Ultimate Classical Collection - 73 Selections from the world's greatest music
Kolekcja utworów fortepianowych największych mistrzów muzyki klasycznej, barokowej, romantycznej i impresjonistycznej. Książka zawiera m .in.: "Seguidilla from Carmen" (Bizet), "Lullaby" (Brahms), "Clair De Lune" (Debussy), "The Swan" (Saint-Saëns), "Ave Maria" (Schubert), "Swan Lake" (Tchaikovsky) i wiele innych pozycji.
Delightful piano solo arrangements of beloved classical pieces, including: Air on the G String (Bach) • FŘr Elise (Beethoven) • Seguidilla from Carmen (Bizet) • Lullaby (Brahms) • Clair De Lune (Debussy) • The Swan (Saint-SaŰns) • Ave Maria (Schubert) • Swan Lake (Tchaikovsky) • dozens more.
Lista utworów:
Air ('On the G String') from Suite No. 3 (Bach J. S.)
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (Bach J. S.)
Sarabande from French Suite No. 3 (Bach J. S.)
Fur Elise (Beethoven)
Sonatina in F Major (Beethoven)
Sonatina in G Major (Beethoven)
Symphony No. 5, 1st Movement Excerpt op. 67 (Beethoven)
Symphony No. 6 'Pastoral' 1st Movement Excerpt op. 68 (Beethoven)
Symphony No. 7, 1st Movement Excerpt op. 92 (Beethoven)
Wellington's Victory (Themes) (Beethoven)
Habanera (from CARMEN) (Bizet)
Seguidilla (Bizet)
Lullaby (Wiegenlied) (Brahms)
Symphony No. 1, Fourth Movement Excerpt op. 68 (Brahms)
Symphony No. 2, 1st Movement Excerpt op. 73 nr 1 (Brahms)
Mazurka in F Major op. 68 nr 3 (Chopin)
Mazurka in G Minor op. 67 nr 2 (Chopin)
Nocturne in C-sharp Minor, Op. Posthumous (1830) (Chopin)
Prelude in E Minor op. 28 nr 4 (Chopin)
Waltz in B Minor op. 69 nr 2 (Chopin)
Clair de Lune (Debussy)
The Girl With The Flaxen Hair (Debussy)
Humoresque op. 101 nr 7 (Dvorak)
Symphony No. 9 ('From the New World'), op. 95 nr 4 (Dvorak)
Spinning Song (Ellmenreich)
M'appari, Tutt'amor FROM MARTHA (Flotow)
Album Leaf (Grieg)
Elves' Dance (Grieg)
Waltz (Grieg)
Air from Water Music (Handel)
Allegro from Water Music (Handel)
The trumpet shall sound from MESSIAH (Handel)
Symphony No. 101 ('The Clock') 3rd Movement Excerpt (Haydn)
To a Wild Rose from WOODLAND SKETCHES (MacDowell)
Symphony No. 5 in C-sharp Minor, Fourth Movement Excerpt (Mahler)
Consolation op. 30 nr 3 (Mendelssohn)
Venetian Boating Song No. 2 (Mendelssohn)
Moment Musicale in F Minor, D. 780 No. 5 (Schubert)
Funeral March for Maestro Counterpoint KV 453a (Mozart)
Symphony No. 38 ('Prague') KV 504 nr 1 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 40 KV 550 nr 3 (Mozart)
Symphony No. 41 ('Jupiter KV 551 nr 3 (Mozart)
Serenade no. 10 For Winds (Mozart)
Can Can from ORPHEUS IN THE UNDERWORLD (Offenbach)
Piano Concerto No. 2, 1st Movement Excerpt (Rachmianinoff)
Sadko (Song of India) (Rimsky - Korsakov)
The Swan from CARNIVAL OF THE ANIMALS (Sain - Saens)
Ave Maria (Schubert)
Waltz in A-flat Major op. 9 nr 12 (Schubert)
Waltz in F Minor op. 33 nr 14 (Schubert)
Waltz in G (Schubert)
Of Strange Lands and People (from Kinderszenen) (Schumann)
The Happy Farmer Returning from Work (from Album for the Young) (Schumann)
Traumerei (Schumann)
Wild Horseman, The (from Album for the Young) (Schumann)
By the Beautiful Blue Danube, Themes (Strauss J.)
Emperor Waltz op. 37 (Strauss J.)
Vienna Life (Strauss J.)
Symphony no. 6 'Pathetique', First Movement Theme (Czajkowski)
Arabian Dance op. 71 (Czajkowski)
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fair op. 71 (Czajkowski)
Romeo And Juliet (Love Theme) (Czajkowski)
Swan Lake, Principal Theme (Czajkowski)
Waltz of the Flowers op. 71 (Czajkowski)
Lacrymosa (from Reqiuem) (Verdi)
Libiamo ne' lieti calci from LA TRAVIATA (Verdi)
Autumn from THE FOUR SEASONS (Vivaldi)
Spring from The Four Seasons, First Movement Excerpt (Vivaldi)
Bridal Chorus from LOHENGRIN (Wagner)