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You Are Beautiful

Dostępne opracowania:

linia melodyczna (klucz wiolinowy) + akordy + teksty (6)
linia melodyczna (klucz wiolinowy) + akordy + teksty + diagramy chwytów gitarowych (2)
więcej opracowań ...

You Are Beautiful znajdziesz w 8 publikacjach wymienionych poniżej:

Okładka: , The Easy Hymn Fake Book

cena 128,95 zł.


The Easy Hymn Fake Book

angielski The Easy Hymn Fake Book

Ilość stron:160
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:linia melodyczna (klucz wiolinowy) + akordy + teksty
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Głos wokalny (1) lub Keyboard lub Gitara lub Skrzypce lub Flet lub Obój lub Mandolina
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:tytułów utworów: angielska
słów utworów: angielska
UWAGA: korzystanie z publikacji nie wymaga znajomości języka obcego, ponieważ publikacja nie zawiera opisów
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

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Kod produktu:NPL065071

"The Ultimate Fake Book" to obszerna publikacja zawierająca ponad 1200 utworów przeznaczonych na dowolny instrument C. Są to piosenki różnych stylów muzycznych, m. in. standardy jazzowe, pop, country i nie tylko. Wśród tytułów znajdziesz m. in.: "Amazing Grace", "Battle Hymn of the Republic", "Be Thou My Vision", "Blessed Assurance", "The Church's One Foundation", "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing", "Count Your Blessings", "Faith of Our Fathers", "God of Our Fathers", "Higher Ground", "How Firm a Foundation", "I Love to Tell the Story", "I Surrender All", "In the Garden", "Jesus Paid It All", "Onward, Christian Soldiers", "Rock of Ages" i wiele innych.

Perfect for players new to faking, the latest title in our popular beginner series of fake books features all songs in the key of C with large notation and simplified harmonies and melodies. This collection gathers more than 150 of the most beloved hymns of all time, and includes multiple verses. Songs: Abide with Me • All Glory, Laud and Honor • All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name • Amazing Grace • Battle Hymn of the Republic • Be Thou My Vision • Blessed Assurance • The Church's One Foundation • Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing • Count Your Blessings • Faith of Our Fathers • God of Our Fathers • Higher Ground • How Firm a Foundation • I Love to Tell the Story • I Surrender All • In the Garden • Jesus Paid It All • Just as I Am • A Mighty Fortress Is Our God • Nearer, My God, to Thee • The Old Rugged Cross • Onward, Christian Soldiers • Rock of Ages • Sweet Hour of Prayer • This Is My Father's World • We Gather Together • and more!

