Adult Piano Course, vol. 1
Pierwsza część przeznaczonego dla dorosłych kursu gry na fortepianie Johna W. Schauma. W publikacji tej znalazł się wstęp do gry, obejmujący takie zagadnienia jak rozmieszczenie dźwięków na klawiaturze, wstęp do rytmiki czy harmonii, wszystko na przykładzie prostych utworów.
Book 1 in the John Schaum Adult Piano Course.
Spis treści:
How the fingers are numbered
How the white keys are named
How the music is written
Right hand (C, D, E) - "At sea level"
Left Hand (A, B, C) - "Seize the C's"
Alternating hands - "Say si si"
Four notes up and four notes down - "Alma mater"
Starting on fourth count in 4/4 time - "Upidee"
Introducing 3/4 time - "The lass tih the delicate air"
The phrase mark - "Two bits from symphonies"
Presenting rests - "It ain't gonna rain no more"
Omitting finger numbers - "Li'l Liza Jane"
The tie - "Red river valley"
Natural accents - "The rose of Tralee"
A brief history of piano
Sight reading hints - "When love is kind"
The sharp sign - "Sweet Marie"
F-sharp in the signature - "Nut brown maiden"
The flag sign - "Martha"
B-flat in the signature - "Country gardens"
Accidentals (sharp, flat and natural) - "My sweetheart's the man in the moon"
How to play in rhythm - "Those endearing your charms"
How to use the damper pedal
Pedal your own canoe
Music terms - "In the gloaming"
A unique musical coincidence - "Fifth symphony" - Beethoven
The dotted quarter note in 4/4 time - "None but the lonely heart"
Bringing out the melody - "Drink to me only with thine eyes"
Minor mood - "The cruel landlord"
The Metronome - "My heart is in the highlands"
Crescendo and diminuendo - "You tell me your dream"
The dictionary habit - "The lost chord"
The octave higher sign - "Drigo's serenade"
Intervals - "Too-ra-lay"
The pianoforte - "I'll take you home again Kathleen"
Schaum piano quiz
Musical dictionary