. Gruber)
The Liberty Bell (John Philip Sousa)
The Star Spangled Banner (Boston, The Mormon Tabernacle Choir)
The Thunderer (John Philip Sousa)
The U.S. Air Force (Robert Crawford)
This Is A Great Country (Irving Berlin)
This Is My Country (Al Jacobs)
This Is The Army, Mr. Jones (Irving Berlin)
This Land Is Your Land (New Christy Minstrels, Woody & Arlo Guthrie)
Washington Post March (John Philip Sousa)
Yankee Doodle (John Higgins (arr.), Traditional)
Yankee Doodle Boy (Bruce Gowers, Carol Rosenstein, George M. Cohan, Michael Lloyd)
You're A Grand Old Flag (George Cohan)