Lista utworów:
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Celebrant Singers)
Abide With Me (William H. Monk)
Alas, And Did My Savior Bleed (Hugh Wilson)
All Creatures Of Our God And King (Shawn McDonald and Bethany Dillon)
All Glory, Laud And Honor (Melchior Teschner, William Henry Monk)
All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name (James Ellor)
All The Way My Savior Leads Me (Robert Lowry)
All Things Bright And Beautiful (17th Century English Melody, Martin Shaw (arr.), Stephen Sondheim)
Amazing Grace (Charlotte Church, Elvis Presley, Steve Vai, Tramaine Hawkins)
And Can It Be That I Should Gain (Thomas Campbell)
Ask Ye What Great Thing I Know (H.A. Cesar Malan)
Battle Hymn Of The Republic (William Steffe)
Be Thou My Vision (Rebecca St. James, The Martins)
Beautiful Savior (Silesian Folk Tune)
Beneath The Cross Of Jesus (Frederick Charles Maker)
Blessed Assurance (Phoebe Palmer Knapp)
Blest Be The Tie That Binds (Johann G. Nageli, Lowell Mason)
Break Thou The Bread Of Life (William Fiske Sherwin)
Breathe On Me, Breath Of God (Robert Jackson)
Bringing In The Sheaves (George A. Minor)
Christ Arose (Low In The Grave He Lay) (Robert Lowry)
Christ The Lord Is Risen Today (Keith Christopher, Robert Williams)
Come, Christians, Join To Sing (Traditional)
Come, Thou Almighty King (Felice de Giardini, G.F. Handel, Hal Hopson)
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing (The Sacred Harp)
Come, Ye Faithful, Raise The Strain (Johann Horn)
Come, Ye Thankful People, Come (George Job Elvey)
Count Your Blessings (Brian Mark Willett, Buddy Mullins, Edwin O. Excell, Paul Lancaster)
Crown Him With Many Crowns (Michael W. Smith)
Day Is Dying In The West (William F. Sherwin)
Dear Lord And Father Of Mankind (Frederick Charles Maker)
Eternal Father, Strong To Save (John Bacchus Dykes)
Fairest Lord Jesus (Christopher Parkening, Natalie Grant)
Faith Is The Victory (Ira D. Sankey)
Faith Of Our Fathers (Henri F. Hemy, James G. Walton)
For All The Blessings Of The Year (Robert N. Quaile)
For All The Saints (R. Vaughan Williams)
For The Beauty Of The Earth (Doug Andrews, Philip Stopford)
God Of Our Fathers (George William Warren, Phil Driscoll)
Grace Greater Than Our Sin (Daniel B. Towner, Julia H. Johnston)
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah (John Hughes, Thomas Hastings)
Hallelujah, What A Savior! (Philip P. Bliss)
Have Thine Own Way, Lord (George C. Stebbins)
He Leadeth Me (William B. Bradbury)
Heavenly Sunlight (George Harrison Cook)
Here At Thy Table, Lord (William F. Sherwin)
Higher Ground (John Denver, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Stevie Wonder)
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (Katholisches Gesangbuch)
Holy, Holy, Holy (Donnie McClurkin, Keith Green, Steven Curtis Chapman)
How Firm a Foundation (John F. Wade)
I Am Resolved (James H. Fillmore)
I Am Thine, O Lord (Donnie McClurkin)
I Have Decided To Follow Jesus (Auila Read, Folk Melody From India)
I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord (Aaron Williams, The Universal Psalmodist)
I Love To Tell The Story (Andy Griffith)
I Must Tell Jesus (Elisha A. Hoffman)
I Need Thee Every Hour (Jars Of Clay)
I Sing The Mighty Power Of God (The Hoppers)
I Surrender All (Clay Crosse)
I Will Sing The Wondrous Story (Peter P. Bilhorn)
Immortal, Invisible (John Robert's Canaidau y Cysse, Traditional Welsh Melody)
In Christ There Is No East Or West (African-American Melody)
In The Cross Of Christ I Glory (Ithamar Conkey)
In The Garden (Michael Card)
In The Hour Of Trial (Spencer Lane)
It Is Well With My Soul (Philip P. Bliss)
Jesus Calls Us O'er The Tumult (William H. Jude)
Jesus Is All The World To Me (Will L. Thompson)
Jesus Is Tenderly Calling (George C. Stebbins)
Jesus Paid It All (John T. Grape)
Jesus Saves! (William J. Kirkpatrick)
Jesus Shall Reign (Where'er The Sun) (John Hatton)
Jesus, The Very Thought Of Thee (John Bacchus Dykes)
Jesus, Thou Joy Of Loving Hearts (Henry Baker)
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (Edward Hodges, Ludwig van Beethoven)
Just As I Am (Johnny Cash, Nichole Nordeman, Ricky Van Shelton, Stanley Turrentine)
Lead On, O King Eternal (Evan's Hymnau a Thonau, Welsh Folk Melody)
Leaning On The Everlasting Arms (The Martins)
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (17th Century French Carol)
Let Us Break Bread Together (Myers) (Traditional Spiritual)
Living For Jesus (C. Harold Lowden, Charles F. Weigle)
Lord, I'm Coming Home (William J. Kirkpatrick)
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Rowland Hugh Prichard)
Love Lifted Me (Howard E. Smith, James Rowe, Kenny Rogers)
More About Jesus (John R. Sweney)
More Love To Thee (O Christ) (William H. Doane)
Must Jesus Bear The Cross Alone (Donna Butler, George N. Allen, Traditional Welsh Hymn)
My Faith Has Found A Resting Place (Andre Gretry, William J. Kirkpatricl)
My Faith Looks Up To Thee (Lowell Mason)
My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less (John B. Dykes)
My Jesus, I Love Thee (The Martins)
Near The Cross (William H. Doane)
Near To The Heart Of God (Cleland B. McAfee)
Nearer, My God, To Thee (Lowell Mason)
No, Not One! (George C. Hugg)
Nothing But The Blood (Robert Lowry)
Now Thank We All Our God (Ahasverus Fritsch, Johann Cruger, Johann Sebastian Bach)
O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing (Carl G. Glaser, Lowell Mason)
O God, Our Help In Ages Past (William Croft)
O Jesus, I Have Promised (Arthur H. Mann, Finnish Folk Melody)
O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go (Albert Lister Peace)
O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee (H. Percy Smith)
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded (Hans Leo Hassler, Ralph Manuel)
O Worship The King (Johann Michael Haydn)
Oh, How I Love Jesus (O How I Love Jesus) (Traditional American Melody)
On Jordan's Stormy Banks (Rigdon M. McIntosh, Traditional American Melody)
Once To Every Man And Nation (Thomas J. Williams)
Only Trust Him (John H. Stockton)
Onward, Christian Soldiers (Arthur S. Sullivan)
Open My Eyes, That I May See (Clara H. Scott)
Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior (William H. Doane)
Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow (Louis Bourgeois)
Praise Him! Praise Him! (Chester G. Allen)
Praise The Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him (Benjamin Harlan (arr.), Franz Joseph Haydn, Rowland Hugh Prichard)
Praise To The Lord, The Almighty (Erneuerten Gesangbuch)
Redeemed (The Martins)
Rejoice, The Lord Is King (William E. Fischer)
Rejoice, Ye Pure In Heart (Arthur Henry Messiter)
Rescue The Perishing (William H. Doane)
Revive Us Again (John J. Husband)
Rock Of Ages (David Crowder and Marty Stuart, Def Leppard)
Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us (European Magazine And London, Sicilian Melody, Traditional)
Sing To The Lord Of Harvest (Himmlische Harpffe Davids, J. Steurlein)
Softly And Tenderly (Johnny Cash)
Spirit Of God, Descend Upon My Heart (Frederick Cook Atkinson)
Stand Up And Bless The Lord (Genevan Psalter, William Crotch)
Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus (Adam Geibel)
Standing On The Promises (The Martins)
Sweet Hour Of Prayer (William B. Bradbury)
Take My Life And Let It Be (Henry A. Cesar Malan, William H. Jude)
Take The Name Of Jesus With You (William H. Doane)
Take Time To Be Holy (Irish Folk Melody)
Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord (B. Mansell Ramsey)
Tell Me The Story Of Jesus (John R. Sweney)
The Church's One Foundation (Samuel Sebastian Wesley)
The Old Rugged Cross (Rev. George Bennard)
There Is A Fountain (Lowell Mason, Traditional American Melody, W. Horsley)
There Shall Be Showers Of Blessing (James McGranahan)
This Is My Father's World (Franklin L. Sheppard)
'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus (William J. Kirkpatrick)
To God Be The Glory (William H. Doane)
Trust And Obey (Bishop T.D. Jakes)
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (Newsboys, Third Day)
We Gather Together (Edward Kremser, Netherlands Folk Hymn)
Were You There? (Smokie Norful)
What A Friend We Have In Jesus (Charles C. Converse)
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross (Edward Miller, Psalmody In Miniature)
When Morning Gilds The Skies (Joseph Barnby)
Whiter Than Snow (William G. Fischer)
Wonderful Words Of Life (Philip P. Bliss)
Wondrous Love (Betty Bertaux (arr.), Early American Hymn, Southern American Folk Hymn, Susan Naylor Callaway)
Work, For The Night Is Coming (Lowell Mason)

