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cena 162,95 zł. | Bach Johann Christian 3 Original Sonatas for Piano - 4 Hands 3 Sonaty na fortepian - 4 ręce 3 Original Sonatas for Piano - 4 Hands 3 Sonaten für Klavier zu 4 Händen
Johann Christian Bach (1735 - 1782), tzw. Bach "mediolański" lub "londyński" był najmłodszym synem Jana Sebastiana z drugiego małżeństwa z Anną Magdaleną. Zawarte w niniejszej publikacji Sonaty zostały oryginalnie skomponowane na klawesyn - 4 ręce. Sonata C-dur ukazała się ok. 1770 roku, a dwie pozostałe: A-dur i F-dur niedługo później. Inspiracją do skomponowania tych dzieł był prawdopodobnie występ 9 - letniego Mozarta z siostrą Nannerl w Londynie w 1965 roku, który Johann Christian miał okazję wysłuchać. The three four - hand sonatas or "duets" written by Johann Christian bach, the youngest son of Johann Sebastian, while music master of the Queen of England, are among the earliest works of their kind. The sonata in C major, Op. 15 No. 6 appears to have been written in the early 1770's, the others in A major and F major from Op. 18 not much later. However, according to a letter of his father Leopold, the first composer of a four - hand sonata was the nine - year - old Mozart who gave concerts in London in 1765 together with his sister Nannerl and wrote his famous early sonata in C major for this occasion. For this reason, J. Müller - Blattau and others assume correctly that Johann Christian Bach, who often played with "Wolfgangerl", received the inspiration for his four - hand sonatas during Mozart's stay in London. The novelty of these works for the audience in those days is indicated by the title of the Hummel reprint of Op. 15 which appeared soon after the first edition by Welcker. The text reads "La Cinquieme est a quatre mains, et peut etre jouer par deux personners sur le meme Clavecin" (The fifth is written for four hands and can be played by two person on the same clavecin). Lista utworów: |
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