The Songs of Charles Strouse
Ilość stron: | 224 |
Format: | 230 x 305 |
Opracowanie na: | fortepian solo (i wokal) lub keyboard lub gitara zawiera dodatkowo linię melodyczną, teksty, akordy, diagramy chwytów gitarowych |
Obsada: | Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych) Fortepian (1) lub Głos wokalny lub Gitara lub Keyboard |
Rodzaj produktu: | nuty drukowane |
Wersja językowa: | wstępu: angielska tytułów utworów: angielska słów utworów: angielska |
Stopień trudności: | 4 w skali od 0 do 10 |
Dostępność | w magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa |
Autorzy | Autor wstępu: Bloom Ken |
Zawartość: | Zajrzyj do środka. Oto kilka stron z publikacji:
Kod produktu: | NPL078528 |
Charles Strouse znany jest przede wszystkim z kompozycji filmowych i musicalowych do takich produkcji, jak: "Bye Bye Birdie" (1960), "Applause" (1970) i "Annie" (1977). Niniejsza publikacja zawiera aż 50 utworów z różnych filmów w typowym opracowaniu PVG (Piano / Vocal / Guitar), a wśród nich m. in.: "Married Life" ("Nick and Nora"), "I Don't Need Anything but You" ("Annie"), "When You Smile" ("Annie Warbucks") i wiele innych.
Since the 1950s, Charles Strouse has composed the scores to some of Broadway's most successful and enduring musicals, in addition to several well-known movie scores, concert music and operas. A true crossover artist with strong classical roots, Strouse is a three-time Tony Award winner, honored for his first Broadway classic Bye Bye Birdie (1960), Applause (1970) and Annie (1977). He also won an Emmy Award in 1996 for outstanding individual achievement in music and lyrics. A recipient of the coveted ASCAP Richard Rodgers Award for his achievement in musical theater, Strouse also has been honored by the American Theater Wing and elected to the Theater Hall of Fame. This collection presents 49 of his songs arranged for piano and voice with guitar chord frames. Includes: Applause • Blame It on the Summer Night • Born Too Late • Bye Bye Birdie • Children of the Wind • Follow the Way of the Lord • I Can't Stop Dancin' • I Don't Need Anything but You • It Would Have Been Wonderful • It's the Hard-Knock Life • Kids! • Look on the Bright Side • A Lot of Livin' to Do • Put On a Happy Face • Those Were the Days • Tomorrow • When You Smile • You've Got Possibilities • and more. Also features a fascinating article about Strouse's career, with photos.
Lista utworów:
A Broadway Musical (Strouse Charles)
A Dancin' Man (Strouse Charles)
A Lot Of Livin' To Do (Strouse Charles)
Applause (Strouse Charles)
Baby, You Can Count On Me (Strouse Charles)
Blame It On The Summer Night (Strouse Charles)
Born Too Late (Strouse Charles)
But Alive (Strouse Charles)
Bye Bye Birdie (Strouse Charles)
Children Of The Wind (Strouse Charles)
Da-da, Da-da, Da, Da! (Strouse Charles)
Dance A Little Closer (Strouse Charles)
Follow The Way Of The Lord (Strouse Charles)
For A Song To Be Beautiful (Strouse Charles)
I Can't Stop Dancin' (Strouse Charles)
I Don't Need Anything But You (Strouse Charles)
I Never Want To See You Again (Strouse Charles)
I Want To Be With You (Strouse CharlesStrouse Charles)
It Would Have Been Wonderful (Strouse Charles)
It's The Hard-knock Life (Strouse Charles)
It's Time For You (Strouse Charles)
Kids! (Strouse Charles)
Let's Make Music Together (Strouse Charles)
Let's Settle Down (Strouse Charles)
Look On The Bright Side (Strouse Charles)
Look Who's Alone Now (Strouse Charles)
Lorna's Here (Strouse Charles)
Love (Strouse Charles)
Married Life (Strouse Charles)
Maybe (Strouse Charles)
My Star (Strouse Charles)
N.Y.C. (Strouse Charles)
No Man Is Worth It (Strouse Charles)
Once Upon A Time (Strouse Charles)
One Boy (Girl) (Strouse Charles)
Pals (Strouse Charles)
Put On A Happy Face (Strouse Charles)
Saturday Night Girl (Strouse Charles)
Smashing, New York Times (Strouse Charles)
There's Always One You Can't Forget (Strouse Charles)
There's Never Been Anything Like Us (Strouse Charles)
This Is The Life (Strouse Charles)
Those Were The Days (Strouse Charles)
Tomorrow (Strouse Charles)
Wanting (Strouse Charles)
What Am I Gonna Do Without You? (Strouse Charles)
Whatever Time There Is (Strouse Charles)
When You Smile (Strouse Charles)
You've Got Possibilities (Strouse Charles)
Night Song (Strouse Charles)