Okładka: , The Easy Worship Fake Book

cena 128,95 zł.


The Easy Worship Fake Book

polski Notatnik z łatwymi pieśniami uwielbienia
angielski The Easy Worship Fake Book

Ilość stron:158
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:linia melodyczna (klucz wiolinowy) + akordy + teksty
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Flet (1) lub Obój lub Klarnet B lub Trąbka B lub Róg F lub Skrzypce lub Fortepian lub Keyboard
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:tytułów utworów: angielska
słów utworów: angielska
UWAGA: korzystanie z publikacji nie wymaga znajomości języka obcego, ponieważ publikacja nie zawiera opisów
Stopień trudności:1 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

Zajrzyj do środka. Oto kilka stron z publikacji:

Kliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyć

Kod produktu:NPL065221

"The Easy Fake Book" to obszerna publikacja zawierająca ponad 100 utworów zapisanych w kluczu wiolinowym. Wśród tytułów znajdziesz m. in.: "Awesome God", "Blessed Be Your Name", "Breathe", "Come, Now Is the Time to Worship", "Days of Elijah", "Forever", "He Is Exalted", "The Heart of Worship", "Here I Am to Worship", "I Could Sing of Your Love Forever", "I Give You My Heart", "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High", "Open the Eyes of My Heart", "Shout to the Lord", "Step by Step", "We Bow Down" i wiele innych.

A beginning fake book for players new to faking. Includes over 100 songs, all in the key of C with chords that have been simplified, but remain true to each tune. Also features easy-to-read, large music notation. Songs include: Above All • Awesome God • Blessed Be Your Name • Breathe • Come, Now Is the Time to Worship • Days of Elijah • Forever • He Is Exalted • The Heart of Worship • Here I Am to Worship • I Could Sing of Your Love Forever • I Give You My Heart • Lord, I Lift Your Name on High • Open the Eyes of My Heart • Shout to the Lord • Step by Step • We Bow Down • You Are My All in All • You Are My King (Amazing Love) • You're Worthy of My Praise • and more.

Lista utworów:
Above All (Rebecca St. James)
Agnus Dei (Cristobal de Morales, Franz Joseph Haydn, Georges Bizet, Hans Leo Hassler, Hymn Tune Nettleton, Jim Scott, Jonathan Wey, Kirke Mechem, Michael W. Smith, Paul Winter, Robert Ray)
All Hail King Jesus (Dave Moody)
Ancient Of Days (Petra)
As The Deer (Martin Nystrom)
Awesome God (Rich Mullins)
Awesome In This Place (David Billington)
Be Unto Your Name (Gary Sadler, Lynn DeShazo)
Better Is One Day (Matt Redman, Passion)
Blessed Be The Lord God Almighty (Bob Fitts)
Blessed Be Your Name (Matt Redman, Tree63)
Breathe (Christy Nockels, Faith Hill, Jeremy Camp, Melissa Etheridge, Newsboys, Pink Floyd)
Celebrate Jesus (Don Moen)
Change My Heart Oh God (Eddie Espinosa)
Come Into His Presence (Lynn Baird)
Come Let Us Worship And Bow Down (Dave Doherty)
Come, Now Is The Time To Worship (Brian Doerksen, Noel Richards)
Create In Me A Clean Heart (Donnie McClurkin, Keith Green)
Cry Of My Heart (Terry Butler)
Days Of Elijah (Robin Mark)
Draw Me Close (Katinas)
Eagle's Wings (Katinas)
Every Move I Make (Passion)
Firm Foundation (Jamie Harvill, Nancy Gordon)
Forever (Chicago, Chris Tomlin, Kenny Loggins, Kiss, Mariah Carey, Papa Roach, Sarah Kelly, The Crabb Family)
Give Thanks (Cori Connors, Henry Smith)
Glorify Thy Name (Donna Adkins)
God Of Wonders (Rebecca St. James, Third Day)
God Will Make A Way (Janet Paschal)
Great Is The Lord (Michael W. Smith, Starfield)
Hallelujah (Your Love Is Amazing) (Phillips, Craig & Dean)
He Has Made Me Glad (Leona Von Brethorst)
He Is Exalted (Twila Paris)
He Knows My Name (Tommy Walker)
Hear Our Praises (Reuben Morgan)
Here I Am To Worship (Phillips, Craig & Dean, Tim Hughes)
Holiness (SonicFlood)
Holy Spirit Rain Down (Russell Fragar)
How Majestic Is Your Name (Michael W. Smith, Sandi Patty)
Hungry (Falling On My Knees) (Kathryn Scott)
I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever (Delirious?, Passion)
I Exalt Thee (Pete Sanchez, Jr.)
I Give You My Heart (Jeff Deyo)
I Love You Lord (Katinas)
I Sing Praises (Terry MacAlmon)
I Stand In Awe (Jachin Mullen, Mark Altrogge)
I Want To Know You (SonicFlood)
I Will Call Upon The Lord (Michael O'Shields)
I Worship You, Almighty God (Sondra Corbett-Wood)
In Christ Alone (Margaret Becker, Newsboys)
In His Presence (Dick Tunney, Melodie Tunney)
It Is You (Newsboys)
Jesus, Lover Of My Soul (Passion)
Jesus, Name Above All Names (Naida Hearn)
Knowing You (All I Once Held Dear) (Graham Kendrick)
Lamb Of God (Rebecca St. James, Twila Paris)
Lord, Be Glorified (Bob Kilpatrick)
Lord, I Lift Your Name On High (Rick Founds)
Lord, Reign In Me (Brenton Brown, Winds Of Worship 12)
Majesty (Tom Harrell)
Mighty Is Our God (Don Moen, Eugene Greco, Gerrit Gustafson)
More Love, More Power (Jude Del Hierro)
More Precious Than Silver (Lynn DeShazo)
My Life Is In You, Lord (Daniel Gardner)
My Redeemer Lives (Reuben Morgan)
My Tribute (Andrae Crouch)
Oh Lord, You're Beautiful (Keith Green, Rebecca St. James)
Once Again (Matt Redman)
Open Our Eyes (Steve Green)
Open The Eyes Of My Heart (Praise Band, Sonicflood)
Refiner's Fire (Brian Doerksen)
Rise Up And Praise Him (Gary Sadler, Paul Baloche)
Sanctuary (John Thompson, Randy Scruggs)
Seek Ye First (Karen Lafferty)
Shine On Us (Phillips, Craig & Dean)
Shine, Jesus, Shine (Crystal Lewis)
Shout To The Lord (Carman)
Shout To The North (Delirious?)
Song Of Love (Rebecca St. James)
Spirit Of The Living God (Daniel Iverson, Lowell Alexander)
Step By Step (Eddie Rabbitt, New Kids On The Block, Rich Mullins, Whitney Houston)
That's Why We Praise Him (Tommy Walker)
The Battle Belongs To The Lord (Jamie Owens Collins)
The Heart Of Worship (Matt Redman, Passion)
The Potter's Hand (Darlene Zschech)
The Power Of Your Love (Geoff Bullock)
The Wonderful Cross (Chris Tomlin, Phillips, Craig & Dean)
There Is A Redeemer (Keith Green)
There Is None Like You (Lenny LeBlanc)
This Is The Day (Audrey Snyder, John Purifoy, Les Garrett)
Trading My Sorrows (Darrell Evans)
We Bow Down (Twila Paris)
We Fall Down (Chris Tomlin, Kutless, Passion)
We Will Glorify (Twila Paris)
We Will Worship The Lamb Of Glory (Dennis Jernigan)
Worthy Is The Lamb (Darlene Zschech, Don Wyrtzen, George Frideric Handel, Mark Hayes, Morris Chapman)
Worthy Of Worship (Mark Blankenship)
Worthy, You Are Worthy (Don Moen)
You Are My All In All (Dennis Jernigan)
You Are My King (Amazing Love) (Newsboys, Passion)
You're Worthy Of My Praise (Passion)

Okładka: , God Bless America and Songs of inspiration

cena 63,95 zł.


God Bless America and Songs of inspiration

polski Boże błogosław Ameryce oraz utwory inspirowane amerykańskim hymnem narodowym
angielski God Bless America and Songs of inspiration

Ilość stron:40
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:linia melodyczna (klucz wiolinowy) + akordy + teksty + diagramy chwytów gitarowych
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Gitara (1) lub Keyboard lub Głos wokalny
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:wstępu: angielska
tytułów utworów: angielska
słów utworów: angielska
Stopień trudności:3 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

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Kod produktu:NPL065417

Książka zawiera 25 amerykańskich pieśni patriotycznych oraz amerykański hymn narodowy w opracowaniu na gitarę rytmiczną lub keyboard. Oprócz tradycyjnej notacji opracowanie zawiera funkcie harmoniczne, diagramy chwytów gitarowych oraz teksty opublikowanych pieśni.

This book features 25 patriotic anthems - all in their original keys - selected because they can be played with regular open chords, barre chords, or other moveable chord types. Includes chords, strum patterns, melody and lyrics for: Amazing Grace • America, the Beautiful • Battle Hymn of the Republic • From a Distance • God Bless America • Imagine • The Lord's Prayer • The Star Spangled Banner • Stars and Stripes Forever • This Is a Great Country • This Land Is Your Land • United We Stand • You'll Never Walk Alone • You're a Grand Old Flag • and more.

Lista utworów:
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Celebrant Singers)
Amazing Grace (Charlotte Church, Elvis Presley, Steve Vai, Tramaine Hawkins)
America, The Beautiful (Samuel A. Ward)
Battle Hymn Of The Republic (William Steffe)
Count Your Blessings Instead Of Sheep (Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney, Eddie Fisher)
From A Distance (Bette Midler)
Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor (Irving Berlin)
God Bless America (Celine Dion)
God Bless Our Native Land (Traditional)
God Of Our Fathers (George William Warren, Phil Driscoll)
If I Had A Hammer (The Hammer Song) (Peter, Paul & Mary, Trini Lopez)
Imagine (John Lennon and the Plastic Ono Band)
My Country, 'Tis Of Thee (America) (Thesaurus Musicus)
O God, Our Help In Ages Past (William Croft)
Precious Lord, Take My Hand (Take My Hand, Precious Lord) (Thomas A. Dorsey)
Stars And Stripes Forever (John Philip Sousa)
The Lord's Prayer (Sister Janet Mead)
The Star Spangled Banner (Boston, The Mormon Tabernacle Choir)
This Is A Great Country (Irving Berlin)
This Is My Country (Al Jacobs)
This Land Is Your Land (New Christy Minstrels, Woody & Arlo Guthrie)
United We Stand (Brotherhood Of Man)
We Shall Overcome (Joan Baez, Pete Seeger)
You'll Never Walk Alone (Richard Rodgers)
You're A Grand Old Flag (George Cohan)

Okładka: , New Pop Hits

cena 74,95 zł.


New Pop Hits

polski Nowe hity popowe
angielski New Pop Hits

Ilość stron:48
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:linia melodyczna (klucz wiolinowy) + akordy + teksty
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Instrument melodyczny (klucz wiolinowy) (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:tytułów utworów: angielska
słów utworów: angielska
Stopień trudności:4 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa
AutorzyAutor aranżacji/opracowania: Day Roger

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Kod produktu:NPL074584

Kolekcja 22 hitów muzyki pop w prostych aranżacjach na keyboard (zapis zawiera linię melodyczną, akordy z diagramami i teksty). W publikacji znalazły się przeboje takich wykonawców, jak Shakira, T.A.T.U., Holly Valance czy Coldplay.

Twenty-two of the biggest songs of 2002/3 in easy to play melody line arrangements for electronic keyboard. Ideal for the beginner, each song has chord symbols, lyrics, suggested registration, rhythm and tempo. Easy-to follow keyboard diagrams are grouped together at the start of the song and show all the left-hand chord voicings used.

Lista utworów:
A Little Less Conversation (Presley, Elvis JXL)
Anyone Of Us (Stupid Mistake) (Gates, Gareth)
Beautiful (Aguilera, Christina)
Colourblind (Darius)
Come Into My World (Kylie Minogue)
Got To Have Your Love (Liberty X)
If You're Not The One (Bedingfield, Daniel)
I'm Gonna Getcha Good! (Twain, Shania)
In My Place (Coldplay)
Kiss Kiss (Valance, Holly)
Little By Little (Oasis)
One Love (Blue)
Round Round (Sugababes)
Sacred Trust (One True Voice)
The Cheeky Song (Touch My Bum) (The Cheeky Girls)
The Ketchup Song (Asereje) (Las Ketchup)
The Long And Winding Road (Young, Will Gates, Gareth)
Unbreakable (Westlife)
Underneath Your Clothes (Shakira)
Wherever You Will Go (Calling, The)
The Tide Is High (Atomi Kitten)
All the things she said (T.A.T.U.)

Okładka: Day Roger, Big Chart Hits 2003

cena 103,95 zł.


Day Roger
Big Chart Hits 2003

polski Kolekcja wielkich przebojów 2003 roku
angielski Big Chart Hits 2003

Ilość stron:96
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:linia melodyczna (klucz wiolinowy) + akordy + teksty
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Keyboard (1) lub Instrument melodyczny (klucz wiolinowy) lub Głos wokalny lub Gitara
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:tytułów utworów: angielska
słów utworów: angielska
UWAGA: korzystanie z publikacji nie wymaga znajomości języka obcego, ponieważ publikacja nie zawiera opisów
Stopień trudności:3 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa
AutorzyAutor aranżacji/opracowania: Day Roger
Redaktor: Holliday Lucy

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Kod produktu:NPL074589

Publikacja zawiera aż 46 utworów muzyki rozrywkowej z najwyższych miejsc list przebojów 2003 roku, w łatwej aranżacji. Wśród tytułów znajdziesz m. in.: "Beautiful" (Christina Aguilera), "Come Into my World" (Kylie Minogue), "Here It Comes Again" (Melanie C), "I'm Gonna Getcha Good!" (Shania Twain) i wiele innych. Utwory mogą być także wykonywane wokalnie z towarzyszeniem gitary lub na dowolnym instrumencie melodycznym realizującym zapis w kluczu wiolinowym.

Forty-six Chart hits in easy melody line arrangements for all electronic keyboards. Ideal for the beginner, each song has chord symbols, lyrics, suggested registration, rhythm and tempo. Easy-to-follow keyboard diagrams are grouped together at the start of each piece and show all the left-hand chord voicings used.

Lista utworów:
Ignition (Kelly, R)
All The Things She Said (T.A.T.U.)
Be Mine (Gray, David)
Beautiful (Aguilera, Christina)
Being Nobody (Richard X Vs Liberty X)
Born To Try (Goodrem, Delta)
Clocks (Coldplay)
Come Into My World (Minogue, Kylie)
Come Undone (Williams, Robbie)
Cry Me A River (Timberlake, Justin)
Don't Know Why (Jones, Norah)
Don't Worry (Appleton)
Favourite Things (Big Brovaz)
Feel (Williams, Robbie)
Fighter (Aguilera, Christina)
Forget About Tomorrow (Feeder)
Here It Comes Again (Melanie C)
I Begin To Wonder (Minogue, Dannii)
I Can't Break Down (Quinn, Sinead)
I Can't Read You (Bedingfield, Daniel)
If You're Not The One (Bedingfield, Daniel)
I'm Glad (Lopez, Jennifer)
I'm Gonna Geetcha Good! (Twain, Shania)
I'm With You (Lavigne, Avril)
In My Place (Coldplay)
Little By Little (Oasis)
Love Doesn't Have To Hurt (Atomic Kitten)
Madame Helga (Stereophonics)
Make Luv (Room 5 Featuring Oliver Cheatham)
Misfit (Studt, Amy)
Miss You Nights (Westlife)
Move Your Feet (Junior Senior)
Objection (Tango) (Shakira)
Rise And Fall (Craig, David)
Scandalous (Mis-teeq)
Shape (Sugababes)
Songbird (Oasis)
Spirit In The Sky (Gates, Gareth)
Stole (Rowland, Kelly)
The Cheeky Song (Touch My Burn) (Cheeky Girls, The)
The Long And Winding Road (Gates, Gareth)
The Long Goodbye (Keating, Ronan)
The Tide Is High (Atomic Kitten)
U Make Me Wanna (Blue)
You Said No (Busted)
Tonight (Westlife)

Okładka: Różni, Big Book Of Hits

cena 131,95 zł.


Big Book Of Hits

polski Wielka księga hitów
angielski Big Book Of Hits

Ilość stron:176
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:linia melodyczna (klucz wiolinowy) + akordy + teksty + diagramy chwytów gitarowych
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Gitara (1)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:wstępu: angielska
tytułów utworów: angielska
słów utworów: angielska
Stopień trudności:4 w skali od 0 do 10
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa

Zajrzyj do środka. Oto kilka stron z publikacji:

Kliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyćKliknij, aby powiększyć

Kod produktu:NPL078035

Obszerna kolekcja utworów (zapis linii melodycznej, diagramów chwytów gitarowych oraz bić gitarowych). Wśród nich znajdziesz m. in.: "Barely On The Run" (Paul McCartney & Wings), "Building a Mystery" (Sarah McLachlan), "Have I Told You Lately" (Van Morrison), "La Bamba" (Ritchie Valens) i wiele innych. Utwory posiadają zapis w oryginalnych tonacjach.

Strum along to over 60 all-time classic hit songs, all transcribed in their original keys, with authentic chords, melody line, strum patterns and lyrics. Includes, Blue Suede Shoes, Don't Speak, Love Me Do, Wonderful Tonight and many more.

Lista utworów:
All I Have To Do Is Dream (Everly Brothers, The)
Band On The Run (Wings)
Barely Breathing (Duncan Sheik)
Blue Suede Shoes (Presley, Elvis)
Brown Eyed Girl (Morrison, Van)
Building A Mystery (Mclachlan, Sarah)
Bye Bye Love (Everly Brothers, The)
Can't Buy Me Love (Beatles, The)
Come And Get It (Badfinger)
Daniel (John, Elton)
Do Wah Diddy Diddy (Manfred Mann)
Don't Be Cruel To A Heart That's True (Elvis Presley)
Don't Look Back In Anger (Oasis)
Don't Speak (No Doubt)
Eight Days A Week (Beatles, The)
Free Bird (Lynyrd Skynyrd)
Good Lovin' (Young Rascals, The)
Have I Told You Lately (Morrison, Van)
Hey Jude (Beatles, The)
Hit Me With Your Best Shot (Benatar, Pat)
I Fought The Law (Bobby Fuller Four)
If (Bread)
It's A Heartache (Bonnie Tyler)
Kokomo (The Beach Boys)
La Bamba (Valens, Ritchie)
Lay Down Sally (Clapton, Eric)
Light My Fire (Doors, The)
Lost In Love (Air Supply)
Love Hurts (Nazareth)
Love Me Do (Beatles, The)
Lovefool (Cardigans, The)
Mellow Yellow (Donovan)
Mony,Mony (Tommy James And The Shondells)
No Particular Place To Go (Berry, Chuck)
Peggy Sue (Buddy Guy)
Piece Of My Heart (Joplin, Janis)
Running On Faith (Clapton, Eric)
Save The Last Dance For Me (Drifters, The)
She Don't Know She's Beautiful (Sammy Kershaw)
Signs (Tesla)
Surfin' U.S.A (The Beach Boys)
Take Me Home, Country Roads (Denver, John)
Teach Your Children (Crosby, Stills, Nash And Young)
Tears In Heaven (Clapton, Eric)
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Mbube)
The Rainbow Connection (The Muppet Movie)
Time For Me To Fly (Speedwagon, Reo)
Time In A Bottle (Croce, Jim)
Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad (Meat Loaf)
Two Princes (Spin Doctors)
Under The Boardwalk (Drifters, The)
Walk Right In (The Rooftop Singers)
Wanted Dead Or Alive (Bon Jovi)
Wasted On The Way (Crosby, Stills And Nash)
Wild World (Stevens, Cat)
Wonderful Tonight (Clapton, Eric)
Yesterday (Beatles, The)
You Oughta Know (Morissette, Alanis)
You're Still The One (Twain, Shania)
Zombie (Cranberries, The)

cena 64,95 zł.


Dylan Bob
The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan

angielski The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan

Ilość stron:32
Format:227 x 303
Opracowanie na:linia melodyczna (klucz wiolinowy) + akordy + teksty
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Partytura (1)
Gitara (0)
Keyboard (0)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:wstępu: angielska
tytułów utworów: angielska
słów utworów: angielska
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa
AutorzyWykonawca: Dylan Bob
Kod produktu:NPL084513

The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan – drugi album Boba Dylana, wydany w 1963 roku. Pierwsza dojrzała i autorska płyta artysty, zawierająca poetyckie teksty krytykujące przywary społeczeństwa USA tamtych lat. Na wydawnictwie znalazły się jedne z najsłynniejszych utworów Dylana – „Blowin' in the Wind”, „A Hard Rain,s A - Gonna Fall", "Corrina, Corrina", "I Shall Be Free", "Oxford Town" i inne.

This lovingly-constructed folio, introduced by music journalist Mark Ellen, presents all the songs from Bob Dylan’s hugely important second album, carefully arranged with melody line, full lyrics, Guitar chords and strumming or picking patterns for each song. Alongside the music you will find beautiful imagery and an introduction offering fascinating insight into Dylan’s playing style.

Lista utworów:
A Hard Rain's A-gonna Fall (Dylan Bob)
Blowin' In The Wind (Dylan Bob)
Bob Dylan's Blues (Dylan Bob)
Bob Dylan's Dream (Dylan Bob)
Corrina, Corrina (Dylan Bob)
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (Dylan Bob)
Down The Highway (Dylan Bob)
Girl From The North Country (Dylan Bob)
Honey, Just Allow Me One More Chance (Dylan Bob)
I Shall Be Free (Dylan Bob)
Masters Of War (Dylan Bob)
Oxford Town (Dylan Bob)
Talkin' World War III Blues (Dylan Bob)

cena 64,95 zł.


Dylan Bob
Blood On The Tracks - Bob Dylan

angielski Blood On The Tracks - Bob Dylan

Ilość stron:32
Format:230 x 305
Opracowanie na:linia melodyczna (klucz wiolinowy) + akordy + teksty
Obsada:Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych)
Partytura (1)
Gitara (0)
Keyboard (0)
Rodzaj produktu:nuty drukowane
Wersja językowa:wstępu: angielska
tytułów utworów: angielska
słów utworów: angielska
Dostępnośćw magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa
AutorzyWykonawca: Dylan Bob
Kod produktu:NPL084514

This lovingly-constructed folio, introduced by music journalist and Biographer Patrick Humphries, presents all the songs from Bob Dylan’s landmark album, carefully arranged with melody line, full lyrics, Guitar chords and strumming or picking patterns for each song. Alongside the music you will find beautiful imagery and an introduction offering fascinating insight into Dylan’s playing style.

Lista utworów:
Buckets Of Rain
Idiot Wind
If You See Her, Say Hello
Lily, Rosemary And The Jack Of Hearts
Meet Me In The Morning
Shelter From The Storm
Simple Twist Of Fate
Tangled Up In Blue
You're A Big Girl Now
You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go


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